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Everything posted by lapolpora

  1. That would go nicely in the gimp room. That reminds me.... We're running low on oranges.
  2. Hmmm...... I'm quite happy with the tracking on my BOD. It does lose it's composure on the ends of long sustains with the pitch shift effect that you describe. But only really on the long sustains. I use mine with a Stingray and an active Fender Jazz. I rate it over the EBS Octabass I had before, also the octaver on my MB Super Synth.
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  4. The last one on ebay went for £500! [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=190475864975&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT#ht_976wt_1031"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...T#ht_976wt_1031[/url]
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  6. I thought it was a very good ad. Informative and specific. I ruled myself out on the time commitment bit. The ad saved my own time with me deciding not to jump through the hoops chasing this one. I think the picture is a good idea - shows whether I'm going to fit in - should I take a Precision or the Bootsy Star bass (I wish) I couldn't find any info on Shuga Management though....
  7. A stunning example. I'd pay the asking price - if I didn't already have one Yours is near identical to mine but in much better condition. Good luck with the sale!
  8. I've decided to sell my EBS Dynaverb pedal. It's the True Bypass version, in as new condition with a removable velcro strip on the bottom. Original box and info sheet/manual included. Great sounding reverb - very clean. Check out the demos on the EBS site: [url="http://www.bass.se/"]http://www.bass.se/[/url] and follow the menu to products>pedals>Dynaverb. Price: [b]£95 posted[/b] Cheers, Derrick [attachment=65785:IMG_2027.JPG]
  9. [quote name='Wil' post='1042408' date='Nov 30 2010, 02:31 PM']Have you adjusted the truss rod? In this cold weather it's likely that it will need a tweak, sounds like you might need to slacken it off a touch to add a bit of neck relief if your strings are touching the frets. Measure it first, naturally. If I were you I'd take it to a decent luthier for a set up and get them to check the wiring.[/quote] As above! And if the circuit board problem cannot be rectified I'd recommend one of John East's replacement preamps. Stick with it. There's probably a great bass in there once it's sorted out properly.
  10. Perhaps the most famous bass line of them all? [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4IRMYuE1hI"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4IRMYuE1hI[/url]
  11. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='1033928' date='Nov 23 2010, 02:30 PM']There is some discussion [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?t=573244"]here[/url]. It's true that the older model doesn't have a "true-bypass" bypass mode, but it can be modified easily enough to be true bypass (I've done the mod myself and I don't know anything about electricities).[/quote] Thisnameistaken, I meant to say thanks for putting me onto the TB thread - but I got swept away by BMS lust Cheers, Derrick
  12. Hi All, Sorry to start a new thread for this but I'm only just aware of the possibilities of this pedal and I couldn't find a direct answer in the search engine. What's the difference between the new and older versions of the BMS? How many versions are there? Which ones should I avoid? True Bypass is very important to me and I've read stories about the degradation of the signal when the BMS is in the signal chain but not on. Is this really the case? Your advice and opinions gratefully received! Cheers, Derrick
  13. I paid well over going rate for mine. Am I gutted about it - no. Because it's just an unbelievably good bass. If I lost a bit of gut though it would sit more comfortably on me As a Steinberger fan I think this bass is a bargain at the price. I wish I could justify having two.
  14. lapolpora


    I have been able to get new mutes/springs/thumbscrews for my 1995 EBMM from Mark at Bass Direct. Cost me £25 or thereabouts. If the design hasn't changed the new parts for the Stingray Classic will do the job.
  15. I can vouch for basslondon - top bloke. I can also vouch for this bass - it used to be mine! Tremendous build quality and feel suggests a bass at double the price tag. Buy it! Do it now! EDIT: here's a link to my original sales thread which has a lot more pictures: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=104173&hl=tribute+2500"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...hl=tribute+2500[/url]
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  17. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  18. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  19. [quote name='Mike Brooks' post='1012340' date='Nov 4 2010, 05:36 PM']How about this...... [attachment=63049:DSCF1044.JPG] [attachment=63050:DSCF1350.JPG][/quote] Ding Dong!
  20. Oooh I can play in this one..... I have XXX ultra hardcore white bass porn of the highest order from under the counter of the seediest, dirtiest white bass porn shop.... [attachment=62991:IMG_1283.JPG] [attachment=62992:IMG_1289.JPG]
  21. Yes, it is still available. I had given up on it for a while. Hope it fits!
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