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Everything posted by warwickhunt

  1. Buy the 2 together and I'll knock off a fiver plus you only pay one lot of postage... makes sense!
  2. [quote name='Marcus' post='220953' date='Jun 17 2008, 09:37 PM']John...... what the hell are you doing to me ? I've just bought a GK head and you go and put this up for sale....... have you no mercy !! That Glok is at a great price too.... i'd have had that !!![/quote] Sorry mate! Just sell what ever you just bought and buy my 2 The Behringer and the Aleseis Compressor are for sale in the appropriate section if anyone is interested.
  3. [quote name='rayfw' post='221056' date='Jun 18 2008, 01:05 AM']Fantastic price. Wish I wasn't so skint at the mo' Need a spare kidney?[/quote] I 'think' my kidneys are OK thanks The credit crunch may well mean that I hear the word skint a lot!
  4. [quote name='ped' post='220959' date='Jun 17 2008, 09:43 PM']Hmmmm very nice indeed. Don't suppose you fancy my V4 ;0)[/quote] Thanks for the offer Ped. I'm not adverse to a trade or two but a V4 has my back twinging just thinking about it! No I think trades would either have to be either 4 stringed and/or have a 'W' on the headstock or if amp/cab shaped, be featherweight!
  5. [quote name='Oscar South' post='220937' date='Jun 17 2008, 09:19 PM'][b]Ironic that there wasn't one bit of remotely interesting bass playing for the entire song. OK video though [/b] I want to see a Jean Baudin track on MTV [/quote] I'm easier pleased than most
  6. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='220942' date='Jun 17 2008, 09:23 PM']make yer bloody mind up! This sounded great at our mini bash, btw...[/quote] Farggin fretless makes you work harder and I'm not having an amp sound better than me
  7. I took this in part exchange against one of my recent Warwick sales and I had no intention of keeping it. It does have a minor fault in that there is a bit of distortion present in the signal that is more apparent as the note dies away. I thought I'd see if anyone handy with stuff like that wanted a DIY project but failing that if it doesn't sell at £170 (+P&P) then I'll have it serviced and put it back up for £220 (I've been quoted £30 - £50 to have it sorted). Buy it 'as is' and I'll throw in a rackmount case (nothing fancy but it will protect the amp).
  8. Recently bought this from a fellow BCer. It is a 'phenomenal' amp with great tone but I find myself hankering back to my Thunderfunk especially as I am playing fretless in my new project and the Glock leaves me no-where to hide That isn't to say that it is clinical sounding but I can hide (for the moment) behind the TF's tone a bit easier. Point of note - When I got this from Gui I hadn't realised that the amp had taken a knock that bent the rack ears slightly (only visible from above when it is out of the case) and that this in turn had caused the transformer bolted to the end plate to bend the end plate slightly. I got cash from Gui to have the amp professionally looked and and fixed. The outcome was that when the transformer was removed the end plate was still solid and the integrity was sound and that the retaining bolt had bent and stripped slightly. The bolt has been replaced and the whole thing given a clean bill of health. The Tech that I used said that the components and general workmanship of the internals of this amp were unparalleled in all the years he's worked on amps. I stress that the amp is 100% 'A' OK... I've painted the picture exactly as it is and it probably sounds worse than it really should. Gui was a bit gutted at the price that he sold the amp for on eBay but I don't think that his feedback rating did him any favours One of these sold on ebay a couple of days before I got this and it went for £1000+ another (reissue) Bass Art 'Classic' has also just gone for a similar price. Sold with the 4U case and a decent XLR to Speakon cable that I made up - [b]£475 (+P&P)[/b]. If it weren't for the fact I've had enough of eBay I'd put it back on there and with my feedback rating I'm confident I'd clear a tidy profit but I'd be just as happy if another BCer had the opportunity to own one of these excellent amps. If it doesn't sell in a week or so I'm going to put it back on ebay though! Loads of info on the web about these amps (inc Bass Player Mag), remember this is the original 300 watt model not the reissued 'Classic'. TRADED for something beginning with 'W'
  9. Behringer Ultrafex Pro EX3200 - 2-Channel Multiband Sound Enhancement System... thingy! Got this as part of a package from the very generous Josh and I'm unlikely to ever need it. I've no idea what it does, the bumph on the Behringer website maskes me think it's an Aphex Aural Exciter/BBE Sonic Maximiser type thing. The manuual etc is available on the Behringer site. £20 + P&P [url="http://www.behringer.com/EX3200/index.cfm?lang=ENG"]http://www.behringer.com/EX3200/index.cfm?lang=ENG[/url] Alesis Compressor 3630 - Dual channel compressor... it compresses! Again part of the stuff I got from Josh (50% of what I get for these, goes to Josh as I'm not trying to make a fast buck out of what I got from him I just need to get rid of what I'm not using), I never use a compressor so this is going spare. Includes the power supply and a short pair of patch leads. £30 + P&P. Full spec etc on the Alesis site. [url="http://www.alesis.com/3630"]http://www.alesis.com/3630[/url] The Glock and the GK are for sale on another thread.
  10. [quote name='Youngatheart' post='220906' date='Jun 17 2008, 08:11 PM']Well my original question has certainly sparked a debate! Now here's another one. I have an Ashdown EVO II head with a speakon and jack speaker connectors and I have the GK Neo cab which also has a speakon and 1/4" jack. I ordered, and today received, a GK Goldline 2x10 from Soundslive in Newcastle. Prior to ordering I asked if they could confirm what connectors the cab had as their website gave no details. To cut a long story short despite twice promising to get back to me they never confirmed the connectors and low and behold the cab arrived today and all it has is a single 1/4 jack! What are my connection options? [b]can I come out of both connectors on the amp?[/b] Don't worry I'll be onto Soundslive tomorrow but just considering my options. Thanks for all the input so far your help and advice is much appreciated.[/quote] The short answer is YES!
  11. [quote name='bassjamm' post='220901' date='Jun 17 2008, 08:02 PM']I understand what you're saying there... So in reality, the only way to know whether a cab can handle your amp, bass...and technique, is to try it! I'm using a an SVT all valve head and i've had that 'farting' sound from my cabs, dispite them being rated 500 watts at 8 ohms, i've had it when i've used them together and seperately...and my amp is 300 watts at 4 ohms...valves though!!! I've just had the pre-amp valves replaced though, so i'm guessing that could also have been cause for 'farting' noises. I pushed the low end and the valves were knackerd, so maybe they distorted, not the speakers?[/quote] I doubt your preamp valve would be the cause of the noise from your cab, I think you are safer assuming the former, that it was the speaker complaining. There are better valve experts on here than me who may be able to give more insight but speaking from 28 years experience (not all of it dedicated to valve amps but I've had my share); generally when preamp valves go they lose top end first and you'll get microphonic noise, I've not encountered a preamp valve inducing 'farting'!
  12. [quote name='stevie' post='220772' date='Jun 17 2008, 05:31 PM']I think you'll find that Leo Fender was an accountant by profession. I must say, I've never heard a guitar of bass player who has ever expressed anything but the utmost admiration for both Leo Fender and Jim Marshall. In fact, whenever anyone mentions that Leo Fender wasn't a guitar player, it's always to draw attention to the enormity of his achievement in producing the designs he did. [b]What exactly is this "flawed standard"? Can you be more specific?[/b][/quote] You must have missed the other 63 threads on the same/similar subject
  13. Ive found the approach that the bassline as written/recorded is merely a guide... see if you can better it whilst keeping the sense of the shape of the song/melody/progression etc. After all, just because someone wrote the bassline originally that doesn't mean that it is the best bassline for that song; simply the best bassline that the bassist/writer came up with I've been lucky in that the covers bands that I've been in, have been happy to let me be inventive (who said lazy). I love the approach of learning a song whereby you learn the gist of it (important hooks, riffs etc) and then you run with it and see where the band as a group of individuals can take it. That then 'forces' you to be imaginative!
  14. Not heard any bad reports about the Zoots (in fact lots of praise particularly the weight to tone ratio), being compared to the Tech Soundsystems / Tecamp cabs I believe! There are a pair of Zoot 2x10 cabs on eBay at the moment IIRC.
  15. [quote name='kdphysio' post='220656' date='Jun 17 2008, 03:24 PM']just had the good fortune to purchase a couple of bits from this top fellow (gerber multi-tools....always worth keeping in the gig-bag!), & as previously mentioned, john is indeed a fine chap to deal with. thanks mate, karl[/quote] Cheers Karl, likewise a pleasure dealing with you A shameless plug that if anyone wants a Gerber or Leatherman tool, I've packed in the eBay lark and have a bunch of these available.
  16. Sorry but after listening to the lick at about 0:45 I had an irresistible urge to pick up the bass and play Pearl Jam's - 'Alive'
  17. Don't get me wrong, the last thing that I am actually searching for in my quest for sonic heaven is a flat response cab and amp that faithfully reproduces every f*ck up I make on the bass I want a cab with a bit of colour (preferably a sort of dark chocolaty brown <sorry that may well bug the p*ss out of Alex > ), unfortunately (for me) I had the tone I like for about 12 years from a pair of vertically aligned, vertically stacked 2x10 H&K combos that clocked in at about 45kg each. The combos both imploded at virtually the same time (it wasn't the 1 year + 1 week bug that they put into replacement car exhausts and vacuum cleaners) and were financially unrepairable; ever since then I've been searching for that 'imperfect' tone. Sigh! I suppose the difficulty for me is that even with the knowledge gleaned from various persons on this forum, and from other sources, I've STILL not learned my lesson. Hopefully the OP will
  18. [quote name='chris_b' post='219917' date='Jun 16 2008, 03:08 PM']I'm not questioning anyone's ability or knowledge, just how that knowledge is moulded into the advice that is given. [b]I'm not happy when beginners ask questions and get techno speak and "a lot of people say ...." in return![/b] It seems that people here look at the technical stuff and think "wow, I've got to do that", when they don't. Does anyone think that the icons of bass, Jamerson, Jaco and all the others knew anything about xmax or comb filtering or would even care if they were told? Did John Paul Jones or Stevie Wonder ever think, "I wonder why I sound like this"! These guys did what everyone should be doing and that is using their ears to listen and evaluate without worrying about SPL's etc. While I find Bill Fitzmaurice's technical writing interesting, I know that at the end of the day Bill is also a businessman, he runs his own company and more importantly, seems to be running a crusade to tell the rest of the world they are making cabs the wrong way. Well the “wrong way” has been pretty good to me and the rest of Rock and Roll for the last 60 years. There are many "right" ways and that advice has to be got across as well.[/quote] Surely the very reason that people are asking is because they want to know and are specifically asking people who may well be knowledgeable on the subject! Of course people experiment and pre t'internet, pretty much the only way to find out if something worked was 'suck it and see'. However there is a wealth of knowledge available (and being offered) on this forum; to deride, however mildly, someone for offering an educated insight is a bit narrow minded. We could have a sticky at the top of the thread that just says 'Don't bother asking... just do it.' However it would make for a pretty boring forum TBH it is 'almost' pointless asking anyone for an opinion on ANYTHING with regard to something as subjective as tone BUT science isn't subjective, so really that is the only advice that can mean a blasted thing.
  19. I've known a couple of Streamer 5's make £1000 lately... anything less than that seems good value.
  20. [quote name='Jamesemt' post='219671' date='Jun 16 2008, 10:10 AM']Thanks for all the advice, any more tips? Really need to travel and actually test these cabs. Can I expect a similar type of bottom end to smaller cabs? How much bottom end would I get from two 1x12 Bergantino's for example? I'm actually newish to the bass world (playing bass for about a year), but MUST get lightweight gear as a priority.[/quote] With commercially available cabs you'll 'generally' get what you pay for; there will also 'almost always' be a trade off between size/weight and tone. It'll be a compromise, if you want small and light you'll struggle to get the absolute best tone. You have to just decide where your priorities lie and how much you are prepared to compromise. With regard to how much bottom end will you get out of the Bergs (or any cab for that matter) it depends what your point of reference is. If you are used to a 2x15 the size of an American fridge then no. If you've been using a cab like a Hartke transporter or similar then you may be very much impressed. You also have to consider all of the other components of your set-up... what bass, which amp? I've got a smidgen more experience with gear (28years) and I still find that some bass/amp/cab combinations just work however some just don't. Just read some of the recent comments on the forum about people buying cabs with mid dips that are exagerrated by amps that have a natural mid cut etc... Hello boom
  21. Have you seen these? [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=21467"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=21467[/url] I 'doubt' you'd get a trade (insider knowledge seeing as how Terry has bought my Tech cab ) but sell your cab and these look pretty impressive!
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  23. [quote name='ped' post='219316' date='Jun 15 2008, 05:48 PM']I want to bite your nails[/quote] I've had stranger requests...
  24. Everyone is correct Turns out it is an MEC 3 band unit (German). I assume this is a much later addition as all of the MEC preamps that I've seen from pre 91 have been 2 band. I now just need to find out what Warwick would have had fitted originally to go with the Barts, as I'm certain that they are original and I've seen plenty of Wicks from this period with them fitted. Funnily enough I sold a SSI to 'GremlinAndy' from this forum and that had Barts fitted (never did look inside that one myself)... Andy!
  25. I've just picked up a Stage I fretless that is equipped with Bartolinis and a 3 band EQ. The layout of the controls is unusual in that the stacked pot that is where a traditional Stage I pan pot would be is actually the vol & pan controls. Not the most intuitive position when you are used to the Warwick layout, so I may well move it back. However, when I opened up the control cavity I found a 2nd battery (18v circuit) and a preamp board that I am not familiar with. Does anyone recognise the board or has a fretless from this period (1990) that can shed light on if this is the original factory Bartolini pre or an upgrade? Cheers guys and gals
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