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Everything posted by NancyJohnson

  1. [quote name='BottomE' timestamp='1321790913' post='1442995'] I always fancied a go on the Chapparal. I am googling the FB4 as i have never heard of it! Pics would be nice. Interested to know where you get them from as i rarely see a hamer for sale over here. [/quote] I don't like the whole hijacking of other threads, but below is my Thunderbird and FBIV...it's the only pic I have on the PC. If you want to discuss further, then I'd be happier if you opened a new topic. The Scarab came from the Bass Centre in London about twenty years ago (for my sins I actually liked Def Leppard, it had a great neck, but was a bit too pointy for me). The Chapparal was bought through I guy I know in Swindon, the FBIV came off eBay about a year ago. P
  2. [quote name='BottomE' timestamp='1321743371' post='1442740'] As an aside can i call you Nancy? Did you see the pics of the PBass that i (butchered) assembled? That was a relatively simple project compared to the one that Count Bassie undertook. You have to give him credit for seeing through the project and getting a result that met the criteria. When i saw your post i did think it was a bit offensive - i think his reaction was quite mild but hey its all in the past. I come on the forum to talk about bass stuff generally and the stuff about Syria and the rest went way over my head and TBH i don't want to get involved. You said you like Hamer stuff. Do you have one? [/quote] You can call me Nancy if you want, doesn't bother me. I've had three Hamers in total, a white/ivory Scarab (lovely, but of its time), a Chapparal (nice but not a keeper) and an FBIV or FB4, which I still have. P
  3. [quote name='Wolverinebass' timestamp='1321723910' post='1442467'] I think that the Waterstone is passive. [/quote] The Waterstone is passive, yes. I was thinking about putting a John East in at one stage, but didn't. I was giving some consideration to putting in some different pickups too (102mmx38mm), but have no idea what would fit...despite the sound being fairly big, the stock pickups are a bit tame. P
  4. I had the same issues with an LH1000 a couple of years ago. I was dealing direct with Korg back then. I think I had four heads in total before saying I would wait for the Kilo to get released. They're great heads...seriously great tone through the Hydrive cabinets, but that crackling and popping did my head in. P
  5. Mr Vaughan, or can I call you Roger, now that we're all cosy? Let's bring some clarity to proceedings here for a moment. You posted to a semi-public forum and I responded. I am a bit of a Hamer fan and have owned several, to be honest, the original photos looked like the body needed some work, but clearly it wasn't something that would buff out, but - and I repeat - I hated what you did to the Cruise and stated so. Obviously somewhat narked about my comment, I get a response asking whether I'm running for office (no I have a car, my place of work is too far away fro me to run to), juxtapositioned with some quite flippant remarks about the rainforest and Syria, because yes, the rainforest and Syria [b]really [/b]validate your argument concerning my comment about your mod. Have you ever been to Syria, my friend, or does the carpentry work keep you too busy? I have visited Syria, earlier this year. I know, you probably now think I'm muslim-loving commie, but let's not let that affect [s]the war on terror[/s] our friendship. And we were getting along so well. Anyhow, it's a really beautiful, place, the Syrians are nice people - well, the ones not doing the killings are - but I don't have much time for the two groups of armed militia that stopped us while we were driving from Damascus to Palmyra right after the killings really got started at Easter. It's really not that pleasant having a gun pointed at you and your family, so NEVER make a flippant remark like again, because it is neither clever or smart, it's ignorant. Moving along (as I do have a life away from Basschat, it's the weekend and I need to go stand outside the US embassy to protest about something), I return periodically to find out you and Mr BottomE are having a nice little forum-chat, peppered with smileys, winky-winky...[i]rubbing each others rhubarb[/i], so to speak. You have to realise that when you post here, your posts get read, wooo, and get this, sometimes they get read before you have a chance to edit/withdraw what you've posted. So yes, my ignorant friend, I have read some of the stuff you've posted pertaining to my original post before you changed it. Ho-hum. The final straw really for me was being described as pompous, arrogant and self-important. I apparently also dig 'venting off on [my] soapbox' and I have no [i]humour [/i]in me. Amazing how you can determine all this from a two sentence post. But then you Yanks love to draw your conclusions based on a small amount of hard facts (WMDs anyone?), so it doesn't surprise me. I can take sticks and stones so long as they're grounded in fact. You don't know me. You know nothing about me. You also know nothing about my spat with another member here whilst defending the honour of a company I have an artist-endorsement with (which was the reason I upped and left originally, despite being asked not to by the mods here). I will stand by my original comments. I didn't like how the Hamer turned out. If you can't take some criticism, seriously, don't bother posting. Boo hoo! It looked so much nice before, even if you did, for some reason have the strap on the lower horn. Much love, from your new musilm-loving commie friend. P
  6. so I'm pompous, arrogant and self-important. Lovely. This is precisely why I gave up posting to this forum a couple of years ago. I quit. Again. Go f*** yourself. P
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  8. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  9. [quote name='Chairleg' timestamp='1321209014' post='1436513'] Thanks. I will post the finished bass and hopefully any snags/mistakes as I go along. After I finish it, I am hoping to get a more experienced player to have a go on it (a Bass Chatter perhaps?) to give it a bit of a 'review'. Novice assembler + home assembly kit = ? All the best, Mark. [/quote] I've done a couple of refinish jobbies in the past and I've never had an issue with that aspect of this type of thing, lots of patience, elbow grease and fine grade sandpaper. Today's paints are [i]very [/i]forgiving. Make sure you take a load of photographs. P
  10. I've seen these kits on eBay and to be honest while I've not had the inclination to try one, it'll be interesting to see how this turns out. Good luck with it. P
  11. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  12. Very cool...I'll be happy to return it once I've scanned it. Bob Singer owns/runs Waterstone...I was an early adoptee, tried to get some UK distribution up and running. You have a PM! Cheers Paul
  13. Has anyone got a copy of the edition from April/May 2010? It's the one with the GUS bass on the cover. I need a .pdf scan of the [i]Bob Singer In The Woodshed [/i]article if anyone can e-mail it to me. Many thanks P
  14. I've seen this clip before. Love the canned cheering! Attitudes are great basses...have a bumpski. P
  15. I'll take the SM58 please. Just off home, will PM when I get home. Cheers P
  16. I've got a white one. I've never really been a fan of the sunburstesque finishes. Might start looking for a black one as well once Christmas is out of the way. P
  17. I just finished a Sunn Mustang project and I'm knocked out at how it turned out. Have a bump on me. P
  18. If you have deep pockets, try searching for CircleK strings...literally dozens of gauges; they do a 37" five-string set of .254 .190 .142 .106 .079. Should be low enough. P
  19. Don't know if anyone is following this thread anymore (least of all G30 users), but I have one coming and I'd like to use a different bass>transmitter cable (I favour right-angled jacks out of the bass). What's a comfortable cable length and I'll get an order in with our very own OBBM. Cheers Paul
  20. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1318428554' post='1402024'] See, told you they were great didn't I? [/quote] You did indeed sir, thanks! I may hunt down another one at some stage. My drummer plays bass in another band and he's already dropping hints at seeing whether I can do one for him if I can source a cheap donor Sunn. Best P
  21. One time the drummer asked, 'Can I bring in my keyboard, I got it after our last jam?' I think I'd still be playing with him if he'd left it in the car. P
  22. Just having a sort out. Set of four NEW semi-open-backed machines (with ferrules and screws) and an old Fender-esque bridge. The machine head ferrules require a 13mm hole. No screws for the bridge...sorry. Make a donation of some kind to Basschat...nothing stupid, like a penny or anything (don't know how I check this so maybe the mods can let me know) and they're yours. The machines cost me £35 a few months ago and I'm never going to use them. P
  23. This is the [url="http://tinyurl.com/6l5s9wz"]bridge[/url]; it came from the Papa D Music Store on eBay. Not sure, but feasible it could be the same as the ones on the Sue Ryder basses...they do look [i]very [/i]similar. P
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