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Beer of the Bass

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Status Updates posted by Beer of the Bass

  1. Took a wee break from BC, not sure if anyone noticed!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SpondonBassed


      Welcome back.

    3. Paul S

      Paul S

      I nip out for a wee quite often and don't think anyone notices at all.

    4. Jean-Luc Pickguard
  2. My band Big Hogg have got our new album finished up, full release is June 18th but there's one track to preview here https://bighogg.bandcamp.com/album/pageant-of-beasts

    1. Nail Soup

      Nail Soup

      I had a listen. Not really my kind of thing I'm afraid, but I tried 😀! Good luck with the album though!

  3. Just adjusted my double bass bridge down to where the strings are 5-8mm off the end of the fingerboard. It really brings out the growl, it's easier to get around, and it's a bit kinder on my hands given I don't get as much practice time as I'd like. But I feel like the old-school "real players dig in" guys will disapprove!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Beer of the Bass

      Beer of the Bass

      Yeah, I suspect a lot of the players who are my reference points for tone (which Danny certainly is) have a similar setup.

    3. Owen


      I have my action higher than that, but that is because I find that a low action for me means that I run out of headroom if I pluck harder.

    4. Beer of the Bass

      Beer of the Bass

      I guess playing style, string tension and other parts of the setup like the fingerboard relief can make quite a difference to where the optimum is. When I was spending more time playing each week and did a lot of unamped jams in noisy rooms, a higher action worked OK for me even with my Spiro Mittels, but there's a distinct voice that comes out with it at the current height too.

  4. Got my first finger blister in a long time last night, surprisingly on electric bass not double bass.

    1. TheGreek


      Steel roundwound strings??

    2. Beer of the Bass

      Beer of the Bass

      Heh, the very softest nickel flats, TI Jazz Flats! Band was working on a new tune with a busy 16th note bassline, I've played more upright than electric in the past couple of years and my right hand calluses are in the wrong place for it. 

  5. Havering over whether to spring for an Ampeg PF 50t while they're still around at a good price. I don't absolutely need to, but OTOH I could certainly make good use of it...

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    2. discreet


      ...but if you don't like it... y'know... Christmas coming up and all... and the present you got me last year was a bit crap... :biggrin:

    3. Beer of the Bass

      Beer of the Bass

      Unfortunately for you, it's sounding pretty good so far.  So I guess it'll be socks again!

    4. discreet


      Can I have aftershave instead? At least I can drink it...

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