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Status Replies posted by Woodinblack

  1. I have reason to believe that an ebay seller I recently purchased from has been giving my name and address out to third parties without my consent. I think this is a breach of GDPR and the Data Protection Act. What are my options?

  2. Just weighed my Harley Benton JB40FL. 10.6 lbs!! Now I may have set up the weigher thing wrong but if not...  Great bass, good sound, amazing value - and virtually unusable for a crumbly like me cos of weight. 

    1. Woodinblack


      I had a harley benton jazz, sounded perfect, eventually sold it because it was just too heavy to be comfortable

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. How do I go about changing my user name?

    1. Woodinblack


      You know, I hadn't noticed that without looking closely!

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  4. How do I go about changing my user name?

    1. Woodinblack


      The movie being where the name of the UB40 track came from

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  5. How do I go about changing my user name?

  6. That disappointing moment when a name bassist whom you befriended and greatly admired chooses to belittle you on Farcebook when you take issue with their alarmist vaxx-skeptic views.

    Closing that door with a heavy heart.

    1. Woodinblack


      Always disapointing but sadly quite common

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  7.  Seeing that the only guitar shop in my hometown is closing down. Sad to see the shop where I got my very first bass go...

    1. Woodinblack


      I was happy to see the shop I got my second bass go, they really deserved it!

  8. For those of you with a persuasion for ACGs - it may be worth your time in becoming a member of the ACG Owners group on Facebook. There's going to a be some very nice basses for sale in the near future.

    1. Woodinblack


      ..Unless they just so happen to know Mr Galbraith... 

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  9. For those of you with a persuasion for ACGs - it may be worth your time in becoming a member of the ACG Owners group on Facebook. There's going to a be some very nice basses for sale in the near future.

  10. Does anybody have 4 (or 2 at a push) black knurled knobs like these before I buy a set off eBay (for about £3).


    1. Woodinblack


      I got some of those like that off ebay for £3, two of them had very scratched tops. Replaced them in the end

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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