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Everything posted by steviedee

  1. Cheers guys very useful particularly on the 5, been messing about with it since I saw this post and surprisingly comes quite naturally, though for some reason feels a bit odd on the E or low B, kind of exposed but sure I'll get used might make me play a little softer to which wouldn't be bad thing. Thanks for the links and making the video man!
  2. Just designed up the new Abel Ganz website to coincide with our album release pretty basic but knocked together between work and a hectic life in general. Take a look, we also have a download track from the album so feel free to partake of the freeness! I'm still tweaking so apologies for mistakes! [url="http://www.abelganz.com"]www.abelganz.com[/url]
  3. Why are they sooooo heavy, I use mine in one tune at the moment and it feels like a bloody anchor halfway through! It is 23 minutes long mind you
  4. Just to let any bass chatters know that Abel Ganz will be celebrating the release of our long overdue album "Shooting Albatross". The album launch is in Stereo Renfield Lane Glasgow 27 Mar, 20:30 and is a free event !! So if prog is your thing come long!
  5. Bought a couple of Comfort Strap(p)s from the Bass Centre the other a day bit disappointed that they are not actual "Comfort Strapps™" but 'Comfort Straps', confusing I know. Decent enough but.... The original [url="http://www.comfortstrapp.com/products.htm"]Comfort Strapp[/url] The Bass Centre [url="http://www.basscentre.com/product.asp?pID=201&cID=21"]Comfort Strap[/url] My next purchase will be a Fender Jaz....
  6. It's really nice if I don't sell it'll be fine to be honest not in any great rush!
  7. Hi looking to sell my Spector Legend 5 (plus case) it's a great bass but just got a hold of an SR5 and it's surplus to requirements. It's a lovely bass never gigged just noodled around in the house and is in perfect nick... Looking for 280. Would consider a trade don't really know what I'm after wouldn't mind a small amp Markbass, PJB Briefcase if someone wanted to do a wee deal, anyway be a shame if it's relegated to under the bed as it's nice! [attachment=2539:spector.jpg]
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  10. Ronny Cox, from Total Recall and Robocop is a bass player I remember him interviewing someone but I can't remember who and Roddie Piper (They Live, Wrestling) has some connection with Jeff Berlin!
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  12. Cheers guys looking forward to it as long as the weather holds out!
  13. Hi Folks my proggers Abel Ganz are playing at The Gig in the Glen in Dunfermline this month, Sat the 16th, second on the bill to It Bites on the main stage. There are a whole bunch of bands playing and it's free and the BBC says the weather is going to be good, so it must be true any basschatters there or playing say hello! Stevie [url="http://www.myspace.com/gigintheglen"]http://www.myspace.com/gigintheglen[/url] [url="http://www.myspace.com/abelganz"]http://www.myspace.com/abelganz[/url]
  14. Hi some edits of tracks from my prog band I don't actually play on all of them cos they have been recording this album for five years but cool to hear what you guys think. [url="http://myspace.com/abelganz"]http://myspace.com/abelganz[/url]
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