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Huw Foster

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Everything posted by Huw Foster

  1. OK then... seems I'll be paying around £125 for a replacement power board. With labour, VAT and shipping included the total will be around £180. Oh well. I suppose it could have been worse?
  2. [quote name='BassBunny' post='842585' date='May 19 2010, 10:04 PM']If Dave Perry's experience with Proel is anything to go by, "don't panic". He was having problems with his MB head, (quite and old one), that was eventually traced to the speakers. Proel checked the head over, gave a clean bill of health, and sent it back FOC.[/quote] I'm hoping that's the case for me. However, I just got off the phone to them - the guy at the repairs department said he'd give me a call later with the quote. Maybe I'm reading into it too much, but something about the manner of the conversation didn't inspire me with much confidence. Anyway. Paranoia and a potentially hefty repair bill notwithstanding, I'm just looking forward to getting it back soon!
  3. [quote name='Bassnut62' post='851493' date='May 29 2010, 10:10 PM']Congrats, for a first filter I reckon it would be hard to go wrong with that choice. Sure you'll always get your money back on the Q if y9u need/want to too.[/quote] Definitely. Just done the first set at tonight's function, and I reckon I've just about got the squelch setting about right. Been putting an OC-2 before it in the signal chain, and an ODB-3 in the FX loop. Tasty. I might just have to get another filter, regardless of keeping or selling the Q-tron. The new MXR maybe?
  4. Well, despite ruling out anything by EHX when I started this topic, I have completely and utterly contradicted myself. I decided to go for the Q-Tron+ that jxljxl was selling. It was the effects loop that won me over - I'm gonna put an ODB-3 in there, as I don't use it at all on its own. What I'm really looking forward to is the combination of the Q-Tron with my OC-2! I'm anticipating some synthy, squelchy goodness. Thanks for all the suggestions, by the way. I'll refer back to this thread should I decide the Q-Tron isn't for me, or in the equally likely eventuality that I'll want a second filter on my pedal board. Huw
  5. As I'm having a bit of a pedal reshuffle, I thought I'd get rid of the ones I barely touch anymore. Up for grabs is my Dunlop Bass Wah. You know the one. White, with that motion sensor thingy. My one's about 5 years old I think, so understandably the aesthetic condition isn't perfect. I do still have the box though. It may have lost its shape a bit and it's dog-eared around the edges, but it's the original box thank you very much. Anyway. The box isn't what counts. (Hopefully. If you're so concerned about the box, maybe you're on the wrong forum? Is that an arrogant thing to say? Should I just stop talking now? Question mark?) [b]LET'S JUST LOOK AT SOME PICTURES:[/b] The rest are [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/huwberry/sets/72157624011236907/"]here[/url]. Sorry I can't do them any better than that - I don't have a decent camera other than a phone around. That should be plenty indication of the aesthetic condition though - as I've mentioned already, it is 5 years old. It's had plenty of use (read: love), and I think it even had velcro surgically attached to the bottom for pedal board purposes at some point. But it still does what it does perfectly. Anyway. I hope it's not too unreasonable to suggest a price of [s]£60[/s] [b]£50[/b] posted? I'll leave it at that for now. Cheers! Huw
  6. I must say I'm temped by the Q-Tron+ that's currently for sale - the FX loop and the price being the biggest attractions. Just been checking out the new MXR envelope filter too though - sounds funky to me! Decisions, decisions...
  7. Thanks for the recommendations fellas, really useful stuff. I haven't had a chance to look at them all in detail, but i'm intrigued by the Chunk Systems Agent 00Funk (ridiculous name). I watched an Ed Friedland review, in which he incorporated it with that OD pedal and it sounded really cool. Only thing is - how on earth do I get hold of one in the UK? Again, I've only had a quick look around, but the distributors (Godlyke) are no help on that front.
  8. Actually, go on. If you can twist my arm on anything EHX, I'll be willing to try them too. So basically I'm opening this up to recommend me ANYTHING, haha!
  9. Hi all I'm sure everyone's pretty bored of this subject, but I'm gonna go ahead and ignore that for my own selfish gain. I'm looking for a low pass/envelope filter type thing. You know. Ideally something that comes close to the Mutron, but I'm willing to try most things. If it can do greasy, slippery squelch then I'm interested. I've been looking at a few of them... a friend of mine uses what I believe is the Moog MF-101 and it's ace. So that's on the shortlist. I'm also interested in the MXR M-188 (auto Q), maybe the DiscomBOBulator (although from the sound samples I've heard it seems to be lacking some grit - can anyone confirm/dispute this?)... at a push I'd also try the Maxon AF-9 and the DOD FX25. I apologise - I've realised that's not really a shortlist. But anyway, can I please have some advice on this? Key things to remember: Squelch. Dirt. Funk. Greasier than a dodgy 3am takeaway pizza. Obviously I would like to try some of these before actually making my mind up, but some nudges in the right sort of direction would be much appreciated! Huw P.S. I realise I've completely neglected to mention anything Electro-Harmonix, which is intentional. I'd just like to try something different, as I know what to expect with those pedals.
  10. Hi Alex Thanks for the advice, but I believe I've already tried essentially what it is you're suggesting. The original fuse was glass, so I bought some ceramic anti surge ones from Farnell (I'm pretty sure they're what you're referring to). However, I had no luck with these either. That's the extent of my technical expertise, and I don't want to potentially worsen the situation by opening it up, so I thought it best to send it off. Here's hoping the repair bill isn't too hefty.
  11. Finally got round to sending this today*. Hope to hear something from Proel soon! [size=1]*Would have done this sooner if it weren't for what was presumably a bit of human error from the courier - I left the parcel at a friend's house as I was at work, but the driver claimed that no-one was in when he rang yesterday... could be something to do with the fact that the house doesn't have a number on the front, as he was definitely in all day! To avoid the same confusion I arranged for it to be picked up from yet another alternative address, and it was eventually collected today.[/size]
  12. Oh baby. I've never seen a Jazz like that. Very, [i]very[/i] nice. If I'd got myself off the dole sooner I might have been making you an offer right now... Oh well! Good luck with the sale.
  13. Just got off the phone to Proel, who were very helpful (although I might change that statement if they quote a huge amount for repairs!). I'll be sending the amp to them as soon as I can, will post updates on progress.
  14. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='833818' date='May 11 2010, 12:00 AM']That seriously sucks. You could always try getting in touch with Proel (google it) who I believe are (or at least were at the time I bought mine) the main distributor for the UK. I found their CS to be pretty good. Be up front and honest and see what happens. Good luck.[/quote] Again, thanks for the suggestion - and the swift reply! I'll give them a try tomorrow. Right now I'm gonna go cry myself to sleep.
  15. Thanks to Ou7shined for the tip on cleaning out the gunk from inside the amp - I'll bear that in mind for future reference. However, it's definitely not the source of the problem. I did exactly as Ou7shined suggested - I even had to unclog a hoover before I could start, but that's another story. Unfortunately, the amp is still not powering up, and it's blowing a fuse every time I try. (By the way, it's definitely not an issue with the fuse in the kettle lead, as I have tried various others.) I'm at a bit of a loss what to do next. I've heard the best bet for getting anything Markbass fixed is to actually send it back to Italy... but would it be seriously frowned upon to get a local tech to try to fix it?? My main concern is that it's not under warranty (I bought it used from here, and I believe the guy I bought it from had done the same), so surely it would cost the earth to send it across Europe... or is that fear unfounded? If anyone has [i]any[/i] advice on Markbass repairs, please let me know asap. It would be hugely appreciated! (I feel a bit like crying right now... is pity enough to warrant a reply?)
  16. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='828791' date='May 5 2010, 06:47 PM']Is it dusty inside? Sometimes dust can cause a short. I regularly hoover mine out - don't put the hoover nozzle directly in the guts of it though - use a clean 1/2" paint brush and carefully sweep out all the sucked in crap straight up into the Hoover nozzle which is held close by. The worst areas are near the fan and the heat-sink.[/quote] Ah, good call! If that's the case it'll be nothing more than a minor inconvenience. I can't actually check now as it's still at the venue, but tomorrow I'll get myself a brush and some fuses and cross my fingers. Cheers! (Most of my original post is still relevant, mind - anyone?)
  17. I just got home from soundcheck for tonight's gig. It was a mini-disaster. I arrived late (which was actually unavoidable as I was working), but thankfully my gear was already there and ready to go thanks to my bandmates. We went straight into 'Stomp' by the Brothers Johnson, and literally halfway through the slap bass solo my Little Mark died. Thinking it was the fuse, I prized open the compartment on the back to find that not only was that the case, but there was a spare there too! The spare was initially super convenient, until it also blew immediately upon switching the amp back on. Balls. The fuse in the kettle lead is fine, by the way (and fortunately there's a combo waiting for me back at the venue). So it's definitely a problem with the head itself. My question is, how big a problem is it? Anyone had this happen to them with Mark Bass stuff? Unless it's sheer coincidence, it seems to me that something's not right with the electronics and I need to get it fixed pronto. Which leads me to my second question - can anyone recommend a good amp tech in or around Leeds? I've got a couple of gigs this weekend, and although I don't mind not having it fixed by then (well, as long as I can beg/borrow/steal one by Friday), getting it sorted a.s.a.p. would be ideal as I'm out every weekend this month. MASSIVE BALL ACHE. Anyway, thanks in advance for any advice or, at the very least, sympathy. (I do deserve some, right?) Huw
  18. [quote name='velvetkevorkian' post='811858' date='Apr 19 2010, 08:54 PM']The stock tuning on this is actually EADGDG ([url="http://www.ibanez.com/BassGuitars/model-SR2010ASC"]link[/url]) but it fails IMO as it only has a bridge pickup for the fretless strings. Not the fretless sound I like. YMMV.[/quote] Looks like a half-baked mess. Wrong, wrong, wrong.
  19. [quote name='Huwberry' post='806245' date='Apr 14 2010, 04:50 PM']First bass was some Ibanez with a single precision style pickup, which I got for Christmas 2000. I sold it a couple of years later when I got a Peavey Fury IV, which is gathering dust somewhere in my parent's attic. I'm back visiting the parents at the moment - my first amp is still here! It's a tiny Squier combo. It's really noisy and the jack input is dodgy, but it's fine for practice when I'm here.[/quote] Here it is: [attachment=47327:IMG_0431.JPG] WOOWOWOWOOOOO
  20. First bass was some Ibanez with a single precision style pickup, which I got for Christmas 2000. I sold it a couple of years later when I got a Peavey Fury IV, which is gathering dust somewhere in my parent's attic. I'm back visiting the parents at the moment - my first amp is still here! It's a tiny Squier combo. It's really noisy and the jack input is dodgy, but it's fine for practice when I'm here.
  21. [quote name='OldGit' post='805777' date='Apr 14 2010, 10:01 AM']Cheers .. Need to clean the carp off your lens [/quote] How did that get there?? (Was going to do a photoshop job, but the first image result when I googled 'carp' was [url="http://www.chicagonow.com/blogs/dennis-byrne-barbershop/assets_c/2010/01/carp-thumb-560x338-56351.jpg"]this[/url] so I can't be bothered now ) Back on topic - I'd forgotten about those Mark stands. Suddenly, I really really want one!
  22. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='792548' date='Mar 31 2010, 10:00 PM']I'm a hit man and the missus is still alive.[/quote] Regarding the topic, I think any serious pro is still going to enjoy noodling about at home. I echo the sentiments of bubinga5 - if I didn't enjoy playing bass, or music for that matter, there would be no point in continuing.
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