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Terry M.

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Everything posted by Terry M.

  1. I would have kept this bass and not traded it to Bass Direct if I could have gotten along with the 17.5mm string spacing and narrow neck. Nothing else sounds like a Stingray but personally I prefer more "land" on a neck. It's perfect for many though so it's all subjective.
  2. This was my old bass before I traded it to Bass Direct. I've had USA Stingray fivers and this is essentially the same thing.
  3. Thanks. I saw it has a 9v pre-amp in the description but I'm asking if it's active/passive switchable please?
  4. Hi dude. I couldn't tell from the pictures if the bass has any strap pins fitted. Is the pre-amp active/passive? I didn't notice a battery either.
  5. Lee650 probably meant a separate passive tone knob like the Sadowsky VTC for example.Great bass still.
  6. Hi dude. The string spacing measurements you've quoted were taken from the bridge saddles or higher up? 14mm between B and E string sounds pretty tight. Regards. Terry.
  7. What's the nut width please? Also is the preamp push/pull active-passive?
  8. Thanks Joe. So this means the passive tone on the pre amp doesn't push-pull for passive mode. The pickups are single coil or hum-cancelling? I had my heart set on a used Sadowsky but keep coming back to look at this... Regards. Terry.
  9. Hi there. Can I please ask about the pre-amp upgrade. I know the controls for the John East but is the 2-way switch on the bass now inactive? Regards. Terry.
  10. No worries at all. If silent when panned away from the centre there's a strong chance they're humbuckers.
  11. To be honest I really don't know how to tell them apart either other than the single coil hum when each pickup is soloed. Is this something you've experienced or are the pups dead quiet when soloed?
  12. Hi dude. Do you happen to know if the pickups are single-coil or hum cancelling please? Regards. Terry.
  13. I have to also agree with that statement. I've tried many "Stingray" clones and this was easily the closest to the real thing I've heard. Mine wasn't a Japanese-made one though,Indonesia from memory.Now I'm happy with my Musicman SUB USA 5-a Stingray Classic 5 in a less posh shoes and dress. I actually prefer the SUB USA 5 as I don't like the 7.5" radius on the Classic. Anyway good luck with the sale
  14. It's a big bass to be fair.I agree about the tone though.
  15. Selling so soon mate? I tried this at The Gallery before you bought it and liked it but I'm more a fan of natural finished basses.GLWTS.
  16. From what I know they went from the DCs to the TWs circa 2008/9. Happy to be wrong though
  17. This was never going to take long to sell.
  18. I watched the video again and will confess I didn't watch to the very end the first time because he stopped playing and started talking,which is when he mentions the contour. What a beast of a player though!!! And you're selling this exact bass shown in the video. Impressive stuff 👍
  19. Ah thanks for the information. I watched the video ages ago at the start of the year or so but clearly wasn't listening thoroughly. I must watch it again.
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