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Everything posted by javi_bassist

  1. The matte black looks really cool (I had my 734 in black) but (to me) nothing beats the sunburst. I still love my 735 and everytime I see it I just wanna play.
  2. Pretty cool actually. Some awesome pedals and some that I don't really know about. I bet it sounds just amazing
  3. Hahahaha, I just like colours. In everything (cars, furniture, walls...) Is it because ot's brown? Or you just don't like it? Just curious because you are the first person I know to not recommend the OC-2.
  4. Hahahaha, nope, everything from pop, rock, alt rock and some blues. I have to say that some years back, all my pedals were black. Not by choice, because I like the sound. But it was boring-looking. I've been changing pedals for years (again, not because of the colours, but because of the sound) and I ended up with a very colourful pedalboard. And I like it this way
  5. I removed the Delay and the LPF. I'm trying to make it smaller. This is all I need for now.
  6. Yesterday I was about to buy the Studio Compressor. I'm still thinking about it. I'm a huge Ashdown fan. I love their amps and I like some of their new basses. I've had all Dr Green pedals and most of their Ashdown pedals. However, I only use the OriginAL preamp now (and the NM2 sometimes). And I like their compressors (the Studio and the Velvet). But for the price, I'm not sure about them. I currently use a JHS Pulp'N'Peel v4 and it has some key features (like the Blend) that none of the Ashdown compressors have. I think they should be a little more configurable (like a volume knob in the studio compressor). The idea is really good, but they are a little bit pricey for what they offer and what the market is offering.
  7. After trying some sets, I'm happy now with the 4 string D'Addario XL balance set + the D'Addario XL 135 tapered. I used to use Dunlop Super Bright, but I was not really happy with the low B.
  8. Today I have sold my BB734a. Great bass, but I didn't feel that good. I bought because I love my BB735 (my main bass and the only one I play lately). I'm not sure why I didn't feel it right, but it had to go. I will save the money to get one of the sexy TRB 1005j
  9. Oh my...! My wallet is scared now
  10. I have finally found a B string that I like. It's a D'addario 135T. I think what I like the most is that is tapered. So far, I really like it. But I'd love to try the Sadowsky strings too.
  11. It's a good idea. However, my main problem is to find a B string other than Daddario XL or Elixir. I'm still investigating shops in my area but it's being a difficult task.
  12. So today I tried the DR Pure Blues on my BB735 to replace the Dunlop Super Brights. So far, I prefer the DR B string, but it's hard to defeat the Super brights on the other 4 strings. My search still continues. I will try Daddario NYXL next. I'm also thinking about getting a Super Bright 6 string set to get the 130 gauge.
  13. True, I did that with an old Fender Jazz I had. I didn't think about it now! Thank you! I'll do that
  14. Yes! The neck on both are in the same position.
  15. 1st string G. It's too high I think. The E string doesn't bother me for being a little bit higher than what I'm used to.
  16. I have to comment something about my Yammys that I find odd. I have been playing my 5 strings as my main bass for a year or so, playing my Fender Jazz bass from time to time. The action in my BB735 is really low and I love it. I'm in love with this bass. However, today I picked up my 734 and I felt that the strings were a lot higher, so I did a set up. But the strings cannot be lowered since the saddles at the bridge are in their lowest position. The settings on my 735 are (in mm from the 5th to the 1st string) 3-2.5-2-2-1.5. While the strings on my 734 are 2.6-2.5-2.5-2.5. And they are at their lowest position. The 1st string bothers me (I can live with the rest). I know that the settings on my 735 are really low, but since the 734 is essentially the same, I thought I can get more or less the same. But that 1st string... Do you experience anything like this? I'm not the first owner of the 734 and I'm concerned it has some issue.
  17. I will try the NYXL next. I tried a friend's Fender 5 string Jazz bass with the NYXL and it sounded awesome. I love the Dunlop 4 string set, but the 5th is not that great. I have also a set of DR Pure Blues to try.
  18. Dunlop Super Bright nickels on both: my 734 and 735. But I'm experimenting because I'm not 100% convinced by the .125 5th string.
  19. Has any of you guys changed the pickups in the BB735? Today I played a Fender American Jazz Bass and the sound of the Yamaha felt like a little lack of low end and high end. Although overall, I prefer the Yammy, I thought about changing the pickups for Seymour Duncan
  20. I think it's more based on the RM series. The EQ of the ABM goes down to 40Hz and the OriginAL 100Hz. However, you get really close IMO.
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