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Dood last won the day on December 8 2019

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About Dood

  • Birthday 06/01/1918

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  1. Visitors to BC over the years may well have seem me bang on about what I suppose is still a favourite 'tonally coloured' speaker cabinet, the Hartke 4.5XL. I've had about 6 of those 45Kg beasts over the years. Too heavy for my poor back now. Imagine my excitement when I find I can have 600 different IR's of this famous cabinet to play with on Helix and my DAW???!!!!! Could I have 'Dan's 90's Tone' back again??? Watch this space! (My back says thank you) 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Dood


      @SpondonBassed - You beat me to my reply - yours is a bit more concise and yes spot on. What's funny is that in terms of being coloured (in) the Hartke 4.5XL has aluminium cones and thus are shiny silver. The crayons are nice... but you know... shiny!!! (oh man. I'm a Magpie)

    3. SpondonBassed


      Which tends to be heavier?  Hartke or TE gear?

    4. Dood


      Hartke I believe are the only one out of the two that offer Neodymium in their range? So by default that would be my answer, but I think the Hartke 4.5XL is heavier than Trace's 4x10 equivalent.

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