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    Bognor regis

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  1. Oh man another bass with issues😡 .  Frets are tarnished, I gave them a vigorous wiping with a damp cloth to see if it would come off and no joy, I am reluctant to order the 1200 grit and start working on the frets on a new bass in case I bodge it 

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    2. SpondonBassed


      Also,  Visit our very own Repairs and Technical or Build Diaries for ideas and inspiration.

      The corrosion shouldn't be too deep and I reckon you'll polish that out relatively easily.  Just take care with abrasives and fluid getting onto your fretboard.  If the corrosion is deeper than a thousandth of an inch or so (not likely from what your images show me) levelling and crowning would be best done before polishing... if you're up for it.

      If not here is a list of people who are willing to help fellow members in their locality.

    3. shoulderpet


      Thanks guys,  T-Cut sounds interesting but not sure how available it will be in my local area, whats the consensus on Brasso and/or Silvo ? Are these ok for frets or is it too abrasive? thanks

    4. SpondonBassed


      It's got a solvent in that will make a sticky mess of some masking tape adhesives if you have masked the fretboard in that way.  If you put a good coat of lemon oil on the fretboard the night before, I think it will help with the inevitable clean up after.  Other than that, I can't see why not.

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