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Dood last won the day on December 8 2019

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About Dood

  • Birthday 06/01/1918

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  1. Fingers crossed UPS haven't lost something very special....

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. HazBeen


      Spill the beans @Dood, what have the incompetent fools lost? 

      Actually quite bizarre, if you are a doctor, sales rep, footballer you are required to have above average skills in your chosen “career”. Not so with couriers, it appears you need to have zero sense of direction, be nigh on blind, have no sense of responsibility nor any understanding of customer service

    3. Dood


      A vintage bass has mysteriously been ‘lost’. It went missing between being collected (not scanned) and being brought in to the depot (again not scanned) - draw your own conclusions but it has taken way longer than it should to ascertain it’s whereabouts.  The levels of incompetence displayed up to this moment in time are astounding. Indeed I even received a phone call asking if the parcel had arrived, even though said operative had spoken to both the source hub and the delivering centre and neither “had seen it”. 

      There are literally a mere handful of delivery drivers around here I trust. They are brilliant and I see them often. Those are definitely excluded from the torrential outburst I feel bubbling up inside when I think of courier services.

    4. Dood


      Last week:  "It's being dealt with urgently" they say! Chased them today. NOT A PEEP.

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