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Dood last won the day on December 8 2019

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  • Birthday 06/01/1918

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  1. Sudden urge to own a tonehammer. 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Dood


      Hey folks! I was actually referring to the pedal! ha ha! It was late, I was out e-window-shopping! I do agree though, I've owned the TH500 and reviewed the Magellan 800 and they are both stonking amplifiers! I found the mids to be more chewy in the TH500 when adding some of that drive whereas the Magellan's drive had a clarity, or maybe less mid overtones in the mix. 

      I wish that the ToneHammer pedal had a separate drive control as I really liked being able to crank that up to a point just before it started distorting. I'm not sure if the AGS on the pedal will have the same effect.



    3. Osiris


      What is that you mean by chewy mids? 

    4. Dood


      I guess it's accentuated frequencies in the lower mids that make the bass sound thicker, warmer. This often tends to soften the top end as well resulting in a sound that is less defined than say that of a pristine 'flat' or 'hifi' sounding amplifier. 'Less defined' is not a negative trait by the way.  You could make the comparison between say flats and round wounds. The former being less defined than the latter, but the effect is quite inviting for many!

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