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Everything posted by Jesso

  1. Well I suppose being over here in Dublin Ireland restricts the possibilities of any trades probably. My current rig is an eden wt550 and 2 x GS12 cabs.... which I'd trade against your rig with some cash, but it's the kind of thing you'd have to meet up to do really, that's assuming you were interested.
  2. I'd love to see a bass beside the rig for some context so we could get an idea of the actual size.... super looking rig.
  3. Ouch. I'd dearly love to try that rig out. Fancy trades or are you too strapped?
  4. Thanks guys. Here's my band playing a wedding in March. Just finished editing last night.....
  5. Some cool vids here. How does one embed a video though?
  6. Just looking for feedback on this combo. I've got my eye on one at a very decent price. Looks fantastic, but just wondering if anyone has real world experience of gigging one. What's the DI like? How loud is it? It's rear ported..... does it project well? Is it heavy? Does it tend to get muddy being just one 15 inch speaker? Ta!
  7. [quote name='BassBunny' post='1191138' date='Apr 6 2011, 09:55 PM']If you decide you CAN live with a 2x10, I have a TecAmp Puma 210 Combo i'm considering selling. Same head as the 212 and as someone who normally uses 12's and 15's, I was staggered by the sound. They are amazingly loud and the "Taste" control is fantastic, (just like the MarkBass VLE and VLF in one). I have played clubs with it, no PA support and been told to turn down.[/quote] Thanks guys. I've sent you a pm bass bunny. I'll check out the ebs combo I've heard great things. Stingray pete I know what your saying, it makes sense.... But at the moment my wt 550 in it's Flightcase is actually a bit more hefty than you would imagine... So that's 3 heavy(ish) boxes to lift and 2 leads to connect.... If I'm being picky than yeah a combo would save time setting up as well as loading / unloading. The Mesa m6 combo with 2 12s looks tasty but would bankrupt me for ever possibly.
  8. Never tried GK. Might be worth a punt, but always felt they'd be a bit hifi for me.
  9. [quote name='tredders' post='1191030' date='Apr 6 2011, 08:57 PM']I love my Tecamp ([url="http://www.tecamp.de/?id=145"]details here[/url]). 2 x 12, sounds great, plenty loud enough for regular pub gigs, and only 21kg. I think someone was selling one on here recently...[/quote] Ah yes, tecamp. I almost traded an aggie SC500 against one a little while back but it didn't happen. Has that got the puma head in it or something quite similar? What's the going rate do you reckon at the moment for one and how would you compare the sound to eden/aguilar/orange etc? Thanks!
  10. Yo basschatters. In my band, quick set up time is of the essence. I'm thinking a combo would speed me up a bit.... every second counts sometimes! I like the oomph of 2x12 speakers..... I don't think I could live with a 2x10. My 2 GS12 Cabs with an Eden WT550 is a super duper rig, and loud enough for anything at all I could be doing as I can use FOH for bigger gigs. I love the small footprint and light weight individually of the cabs (they're loaded with neos). Is there a good 2x12 combo on the market at the mo? Anyone using anything tasty? It's gotta be reasonably light though. Cheers!
  11. [quote name='paulie' post='1160921' date='Mar 13 2011, 07:55 PM']Jesso Its your mate in Galway, Paulie Here Just to let you know that I was the previous owner of this bass and its a cracker. I bought it from the Gallery in London. Its light, in excellent condition and plays like a dream. Its 100% original except for the hsc which is actually an early 70s case also, just may not have come with the bass. The screw holes on the back were from a name plate which the original shop would have added (quite normal back in the day) I sold it as I just dont get along with precisions, but I've owned a few and this was definately the cream of the crop. If this bass was in a vintage guitar store it would sell for 3k easy. Bargin! Good luck with the sale Paulie[/quote] Hey Paulie hows it going? Good to know some of the recent history of the bass! I must agree with you about it being the cream of the crop.... I haven't come across another precision yet that feels so right in so many ways. I'm a bit sad to let it go, but I'm not gigging it and it's a bit of a luxury to just have it just sitting around as a practice axe! Yeah I reckon it'd easily go for 3K in a guitar shop. Unfortunately, I'm not a guitar shop, hence somebody is going to get this for a lot less than I paid for it!
  12. Thanks for all the nice comments about the bass fellas. Anyone out there fancy becoming it's next custodian?
  13. Don't worry, there was a tea towel under it so the gravel wouldn't do any damage!
  14. [quote name='Clarky' post='1157316' date='Mar 10 2011, 09:55 PM']Maybe some kind of metal plate that had the owner's name engraved on it? Can't think what else as that position is no good for an alternative strap attachment and +1 on a gorgeous looking bass[/quote] Someone told me that some of the german shops used to put a metal plate on the back if their basses with the name of the shop. Seems a bit extreme though. Thanks all for the positive comments about the bass, it is indeed stunner. A chance for someone to own a true classic - for much less than it would have cost a couple of years ago!
  15. Hey folks, The pictures hopefully speak for themselves.... I bought this from a vintage guitar shop in Dublin a couple of years ago. I haven't taken it apart to photograph (I'm afraid I won't put it back together properly!), but at the time I saw all the relevant marks / stamps / pots and this bass hasn't been messed with at all since it was born in 1973. I can take more pictures of any specific parts of the bass if there is any interest. I haven't gigged it much since I bought it, mainly it's been a very elaborate practice bass. It's very nicely set up, and the pickups have tons of grunt left in them. The frets too are still good for many more years of regular playing too. It has both original ashtrays intact. It sounds great.... even unplugged it's got that imposible to fake woody precision feel. Very decent weight too.... somewhere just over 9lbs I think. There are a couple of mysterious holes in the back of the bass. Not sure why they're there, but maybe you've got a theory? Also it has "curlyleaditis" - which means that at some stage someone stored this in a case under their bed for a few years but forgot to take out their curly lead from the case first! Comes with a fender case (pics to follow) which is in great nick. It's not the original case, but it's from the correct time period. I don't expect to get back what I paid for it. I bought at the top of the market, and I know things are a bit slow at the moment (here in Ireland anyway), but I'm inviting offers in the region of 2K. Obviously, I live in Dublin, so for most of you viewing won't be possible. However, if your really serious about taking this bass I don't mind getting the ferry across to Hollyhead and possibly hopping on a train somewhere to meet up. Trade wise, I'm only interested in Sandbergs at the mo, so if you've got a nice one theres scope for a PX. Cheers Jesse
  16. [quote name='lscolman' post='1122597' date='Feb 10 2011, 01:38 PM']Hi, Looking to sell :- Markbass F1 special edition head. Home use only, excellent condition, complete with rack ears £450 delivered. Markbass NY604 6x4 cab. Seriously capable and really portable. Home use only, excellent condition. £550 delivered. Cash only please, not looking to trade. Cheers, Lee[/quote] Bump for a supercool rig. I've no money at the moment for amp buying, but best of luck with the sale!
  17. That's a cool bass. Do you know how much she weighs?
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