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Dood last won the day on December 8 2019

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About Dood

  • Birthday 06/01/1918

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  1. Positive Grid BIAS AMP BASS (Mini) has just arrived on my doorstep ready for a review next week. 


    Works with guitar too!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dood


      Spondon' - It's ok, you don't need a mobile phone, a subscription to a network or even get stuck in an upgrade cycle any different from the free updates you get with any software. However, if you do have a smartphone, tablet or desktop computer/laptop it does mean you can do some extra tweaking, which is the main point behind the amp. :) I'll have more details when I do the review in Guitar Interactive.

    3. SpondonBassed


      "any different from the free updates you get with any software"

      Those are the upgrades that I meant and you need a subscription to a network to get those anyway.  Not needing a mobile 'phone means that I'd be buying features with no prospect of using them.  That would be daft.

      I'm sure it's lovely though.

    4. Dood


      I don't think I quite follow! The free updates you get via the internet would be the "subscription to a network" you are referring to. Do you have a problem with that specifically? I'm just trying to understand ..

      With regard to the mobile phone, well, you don't specifically have to use just a phone. I mean, you are typing on a computer now right? Just use that instead! :) 

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