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Posts posted by loweringthetone

  1. [quote name='richardd' post='790271' date='Mar 30 2010, 09:19 AM']:) To The Top :rolleyes:[/quote]

    Nordy, Aguilar and Valenti combined for £800 ? A bargain in my opinion. I can vouch for Richard as a great guy to trade with.

    (.......do I get my commission now please ?) :lol:

  2. [quote name='ialma' post='786922' date='Mar 26 2010, 01:42 PM']no interest for this lovely Gibson ?[/quote]

    It's a really lovely bass but you might be asking a little too much. The special is not the carved top LP standard that sells around £1500 new. These modern Gibbos , although they are great basses and not common, just dont seem to command high prices these days. Suggest you search the web for a price.
    Just a suggestion as you asked if there was a problem. Good luck !

  3. [quote name='Schnozzalee' post='786978' date='Mar 26 2010, 02:38 PM']Hmm, dithering a lil bit on this. Didn't realise the USA models were that rare in the UK :) Lakland problem all over again...[/quote]

    Our local 'Academy of sound' chain had stacks of USA G&Ls for sale a few years ago, and so there's loads of owners in the Midlands. However, they are such versatile basses, I think people are hanging onto them, and the ones you now see for sale are usually Tributes

    Nice bass, nice colour ! Tempted myself. Good luck !

  4. [quote name='loudandclear' post='769952' date='Mar 10 2010, 12:27 AM']Hi - is that a brass nut on the fretted neck ? thanks[/quote]

    ...and the scratchplate looks very clean for a bass of this age. If its matt black, as it looks, then could it be an aftermarket replacement ? My Pre EB ray of this age has a gloss black plate.

    Theres a nice bass though and 2 necks make it really versatile

  5. :) How many pickups ???? If they do an HHH version they'll have to site them on the neck ! A very pretty bass though.
    How does it hang ? There's not much of a top horn so I guess the neck hangs low ?
  6. [quote name='ricbass' post='689612' date='Dec 20 2009, 11:22 AM']£600.[/quote]

    Bump for a great bass, and one Ive considered myself. You might want to reconsider the price as Coda music are now offloading them for £599 . See [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=380187204384&ssPageName=ADME:B:SS:GB:1123"]Coda music[/url]


  7. ..........just can't buy and more! 15 really is getting a bit silly now.........

    Lovely bass ! Keep it, dont worry, it's normal. Learn to live with the addiction and add an extension to your house ! :)

  8. [quote name='richardrickenbacker' post='520841' date='Jun 22 2009, 03:47 PM']Hi Guys (and Girls)

    Have got a good condition left handed 1978/9 (ish) Kramer 650B bass with Aluminum neck and bad ass bridge.
    Plays good, looks good.
    Would keep it myself but I am not left handed and would be looking to off load it to a good home so it could actually be played.
    Will consider any trade for right handed bass, guitars, bass amps or electric drum kit.

    Will post pictures this week.


    The 650B is a beautiful bass - aluminium and exotic woods - and a delight to play. A left handed one cant be common. You should classify it under bass porn ! Cant wait to see the pics.

  9. These are FAB !! Ive had one and they are very high quality instruments. They were Yam's top 5 stringer back then, superbly built, and everything was top notch from the quilted maple to the ebony fingerboard to the NE preamp which gives a range of good tones. Not a raw rock bass but does smooth pure and sophisticated in spades. Lovely smooth finished fingerboard, I found mine an absolute delight to play.

    PS Youve got some nasty looking dings on the fence there........nothing too much on the bass though.
    PPS have I earnt my pint yet ?

  10. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='473833' date='Apr 27 2009, 10:59 PM']These basses do not appear that often for sale and there is a reason for that. They are essentially a fraction of the price of a US equivalent, but produce the same sound, excellent build quality and investment potential.[/quote]

    Que ?.........but arent there loads of MIJs from this era in the UK ? Or am I missing something ? I knew a man who had six (no names mentioned !). After the JV era the electrics were'nt considered to be up to USA standards, hence I guess the Dimarzios. It looks a nice basss with a lovely sunburst , but am I the only one who thinks those 80's cream p/u covers on Dimarzios dont match anything ?

    Yes Im probably the only one...........

    Good luck with the sale

  11. Martin bought my unfeasibly large bass flight case recently. It was a very easy and straightforward transaction. Great guy, one of the best ! :)

  12. This is a high quality bass flight case originally supplied for a Manson bass. Heavy duty and very tough indeed. Suspect you could drive a truck over it ( but havent tried so no guarantee). In excellent condition, all catches and handle work fine. You'll need to buy some foam for the inside as I stripped the old stuff out - it was starting to crumble. Otherwise case is excellent working order. Can post I guess but I suspect postage will be more than the case, so personal collection (or a meet at J24 or J25 M1 much preferred). I need the space so it's going at a bargain price.

  13. [quote name='jonny.newiss' post='445230' date='Mar 25 2009, 06:14 PM']Hi Funk

    This bass will be an even better sounding guitar than you tried in Soundcontrol as its a 1998 model which is when Gibson were making there guitars out of the finest Brazilian Hard woods:-)
    It has an awesome sound have a read of some of the reviews on Harmony Central see link in ad..

    I wouldnt believe everything you read on Harmony central. The les paul bass has a maple cap on a mahogany body. The only brazilian wood likely to be used is mahogany and the supreiority of brazil mahogany for Les Pauls is apparently the subject of much opinion. What cant be denied is that Gibbos make well made and IMHO underrated basses (.....apart from the EB0 which is a complete dog ! :) )

    Good luck

  14. [quote name='jonny.newiss' post='444917' date='Mar 25 2009, 12:48 PM']Hi Everyone!!

    Hope you like the Gibson Les Paul Bass....Tell me what you think it is worth???
    I would be grateful for your ideas....


    Ill kick off with my 2p. The dollar prices at harmony central [url="http://reviews.harmony-central.com/reviews/Electric+Bass/product/Gibson/Les+Paul+Standard+Bass/10/1"]HC Gibson Std Bass[/url] although pretty out of date, may give you some idea of new and used prices. In excellent nick and in a bouyant market, could fetch well over a grand Id say, maybe 70% of new price maximum. However, presently the market is fickle and depressed and you dont know what offers may arise. Not so popular as T birds but also not so common, its a rather understated bass for its quality. Perhaps a slightly specialised market (due to lack of a top horn ?) but if the tone is as legendary for rock as many say it is, then a knowledgeable buyer would be very pleased to see one come onto the market.

    Just my opinion, and I stand to be corrected. Hope this helps.

  15. [quote name='jonny.newiss' post='444335' date='Mar 24 2009, 09:06 PM']Hi Andy

    Thanks for email.....

    Make me an sensible offer and I'll let you know what I think...


    Yes. Would be useful to have a guideline idea on price as I guess sensible might mean different things to different people. You may then get offers in your range of expectations. If you dont know waht it may be worth , then it's worthwhile asking us, we're pretty knowledgable and despite your previous experiences, we are pretty friendly. :) We dont really eat newbies for breakfast. Honest.

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