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SpondonBassed last won the day on May 13

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    East-Mids, England

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  1. Struggling to keep an interest in becoming band worthy again.

    So many people insist that I use social media that it has finally put me off asking, even on Basschat or JMB.

    If I ever get offered bassist again it will be down to luck and word of mouth.  I see 'net dependence more and more in people around me.  Sure, there's lots of talk about regulation for people who have to use it for work but I never see progress in dealing with commercial push.  It depresses me.

    Time for breakfast and a rethink about where best to spend my time.

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    2. SpondonBassed


      Thanks Jack.  I had sort of come to that conclusion a while back but I am no longer a marketable commodity.

      Les, I can see that what you say is true from reading how the grafters, like you and the band, keep it all going year upon year.

      Thing is, I will never own a smart 'phone nor accept one from an employer and I am most certainly not going to put a CV on the Internet.  In short, it makes me unemployable and I am only 56!  Although I am prepared to be a team player, I am also needing to switch off when I want to.  I have no desire for an online "presence" full stop.  Quite the reverse.

      I still write letters and post them.  Someone other than the direct marketing industry has to keep our posties employed after all.  I have no issue with snail mail as it is endearing termed by the faster people of this world.  It works perfectly well unless the recipient is unwilling to handle it.

      More and more the basic services in life are becoming dependant upon an always on connection.  Communication has improved "they" say.  Has it really though?  Let me get back to you with an answer after a few brief messages from my sponsor.  Gah!

      I wont play that way.  For example, I can't access benefits that I keep getting told I am entitled to unless via an Internet connection.  It is not the choice I would make but now there is NO choice so I don't claim benefits that I am entitled to.

      I use the Internet but ONLY for the bits I want.  I have an overriding need to keep my life as real as possible.  It's virtually impossible but I wont give in.  I'll starve first.

    3. Les


      I totally get what you're saying and I'm starting to feel like I should back off the internet but the fact of the matter is it's quick and instant, for a band leader/organiser like me it's invaluable, I just haven't got it in me anymore to make phone calls to 3 people to put a gig in the diary. 

      I just can't see an alternative, having said that I've gigged for a hundred years and we always managed even when I lived with my parents and we had a "party line" phone. (that may need explaining to anyone youngish reading this) 🙄


    4. Happy Jack

      Happy Jack

      Ah yes, the dreaded 'click click' on the line ...

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