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Frank Blank

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Everything posted by Frank Blank

  1. I have used bend and cut for decades with no (apparent) problems but since using Newtone Strings with a round core rather than hex I don’t cut these particular strings.
  2. To pedantic, opinionated I can't actually grasp the subjectivity/objectivity dichotomy hell in a pointless handcart, that's where its going.
  3. Welcome! It’s a good ‘un, don’t miss it!
  4. This simple phrase could replaced my entire blather.
  5. I love Steely Dan. I love the grooves they get into, I love the sarcastic, throwaway lyrics. I know there’s a hell of a lot of brilliant writing and astonishing musicianship going on but I just like the finished songs, the product. I don’t relate to SD emotionally, they don’t ‘speak’ to me, so to speak, their experiences in no way correlate with mine but there’s something escapist and very dark that’s (for me) highly attractive about them. They occupy a unique corner of my musical taste, listening to The Fez or Babylon Sisters is like listening to no other band, I suppose I can’t explain why I like them so much, perhaps that’s one of the reasons I do like them so much. When someone else writes and performs a song as great but insane as My Old School... well it isn’t going to happen. Stuart Lee is, by a country mile, my favourite ‘comedian’ but then I find that a peculiar epithet to describe him with, his work is more like stream of consciousness monologues, although more interactive with the audience responses than the word monologue would usually suggest. There is a similar snobbery surrounding Stewart Lee as surrounds Steely Dan, the tired old ‘you just don’t get it/them’, of course it’s bôllöcks, and band/comic/anything else is simply about each individual’s interaction with said band/comic/anything else and no one persons interaction is any more valid than anyone else’s but there will always be the I’m right you’re not crowd blathering on, it’s why I don’t get involved in the fretless discussions on here anymore.
  6. Play basses and reintroduce yourself to the roast 🥔. Can’t think of a better combo.
  7. As ridiculous as this sounds, it’s actually bang on! At one point I found myself just eating a bowl of roast spuds. Basses? Who cares? *stomach groan flashbacks*
  8. These are what I use, excellent.
  9. Just received my Gerlitz No.1 from Posh Guitars, as someone commented (possibly here, possibly elsewhere) it arrived along with a free plectrum, rather chuffed...
  10. Oddly it was those two that put me off, I’ve never listened to anything else of theirs, recordings that is, I’ve been unfortunate enough to have been working at several festivals where they’ve played too, live they leave me cold too.
  11. Couldn’t agree more, another band that just leaves my gonads firmly un-tickled.
  12. It took me a a long time to get into The Nightfly, I mean decades, I was always put off by that cheesy opening to I.G.Y. Eventually I listened to the lyrics, which are brilliant as usual, from then on it grew on me. New Frontier was my in.
  13. Are there any covers bands specialising in cheese... Wensleydickdale Cheshire Bluetones Ilchisters of Mercy Lincolnshire Poa-Cher Suffolk Goldie Terence Trent Sage Derby
  14. There isn’t one Beatles track I like, they just leave me cold
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