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Everything posted by ubit

  1. Ah, we are polar opposites. I hate the Doors and I love NIN
  2. I always used Elixir stainless for years but found them to not last. I have to use stainless because of an allergy to nickel so I am forced to look elsewhere. I now like Rotosound stainless. They last slightly longer than Elixirs.
  3. I honestly think the guitar player should boost his sound during a solo so that not only is it overdriven but thickens the sound of having just bass and drums. Obviously I am talking from a rock type background but any guitar solo sounds better with over drive to thicken it.
  4. Grunge is just another pigeon hole term. I mean how can Pearl Jam and Nirvana and Alice n Chains all be the same? All you had to do to be considered grunge was be from Seattle in the early 90's and be a rock band. I just like music because I like it.
  5. This! Why would you feel the need to start flair playing whilst the guitar player was soloing? That would detract from what he was doing. Listen to live tracks from established three pieces and they mostly carry on with the natural rhythm.
  6. I saw a young band once who were ok. Nothing special. Singer was ok, again not the best ever voice but boy could he put on a show. He was a great frontman. We had a rhythm guitar player who used to stand with the most miserable face staring at what he was playing. I despaired at him and gave up telling him to try to look interested. You are there not just to play music but to entertain. This boy made you look at the band and be interested.
  7. Yup, this is me. I also love finding new music. Youtube has suggested some good ones.
  8. I always wanted a three piece but my guitarist mate always insisted in bringing in others. Years ago he had carpal tunnel syndrome and couldn't play for a year. I went and found a guitarist and drummer and it was the best we have ever sounded. Unfortunately the guitarist was always drunk and turning up late, so I went back to my mate when he recovered. Then the band grew again.
  9. He once came on stage at a Glasgow concert wearing a Celtic strip. There was nearly a riot. He claimed later that he didn't realise that it would cause such offence. What a knob. In any city in the world you wouldn't go onstage wearing a football strip. You would immediately alienate half the audience.
  10. People used to go on about how his shows were legendary as he would play for like 4 hours or something. That used to put me cold. Even if I was seeing a band I liked I couldn't stand that long.
  11. I am no fan of his voice or music but admit to quite liking "The days of Pearly Spencer".
  12. But can she sing? It's not all about looks you know.
  13. I admit to a general sweeping statement but to be honest there is so much I hate that I steer well clear of them and probably have missed out on some good songs. Others that I might have quite liked I have got sick of through over playing on radio stations when I were a lad.
  14. The Doors- Cant stand them. The Beatles- Same. Bruce Springsteen- Don't like him but I like I'm on Fire. American Pie- I detest that song in all its forms Rod Stewart - I hate everything he does (and says mostly) Everything else I pretty much love.
  15. I too struggled to sell a couple of cabs I had, An Ampeg 4x10 and a Genz Benz 6 x 10. I couldn't find any interest and Guitar Guitar were offering derisory amounts. I finally sold them both on Facebook market place. It gets to a larger audience.
  16. We did put on a better show than any open mic thrown together outfit but drunks will still persevere.
  17. Why do you need a settled line up? Surely you can just use session players for recording and touring.
  18. I also used to hate Bruce Springsteen. I still do.
  19. Being a cover band, I used to get cheesed off with the amount of people who thought you were there as a Karaoke machine for them to sing along with. Can I get up to sing? Let's see your set list. Don't you know any more songs that this? I have yet to find one single person who we let up to sing who was any good. If we said no they would usually get all shirty. I have even had guys ask to play my bass for a song.
  20. I know of a local band who are superb but the singer is flat a lot of the time. She is married to the guitar player so there is no chance of her being replaced. It grates on me when I hear them.
  21. I remember they played here at our local concert hall. They were great but they set off pyrotechnics and the whole place had to get evacuated as it set off the fire alarms. We eventually got back in and they finished their set but it was a bit embarrassing.
  22. When I was 18 I worked briefly with a local builder. We were doing some work on a lawyers house and I came across some writing in cement with initials dated 1934. I wondered what became of this guy. Did he go to war and make it back or did he die in some foreign land? I wrote beside it my own initials dated 1982. I wonder if anyone has added to that.
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