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Everything posted by Kamiel

  1. Hard at work. Almost done with the stuff I can do before soldering, and tonight I'm going to the friend with the solder-iron. Here's some (again) not so great pics
  2. Indeed, I hope I can make it look pretty and intentional, but that should be oké. I'll be working on that tomorrow. That being said, except for the soldering I think I should be able to finnish tomorrow. Hopefully I can get my friend with the solderingiron to help me this or next weekend and then I'll finally be done. I've been busy putting on the pedals to check cable-lengths etc. and I think I have to order a couple extra. The future-proof-ness of the board makes it a bit roomier, and the fact that my expressionpedal will be on the right (it used to be on the left because of the pedal order, but on the right I have better control...) but it has to go in the most left in and out of the switcher makes that I need longer cables. So I guess I'll do that now, so that when it's ready I don't have to wait around for that... Ofcourse I couldn't resist a mock-up... As you can see there's (intentionally) room for more. When I've managed to save some more money I wanna buy an octaver and maybe a nice delay. I can put at least two more pedals under the hood and as you can see at least one more on top so that should be alright. I also want to buy a nice DI to put under the hood, hence the XLR out on the side. Edit: Picture is darker than I thought, so for now only the pedals... I promise I will make real pictures with a real camera once it's all done! 😇
  3. Here two more pics. First one shows how the hinges will work that will support the 'upper deck'. It gets three of those, and it rests on the 'support beams' so that should be easily strong enough. The second one shows one of the bigger mistakes I've made: being impatient and thus not waiting to drill holes until I've got all the parts. I'm not going to fill and redrill the XLR hole, so part of the ballcorner has to go. Oh well, if that's the biggest mistake I encounter in this project I'm happy
  4. I've made some more progress: Everything is glued and painted. Most of the accessories are screwed to the board. (Pics comming this weekend) I've got a question for you guys. I need to solder the 'outside-jack's' to the 'inside-jack's', like a patchbay. I have no experience whatsoever with soldering, but I do have a buddy who has. Should I just ask him to do it (it's 8 jacks, 2 XLR's and the power, so maybe a bit of work for just a beer as payment ) or should I ask to borrow his equipment and have a go on it myself?
  5. That is ofcourse a way to counter that problem
  6. I think that's an important difference. If you use a lot of effects they tend to 'interact' with the sound of your amp. I know from experience that when I play on a different amp I'm turning knobs for 20 minutes on my effect board, because it just doesn't sound right, and you kind of get the same thing with pre EQ FOH sound imho. I think a clean sound from a nice sounding bass comes through nicely (if the FOH engineer knows what he's doing at least...), but with a lot of effects the case might be different.
  7. That's exactly what is going on. The friend we are talking about studied 'product development' so is constantly trying to come up with nice desings for things. He had the idea of a lamp with an iris system to reduce/increase light intensity so wanted to make an iris from plastic. Problem was that he could not make it smooth enough with hand-routering, hence the building of the cnc-router. I guess it's more about the journey than about the destination?
  8. Finally had the time for the final glueing. If I can find some time for painting and assembling next week it should almost be done!
  9. Indeed no pictures, but thanks for the effort anyway!
  10. It has been quite some time and yet not a lot of progress. The lid has been glued together, but I need to glue the bottom part at my friend's 'workshop' because I don't have enough clamps etc. Unfortunately he has been very busy, as have I. I did find the time to paint the lid, and I attached the corners and the handle. Hopefully next weekend I can go and glue the rest of the board together so I can finish it
  11. For me it differs: In small places like bars etc. I tend to use my amp-cab sound because the FOH usually is'nt really great for bass. They do take my post EQ DI signal form my amp (Fender Bassman 100t) but I usually tell them I would rather have my amp a bit louder and use the FOH for that little extra push. In bigger places I use the (pré EQ) DI signal from my amp, but a lot of my sound comes from my pedal's so that's okay for me. In my experience FOH engineers tend to like the DI from the bassman so I've got that going for me...
  12. Fair enough, still though, I don't think my mind could manage twisted pedals
  13. Is it just me that finds this quite a strange board? You nicely follow the thought of keeping enough space between pedals, and I like that, cause you don't want to be pushing wrong buttons etc, but then you put that upper left pedal sideways making it (in my eyes) extremely difficult to switch on any of those 4 knobs without touching a wrong one... I would leave the polytune constantly on, so it's easy to put it somewhere in the back, and make some place to put the 4 knob pedal in the front?
  14. 1. Hehe, the engraving in the lid seems way less extreme on the commitment scale, that's kind of why I do it, cause I wouldn't get a tattoo with the bands name I think Worst case, if the band splits up and I don't want to see the name on the lid every day I can fill it up or something like that But to be honest, I can imagine the band splitting up but I can not imagine the band splitting up with me hating the rest of the guy's... 2. Thanks, I've tried some different things and right now I'm using a combo of some... First came the stickers you can see. Then I had a gig where I lost al my sound because of a cable running over my board and changing a knob, so I decided to put rubber washers under the volume related knobs. Then I discovered that with some deodorant 'magic marker' (I mean alcohol based markers, don't know if that's the right translation, English isn't my first language ) is easily removable. So now I also put little dots on the place where the knob should be, cause that's more easy to check than all those stickers... I must admit that your technique of just putting something at twelve o'clock is way more efficient if you have to check in a small amount of time! Thanks for the tip!
  15. Another small update: Everything is finally ready for glueing. The lid has been glued together already, the case itself is for next week or in to weeks. And a cool little extra thing: We used the cnc-router to engrave the logo of my band in the lid. I'm thinking I will paint the lid black, and then with a small brush or maybe some sort of sharpie I will make the inside of the engravings white. All holes for jack-plugs, xlr-plug and powerplug are ready as well, unfortunately I forgot to take pictures of that.
  16. Some mock-up pic's from the internal structures. Still some filing to do to make everything fit really well but it's going to right way!
  17. How is that Little Bastard? I've always wondered if I want one!
  18. We have finally done some routing. All went quite well, except for some small tears here and there. Because of the routerbit being 8mm, the inner corners etc. have to be filed down to straight corners, which appears to be more work than expected, so we'll go on next week!
  19. Final package delivery: Jack-plugs, XLR plug, some cable-management-stuff and a powercable. (Btw, not that it matters that much, but really positively surprised by the amount of packaging material used by banzaimusic.com, the box even seemed right for the amount of stuff that was in it, and not like 4 sizes to big ) Now I'm just waiting for my friend with a router to come back from his holiday and the real work can begin!
  20. Looks nice. Is it supposed to be future proof or is there an other reason you're leaving quite some open space? (Or now I think about it, do you already have the novo32?)
  21. The glass in the picture is just for clarity of design, in real life it will be just as woody as the rest, and as it all is going to be painted black, I think it will be oké
  22. I've got mail: Hinges, handles, ball-corner-pieces... arrived. Jack's etc. are ordered from Banzaimusic.com, anyone got experience with that website? I've got a payment confirmation 2 weeks ago but haven't heard from them since... Also I've decided to go with 8mm plywood, the construction is made strong enough so I'm pretty sure it will be alright that way, and I'm saving a lot of weight. A friend of a friend has a (self build) cnc-router that is big enough for all my pieces so that's the option I'm going with.
  23. It would be interesting to make some graphs with prices over the years for specific models. Unfortunately I don't have the time, patience or willpower to do that. Not really in the mood to open 50+ pdf's hehe
  24. Hasn't everyone been there?
  25. I love way huge, my sound defining pedal is a Swollen Pickle, but indeed they tend to use their volume knob in a strange manner. I don't know if anyone has ever put there swollen pickle volume above 9 'o clock, but that person must be deaf by now.
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