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Everything posted by ubit

  1. Of course it would be more expensive. No one would ever sell famous instrument cheaply. Even if they didn't know and you did you would go for the famous one for sell on value or simply knowing you had a piece of history.
  2. He did a series of lockdown videos in which he explained about his bass lines and how they were constructed
  3. I listen to music almost exclusively on random. My computer has 25,057 songs on it. It ranges from Mozart to Meshuggah and I enjoy each as much as the last. It covers just about every genre. Even the genres that I am not quite so keen on like Jazz still feature on this playlist. I find that songs that I don't like at first can grow on me. I just appreciate good music. I don't think there is such a thing as shyte music. It's just that it's not your taste.
  4. Case proven, gorgeous but that price! https://www.musique-shop.fr/uk/rickenbacker-4003mid-bleu.html?gclid=Cj0KCQjwkZiFBhD9ARIsAGxFX8BgZOA8qHGtVf8WLx5hIkGMd_dyBQPDWFM1qzrUDc-_vsGqr7nG4acaArT3EALw_wcB
  5. I have only tried one twice. Once many years ago with one that had dead strings which was underwhelming and then again a couple of years ago in Guitar Guitar in Glasgow. I liked it when I played it more recently but the price kinda scared me off. With me not playing live just now I can't justify such an outlay when I have so many other great basses.
  6. Maybe its because I am a bit older but I agree about most of those mentioned. I still like Cypress Hill, Tupac Ice T etc. Its the new style hip hop/rap that I can't be doing with but then again, I don't give it a chance. If I hear a song that I don't particularly like, after few plays I end up liking it.
  7. So you still want to like everything? No wait You like everything you've heard? no that's not it. You like what you like and you don't like what you don't like. Yup, I think I have it now.
  8. I couldn't agree less. I am able to enjoy music of many different styles whereas one of my mates likes one particular style. I think he is limiting his enjoyment. I like nothing more than listening to music on random where I can hear Vivaldi, Motorhead, Stevie Wonder, Korn, Garth Brooks, Bob Marley, The Mission, Five Finger Death Punch etc. playing in any order.
  9. It's funny, when I was a kid I was subjected to Neil Diamond and Glen Campbell records all the time. I hated them but didn't realise how much they were having an effect on me. now I love both artists along with many others of that ilk.
  10. When I was young it was Metal or nothing. Then I realised I loved Reggae, then dance. Now I pretty much like anything that's good apart from Hip Hop
  11. I absolutely love The Smiths. I thought they were kinda meh when I first heard them but the musicianship is superb Listen to the bass in This Charming Man or What Difference Does It Make. That and Marrs excellent guitar riffs turned me into a big fan.
  12. I have no need for the 14 basses that I own. We are no longer gigging. My job doesn't allow me time to rehearse never mind planning gigs as I work ad hoc. Even if we were to be able to start up, Im not so sure the pubs round here would want an ageing band playing to the yoofs of today out on the lash. All the reasons to sell and make some money and free up some space but can I? Nope because not only do I still have little bouts of GAS, I also have CPWIS (can't part with it syndrome)
  13. I was in getting a hair cut today and the Turkish barber was commenting on the music that was playing. I said I like pretty much all kinds of music but it was a tangled web of lies as I just can't do with hip hop/rap apart from Tupac.
  14. This. I used to slag Duran Duran off for being pop. Little did I realise what pop would become and a band that played their own instruments and wrote their own songs would become rare in the charts. I now have all of their albums.
  15. I find active circuitry on a bass pretty pointless too. The only time it becomes noticeable is if you are using an active bass and change to a passive bass. If you are using a non active bass you adjust your settings to suit. I know they are brighter and are considered to be amazing. It's just in my experience I can do without.
  16. I used to have this view but have been converted. I now love an overdriven distorted bass sound.
  17. I used to play mine really low as I thought I looked cooler but realism made me wear it higher as I got older. Just below waist height now. I remember in the 80's seeing a band playing in our town and the bass player was resting his chin on his bass. I vowed to never ever wear it that high.
  18. I remember All Saints being on just before them and how they were just this uncoordinated mess, then the Spice Girls followed, perfect choreography. At least All Saints could actually sing.
  19. I have Japanese Fenders Mexican Fenders and American Fenders. I also have a Squire bass.My go to gigging basses are the American Fenders. Why is this? I think the American ones have that certain gravitas. I mean I know they sound good but so do the others. It's just if you bump into another muso you have street cred. Plus you know you have the weight of a mighty American Standard behind you.
  20. Well I'm certainly no Paul Rudd......Slappin da bass.
  21. I saw this clip a couple of years ago and I watched the whole thing. I was just so amazed that someone could put in such a poor performance. Amazed as it's on tv but I feel for him as I was the singer in our band and a couple of times over the years I had said to my mate who was the guitarist that I was feeling terrible and we would have to cancel a gig as my throat was goosed. He would say c'mon man, you will be fine blah blah. I would cave and then struggle like hell to reach notes that I normally managed easily. It used to make me angry that I always caved and gave in to peer pressure.
  22. I saw this a while back and its quite sad really. He used to have a decent voice but for whatever reason during this performance he struggled. Perhaps he should have cancelled. Better to miss a performance than do irrepairable damage to your career by performing like this.
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