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Marc S

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About Marc S

  • Birthday January 8

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    South Wales

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  1. Expecting redundancy news today..... with real trepidation..... :(

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    2. Marc S

      Marc S

      And the big news is.......
      Some senior committee member has failed to sign off the proposals, and already after a very delayed process.... sigh
      I've had over 4 and a half years of this nonsense :(
      Oh well.... maybe today? Maybe next week?

    3. Rikki_Sixx


      4 years of the redundancy process? That's absolutely ridiculous. Is it likely to be another few weeks now?

    4. Marc S

      Marc S

      @Rikki_Sixx - it's likely to be news in the next few days.... but who knows
      It has been like a permanent headache - they get outside people in to assess you, external accountants to write reports on how your dept is financially un-viable,
      then don't let you see these reports. Then promise you an outcome by June. Then they say the outcomes have to go to committee, then to an approval board, then to finance...
      Then they give you a deadline day.... then fail to meet it. Sigh.....
      Of course, this is a tactic, designed to gypsy's kiss you off - so you leave for another job. Not me, after just shy of 32 years service!

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