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Everything posted by nilorius

  1. I currently own Aguilar TH500 head and 2 x Hartke hydrive HD112. I think for an update to 2 Aguilar SL 112. I want your opinion is it money wourth as Aguilar is more expensive.
  2. OK, slime was not the best word to use in that position.
  3. I can't tell much about Fender custom shop, because i never had it and never ever played one, but about custom shop - hand made by luthiers, i can tell that i bought at 2006 Ibanez GWB1005 which is made by Japan lythiers - SUGI guitars. I felt the feeling of hand made quality at the first second and the second thing is that i will never sell it even for 100000e. About Fender custom shop - I think it is ok with them, hand made job by best luthiers, but that doesn't mean that somewhere in the world, there is a factory made one, that YOU will like better than custom shop job.
  4. I am a big fun of RHCP and my favourite album is Stadium arcadium. About this new single - i would say - nothing addorable, but i like the song. Can be listened a lot of times and not get shitty. No God in there but the song is ok.
  5. Well guys, what ever You think and feel, in those new band rehearsls, i did with my fretless the best i could. Seems like other guys just didn't hear it as a good groove for the band and next time i will learn the better way to show me on fretted j bass.I think it would work fine. Thanks to every opinion.
  6. Yes inTB i was bent out for trolling, but i think it was not right. Any way - now i don't care. Here i don't troll.
  7. Anyone watches the basketball?:)
  8. Sorry, i don't drink today, but today ther's England vs Latvia basketball match. Reply later !:)
  9. It's a beautiful day and when i drink i'm always buying !!!!:)
  10. I cooperate with 3 money bands which sometimes need full set up and they had no problems with my playing - never before and after pandemia period. All of them are pros and know what they are doing. Doesn't it sound wierd ? But after ALL. Thank YOU all for your advices, don't think anyone will change his mind, any way i will keep all Your sujestions in mind !!! Good buy!
  11. Competent players? What do You know about the start of that competent and professional band ? I think - nothing.
  12. Finally, i think the best way is to ask the band, just before playing, "well, what way do You want me to play - very simple, narmal or advanced"?
  13. But if the situation is they can? How and why to choose exactly that spiderman?
  14. S i said before - thre are 20 bassists to choose that can play simple level, so how can i prove that i am better at least 15 from them??????????????????
  15. Yeah, once the situation was ruthm guiter/vocal, drum and me bass. The songs sound so cosy and i just thought why not to play just more advanced grooves and it sounded good, because drummer was bad and rythm guitarist just played cords. I don't see any point why i could not i have little bit of power in this situation. Otherwise - this will not be wourth anything at all.
  16. What about other bassists they couldchoose, there are plenty of weak, slow and smiling bassists around. If i play just standarts and simple grooves, i can't show them that i can be better.
  17. Playing just G F and A is not compitent skills.
  18. Allright, but that was 1rst rehearsal where nobody exactly kney what everybody can, so i think it's not bad to show your skills at first time, then you can talk it over and change the maintance.
  19. Could be, but i will fight tomorow again.
  20. Thanks. Last time with drummer was that he was playing all the way the same at the same agresive level which didn't match the band style. Others didn't care, but i told him to maybe level down a bit. He didn't listen. Tho i had to find a way to addopt and i did, but then he told me that i was too louad, i turned a bit down, but started to not here a bit what i was playing. Rythm acoustic guitar was unhearable also. But the drummer kept his agressive one type groove in all songs we tried out. Later i told the band leader- vocal, rythm guitarist about it, but it seemead he didn't care. Finally - they said they will cooperate with different bassist.
  21. I think my problem that i told everybody before, that i will play fretless and my grooves were too explosive. That is why a weak ago i fretted my Jaco artist fretless. It sounds sound punchy and cool and next time i will choose it to start and be more couses - what i play to let dominate solo and keyboard.
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