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Count Bassy

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Posts posted by Count Bassy

  1. I've not listened to it all, but it just seems to wander from side to side (which I find irritating) with no separation of the parts*. Seems a wasted opportunity to me.

    * apart from the "Tom" seems to be a bit higher in the head than the rest of it.

  2. A Family fan here as well (as you may have guessed). In case you didn't know, Chapman is still going strong (if infrequently) at the age of 77 (78 in a few weeks!). A stark contrast to the recently discussed sad case of Phil Collins. Luck of the draw I guess. Currently working on an album with Poli Palmer (Keys and Vibes in the above clips).

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, fleabag said:

    Weird track , but then they weren't a conventional band.

    This was from their days before Wetton,  and after Ric Grech,  so the bassist is John Weider, i believe

    That's right. I love the version on "Anyway", but couldn't find that one to post.

  4. On 05/03/2020 at 18:17, mike257 said:

    There's a huge number of pianists calling themselves keyboard players, who'll vamp big heavy full-sounding two handed chords through everything because it sounds great in their house on their own. 

    Good keys players who understand their instrument and how to get the right sounds out of it, and that sometimes they only need to play with one finger at a time are gold dust. If you find one, grab on tight!

    I agree , but there also keyboardists who think they can play a piano!

  5. 15 hours ago, Happy Jack said:

    Those are pretty well what I use at the moment, but they tend to stick to each other too much in the box of cables (talking PA cables here). Probably not problem if you  have one or two instument bales in your Bass bag/case.

  6. 2 hours ago, TheGreek said:

    These??? I hadn't seen these before.


    No, me neither. What sort of cable diameter range will they clip to?

    And congratulations to everybody who managed to decypher my original post!

  7. What do you people think are the best cable wraps for holding cable rolls together?

    I've been using the velcro ones, which are great in that they stay attached to the cable itself, and also hold pretty well in use. The annoying thiig is how they keep sticking to themselves and others in the box when you dont want them to. I was looking at the rubber "Rapstrap" type things, but those don't seem to be permanently attachable to a cable.

    Any ideas/recommendations?


  8. 52 minutes ago, mikel said:

    It depends. I feel some songs need the parts to be as the original, as any changes remove the feel. Some songs I believe that as long as the feel is right you can play with them to suit yourself. Also, some songs we change them to suit our style and make them different. If changed enough they are almost a new song. Take  "It must be Love",  the Madness version is very different from the original by Labi Siffre and stands on its own.

    This as well. In many cases the original band would play it differently each time anyway. As I said above it keeps it organic and exciting. It's only when committed to a recording that songs become frozen.

  9. I voted 5.  I tend to listen to the original(s) of a track and start from that, but then do my own thing in the same vein. Obviously there are exceptions where the punters expect a specific thing at a particular point in a song, but generally they don't give a stinky poo as long as they reckognise it.  I very rarely play the same song the same way twice in a row anyway. Much more fun to vary it as you go along and see where it takes you.

    NOTE: all this is in the past tense as I'm currently dormant!

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