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  1. Convince me TO or TO NOT grab a 5 string kit bass to help me while away the lock down hours and my reduced working week to end up with a pointless bass with no resale value. Go on, convince me!

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    2. Booga13


      I'm doing exactly the same thing with a curvy Spector 4 string body I got on the Bay a while ago, finally got my hands a neck that'll fit without me faffing about with the neck pocket 😁  and I'm really enjoying doing the build, I'm in no hurry so shopping around for bargain but quality parts. My soldering/wiring skills have come on in leaps and bounds if nothing else (after a lot of studying schematics and many errors!). Well worth doing.

    3. prowla


      I put together a Warwick 5-string from parts; it did take me a while to get all the bits and I lucked in on the pickups when I bought another Warwick 5-string which had been upgraded and included its original pickups too!

    4. TheGreek


      Without meaning to, I've got most of the parts I would need to build a bass.

      As an owner of 3 @Andyjr1515 creations I wouldn't even consider taking on a build. This student will never reach the heights of the Master.

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