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Everything posted by anzoid

  1. Not tried the five string but had a the four string version for a while. Very nicely made - typical Ibanez quality etc. Pickups are the standard Bart Mk1s - you either love em or you don't. I find them a bit "meh" personally - adequate but nothing to write home about. (Don't know whether a set of Nordy Big Singles would fit - they'd make for a massive improvement...). Where the SRF700 shone was the piezo in the bridge - so smooth and gives an extra dimension you'll be hard pressed to find elsewhere. Double bass type thump and pretty mellow - no harshness that I've had with other piezo equipped basses. You can mix the piezo and the ordinary pups which makes for some nice combinations overall. Overall: Pros - build quality, bridge piezo. Cons (well, more like OKs) - Bart Mk1s
  2. That BC208 cab looks rather nice - if it would fit size-wise under a BG250-208 then I reckon I might give one a spin.
  3. Thank you! Edit to say - read the whole thread - wow, quite an event - I was away the time this came up so missed it live, but a great read! And getting to replace Mr Horn for the bass bit - sweet
  4. Indeed!!! @wateroftyne - can you tell us more? (guessing it's you on bass? and if so, you look like you're having the time of your life... apologies if I misidentified you and you were one of the backing singers or the sax player... )
  5. streamline verb [ T ] UK /ˈstriːm.laɪn/ US /ˈstriːm.laɪn/ streamline verb [ T ] (SHAPE) "to shape something so that it can move as effectively and quickly as possible through a liquid or gas" Given the shape of that thing, "Streamline" is something of a misnomer Tis neither effective nor quick...
  6. Listed under "Guitar Amplifiers", but thought it needed bringing to the attention of Basschat: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Peavey-Bass-Guitar-Fury-IV-and-Red-Sub-Amplifier/264013141776 Are these any good? Condition looks decent and it is very environmentally friendly being green and all that...
  7. Via this article from the Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/music/2018/oct/30/the-buggles-how-we-made-video-killed-the-radio-star You can either have the original. According to Geoff Downes: "Bruce [Woolley] tried to stop our version of Video and released his more straightforward version [as Bruce Woolley & the Camera Club] before ours, but it wasn’t a hit." Or the copy: Personally, kinda liking the Bruce Woolley version, though the Buggles one is still the winner. So: who knew the Bruce Woolley version even existed, and can we talk about Trevor Horn's bass playing...?
  8. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Westone-Thunder-II-bass-identical-Thunder-III-new-strings-new-Gator-hard-case/163343148593 Aspirational pricing plus a side-order of confusion on what it is you're buying a II or maybe it's a III or it's a II, but very much like a III...
  9. I've had a number of different Corts and one thing you can say for them is that the fit and finish is generally exceptional for the money. The older model B4 that I've tried was very good. The B4+ with Markbass preamp should, in principle, be very good. The only negative comment would concern the Mk1 Bartolini pickups - some people like them, and quite a few don't. Personally, I've never really liked them - found them a bit anaemic sound wise - not terrible, just a bit "meh", characterless, which I found to be a shame because everything else about Corts is impeccable. So, in summary... the guitar itself - you'll be hard-pressed to find similar quality at the same price point. The pickups... you'll probably either love 'em or hate 'em. It's very much a case of try before you buy if you can. And if possible don't buy new as the resale on Corts is miserable. Also worth a look is the Cort C4H - an older model but with double Musicman style humbuckers that is rather nice. Can be had for good prices if you can find one (certainly under £300, even brand new).
  10. You can get the blue one with a maple neck 😮 https://www.ebay.com/itm/Bacchus-WOODLINE-HEADLESS4-M-BLU-OIL-3022/163238947437 But over $3,000 shipped... bit outside of what I can afford
  11. Not me, no money either. Went for a reasonable price though. Would be great if it was basschatter that got it then we can find out more about it
  12. And now there's a thread for all the yellow basses out there... though I fear mine might end up lonely in this thread... First is my new Steinberger Spirit XT2. Very pleased with it though frets need a bit of attention. Second is a heavily modded Vintage (the brand) Stingray copy. Stripped the body, got it refinished by Jack's Instrument Services in Manchester (he did a fabulous job), new electronics and tuners and hardware and... I sold it because it still didn't come out how I wanted at the time (now I think I would know what to do to make it work for me... you live and learn) Anyway, I like yellow basses.
  13. And here's the "After" version: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/HARLEY-BENTON-BASS/323515059513?hash=item4b53000d39:g:9BEAAOSwMBdb0D72 Nice money if someone falls for it... Looks like he tied it to the back of his car and then headed out onto the M6 (he's in Warrington...)
  14. Currently at £170 with 1 day and 16 hours to go... Wonder whether it'll go over £300...
  15. Anyone on the lookout for a SGC Nanyo Bass Collection Fretless: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Bass-Collection-SGC-Nanyo-SB301-Active-Fretless-Bass-c-w-Hardcase/292782862856?hash=item442b37f208:g:iL4AAOSwF~hbzdLN Looks to be the real deal and in good nick.
  16. Another "nope, me too". Had a ABZ 4 for a very short time. Love the look, loved the neck, could not get on with the pickup position and couldn't get a tone out of it I liked. the ABZ 4 I had was passive, maybe that was part of the problem, but wasn't going to spend even more to put that right. Traded for an EBMM Sterling which does me just fine.
  17. I had a Vintage Icon fretless for a while - as Marc S notes - it was quite heavy, it sounded great though. The thing that was really rubbish though was the relicing - it was awful and made the bass look and feel cheap, which was a real shame as everything else about it was very good.
  18. Looks like there could be some association with Riverhead - https://hiveminer.com/Tags/bass%2Criverhead has gathered some photos - this one in particular looks like the same pups and bridge:
  19. @BreadBin I'll bring it over and you can have a try at it (Get that GAS well and truly stoked...)
  20. Only if they're hot rod yellow or metallic blue Sold a bunch of basses a while back to fund... something. Made a trip to Bass Direct and came home with a Dingwall and didn't really get on with it - pickup position was what did me in, fanned frets was easy... but the pickups got in the way for me (heresy, I know). Mark very kindly took it back and traded for a very nice EBMM Sterling that is gorgeous. The SR1400 was part of the original sale for the Dingwall (forgot to say that bit...)
  21. Had an SR1400 for while, also with the Nord big singles - awesome tone, lightweight, slim neck and everything but in the end the reason I moved it on (apart from to get my hands on an EBMM Sterling) was that I just wasn't that keen on the look. Gold hardware and lots of wood... prefer solid colours - so an SR1400 in SR300 colours would be awesome for me
  22. Succumbed to GAS, not once but twice in quick succession... First up - Washburn Status S1000 secondhand from Rich Tone Music. 9.5/10 condition for a 30(?) year old bass - couple of dings on the body and that's about it. Washburn wood and real Status hardware. Phenolic fingerboard and overall sounds really good. Electronics are slightly weird. Neck pot is balance, middle pot is (notched) volume and bridge pot is active tone that appears to affect bass and treble (not spent much time looking up the details, but like what it does) Not the lightest - weighs in at 4.25kg (more than my EBMM Sterling which is only 4kg). Second, brand new Steinberger Spirit XT-2 in Hot Rod Yellow. Anyone who has seen certain other of my questions knows I like yellow basses - add that to my love of cricket bat basses and this was a no-brainer. Been through a few Hohner B2A, B2s and the like as well as a couple of 2015/16 (I think) Spirit XTs. The Hohners are always good, but the last XT-2 I bought was a complete dog that went back to the shop the same day - bad frets, poorly shaped body with with very square shoulders and bad radiusing of the edges, bad finish and... yeah, was really disappointed. This one is a 2018 re-release from Gibson and it's actually pretty good. Shape is correct, edges are nicely radiused and fit and finish is way beyond the last one. Only minus is a dodgy bit of finish on the heel, but nothing to cry about. Setup though... needs some work - action is very high, fingerboard is also very dry and could use some lemon oil. Pups are a bit weak but that could be somewhat down to the action. My intention is drop an EMG 2-band EQ into it at some point (and probably also replace the pups with real EMGs), but overall, very happy. (And edit to add in the Sterling which is relatively new to me and makes me happy as a clam... born 20th September 2013 (according to EBMM) - Pacific Blue Burst with the Maple neck.)
  23. A search on "Fake Kubicki" rather than "Kubicki copy" turns up a bunch more stuff... still kinda want it
  24. @AndyTravis yeah, kinda want it too, but just bought a Steinberger Spirit, literally today... hot rod yellow XT2 incoming tomorrow...
  25. Just found this on a... ummm... differetn bass forum: "According to pickups (K&M), stringholders, bridge and knobs in my opinion this is a Fixer without logo (the other logo that also appeared on these models was "Bass Collection"). It is a cheaper copy of the ExFactor made in Japan in the last 80's probably by Headway/Deviser, the same Factory that made Riverhead basses in the same years."
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