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About kodiakblair

  • Birthday 14/04/1969

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  1. My BC message alerts have been sent to "junk mail" today. Folks it might be an idea checking your "junk mail" folder and marking any BC messages "not spam".

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    2. Happy Jack

      Happy Jack

      All I found was:

      I am a Principal Asset Manager in one of the leading international banks. I respectfully seek your sincere consent in this profitable proposal that i will explain to you.
      Nine (9) years ago, precisely on Nov 6th, 2008, an Expatriate Oil consultant/contractor with a Chinese mineral cooperation, deposited a numbered sum of Twenty Million United States Dollars(20,000,000 USD) in my branch valid for twelve calender months. We did not hear from him since then.
      However On further inquiries we found out He was involved in an accident which means he died intestate, All paper works in my bank revealed that he did not declare any next of kin or relations. This means that no one will ever come for this money since its been nine years. I can be able to make you the beneficiary of these funds.
      For all your troubles I propose that we split the money in half. Once I get your willingness and response I will give you further information on this huge deal, What I require is that you DO NOT betray my confidence.
      We should act swiftly on this if we are going to achieve it.
      I wait your urgent response
    3. Dazed


      I noticed the odd notification email landing in my junk mail. Today all of them have gone there...... new server identity?

    4. ped


      Is it OK now?

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