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Everything posted by mr_russ

  1. [quote name='Geejay' post='36061' date='Jul 23 2007, 07:02 PM']Hi It looks good. What about my Status Energy plus cash? Geejay[/quote] Cheers for the offer- It's on hold at the moment awaiting confirmation from a buyer. I've ordered a bass though so I need the cash now. Thanks! Russ
  2. awesome- I nearly ordered one exactly the same but decided to go with a natural/rosewood version instead ;D how long did it take to arrive? I've got an audere j preamp sitting in a box waiting for a bass for it to go into!
  3. [quote name='jay249' post='34663' date='Jul 20 2007, 02:15 PM']Mine came this week, see bass porn.[/quote] heard back from ishibashi today- I've ordered a JB75-100US in natural with a rosewood fretboard ;D
  4. I'm after buying a JB75-100US aswell - I've contacted ishibashi a couple of times but haven't had an answer yet
  5. Hi- do you still have this for sale? r
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  7. does anyone have a review of the 70's reissue fender japan jazz basses? I may buy one from ishibashi - I've got an audere j preamp arriving very soon and no bass for it to go in! r
  8. Bump- This is a brilliant sounding jazz guys- It's got a low action and is really light check out this guy on you tube for some sound clips + some awesome playing [url="http://www.youtube.com/user/MarloweDK"]http://www.youtube.com/user/MarloweDK[/url]
  9. I've ordered the jazz version- it's in customs as we speak ;D
  10. I have his address- but not his home phone number annoyingly- pm about to be sent r
  11. mr_russ

    South East Bash

    [quote name='bassbloke' post='25399' date='Jun 30 2007, 09:22 PM']I'll be there. I can bring any of the following Tech TVM600 Tech TVM350 (if Thomas Eich ever replies to my e-mail regarding a replacement power board so I can get it fixed) Tech ND 212 Tech Mini 15 Fender Jazz Deluxe MIA Ver with maple board Fender Jazz Deluxe MIA Ver with rosewood board Stingray V (if my mate permits it) Stingray V fretless (if my mate permits it) I have a Citroen Picasso. If I take the seats out and leave the baby seats at home I could easily get another person and a reasonable amount of extra gear in there. I usually go down the A3, but could easily go Esher, Cobham and down the A3 or Ashtead, Leatherhead, Fetcham way to Guildford if someone wanted a lift.[/quote] I'd very much like to see my old fretless SR5 again ;D
  12. mr_russ

    South East Bash

    Righty- looks like i'm free- 90% sure I'll be coming russ
  13. Hi Guys, check this out- My main band 'The Doppler Shift' have managed to get picked up by Peter Gabriel's new business venture www.we7.com There's only one recording up at the moment but there will soon be more take a look! Russ
  14. My apologies for the rubbish pic- I managed to take about 6 of the marcus and only 2 of the geddy before my batteries died in my camera- will have to wait until tomorrow before I'll have chance to get any more
  15. Hi I've just bought this- I like it a lot but I've just had some awesome news- I've been offered an endorsement deal with Windmill Guitars and will be getting a bass made by them- I only need two basses so this and my marcus miller jazz have to go! Pics up either this afternoon or tomorrow morning. I was stupid as I fell in love with this bass and ended up overpaying- I paid £500 but i'm after £425. I'm based just outside of brighton, anyone is welcome to try it out. please email me at- russfcox -at- gmail -dot-- com Russ
  16. Bump- I need to shift this quickly so am open to offers- would like to get £475 for it ovno pics up this afternoon or tomorrow morning r
  17. [quote name='PauBass' post='31191' date='Jul 13 2007, 12:15 PM']I've heard about this basses before, they are quite popular amongst Spanish bass players... I'm also member of the Guitarramania Forum (Spain) and people talk really well about them... If you check Windmill's site Musicians section you'll see this guy: Charlie Moreno, he's got he's own custom model, "Windforce Charlie Moreno". Check his YouTube site and judge the bass (...and the player!) by yourself: [url="http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=charliegroove&p=r"]http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user...egroove&p=r[/url] [/quote] I've been offered an endorsement deal with Windmill, I'm just in the process of choosing what I'm after bass-wise I'm looking at getting a 5 string jazz built but info on them is thin on the ground r
  18. Hi- I was wondering if anyone here has had any contact with windmill guitars? [url="http://www.windmill-guitars.com/"]http://www.windmill-guitars.com/[/url]
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