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Everything posted by martthebass

  1. We've had to put up our fees but even then on some of the longer hauls it's not exactly a big money spinner. This has meant that we are now looking at more club work than pub work which is a shame as we like a good mix but sadly some of the smaller pubs are struggling to put live music on now. Despite the above I'd say that the level of work is back at pre-pandemic levels for us, we'll have done about 40 this year (pre-p was about 50) and have 20 in the book so far for 2023.
  2. Gig at a club just outside Huddersfield on Saturday night. It was coupled with a bonfire night and the number of young kids was on the frightening side (the number of kids doing 'Peter Kay' knee slide dance was above the torment threashold). So the auspices were not great, thankfully many of the young uns disappeared after the first spot and normal service was resumed and a great night was had by all (especially the seriously big, semi pi55ed unit that teetered on the verge of falling into our lighting rig).
  3. Yup that's me, lost a bit of hearing through Menieres and asking for the key across a stage when jammers are widdling is a nightmare.....
  4. I'd say that's similar up here in the Yorkshire north for a decent covers/tribute band. Band prices have had to go up due to fuel etc and the better venues recognise this. On the club circuit/agent work it tends to be anywhere up to £5-600 if the band can bring in some punters/has a good rep but a lot of these venues are now struggling so I can see a drop off on the horizon.
  5. We hark from the Sheffield-Rotherham area but the biggest share of our gigs tends to be in the West Yorkshire area. Huddersfield in particular has a great live music scene.
  6. New venue for us last night, great pub just outside Leeds, the Old Masons Arms in Rothwell. Landlord couldn’t do enough for us, tea provided and iced water and even stopped a few giddy punters getting too close to gear when necessary. The pub was packed and up for a party, so much that I think we went over by 30 minutes in the end. First time for us, the bar had a tip jar for the band and there was a princely sum in it at the end of the night. Great to see live music still thriving with the help of good management. Sadly I managed to close one of the gear case lids on my right hand on the pack down - fingers not broken but won’t be playing for a few days, luckily we’re on a little break till early November. Also why is it that when I play in Leeds that they always manage to close the A1/M1 for the drive home🤬🤬🤬🤬
  7. Definitely one bass I shouldn’t have let go 😞
  8. Nope. I bought a 57 P bass the first month they came out. The rrp was £202 if I recall correctly.
  9. After last week’s ‘quiet’ affair I didn’t have any great expectations for last night’s outing. This was a town centre pub with a fairly young crowd and the 3 bouncers on the door told volumes. Not the sort of crowd that I’d expect would appreciate 70s Glam....this was an Agent job so they aren’t renowned for good product placement so to speak. Anyhow, I was genuinely surprised, we had a great night with lots of singing and dancing from the first number to the end of the second encore. Praised by the pub management and more bookings on the horizon, happy days.
  10. I was thinking of Cobalts but after the recent comments regarding these having a tendency to 'rust' it put me off them.
  11. Sure something has been posted previously but didn't find it on a cursory glance....but, looking for a different sound on my JMJ Mustang from the current Fender Flats, just for a bit of a change. A bit more definition and punch and a bit less tension. Any experiences out there to share?
  12. Looks like they've got the pricing about right now; it's priced a fair bit below the US Mustang. Love my Fallout launch edition, it's a different flavour to a Mustang that expands the pallet. Not played a Tribute so can't really say how much better the US ones are over the far east versions, not got any issues with my US one though, construction/fit/finish is up with EBMM.
  13. Played a nice Club in Huddersfield over the weekend; we normally play this venue a couple of times per year. Had a good gig but the numbers were well down on when we last played in March. Hope this is a glitch and not a sign of the prevailing economic woes.
  14. Wow that was a total bargain even with the 'Brexit Tax'. I'm not into 5s but I would have been tempted.
  15. Thanks for this Ped I was just about to drop £25 for a set for my JMJ Mustang. Shall look elsewhere. Never had a problem with regular/hybrid slinkies so shall probably stay on that route.
  16. No, it does have a truss Rod (as did my old, departed Streamline). Action was a bit higher than I’d like when it arrived, first thing I did was give it a little turn. Like most (all?) Status basses, once set you can forget it (unless you change string make/gauge).
  17. There yer go Dave....far too posh for me 😂
  18. It really was a game of two halves last night. First set was dogged with problems, singer’s wireless mic set up was getting interference from somewhere and kept clipping. Spotted it during sound check but there was a compère as it was a charity do and we didn’t have sufficient time to sort it as we had to sort his sound. Also had issues with one of the lighting booms unraveling itself with a subsequent crash to the ground. Fortunately the second set went fine but singer was a bit gutted (it was a local gig for him) as he’d heard negative comments about the first spot. C’est la vie, people went home happy so all ends well and all that, also raised over £2k for the cancer charity. It was the first gig where I’d used my Status that I bought new last year...it really was a tone monster but perhaps a bit OTT for a glam band, the leds did help on a dark stage though. Only one crap photo as we had no partners on this one.
  19. I love playing bikers rallies. We were first asked to play one about 5 years back, we said we didn’t think 70s glam rock would work but did it anyway. We wuz wrong and the cheesier the better. 5 years on we normally do 3 or 4 per year to packed ‘houses’. Nothing like a couple of thousand bikers singing along to Shang a Lang 😂
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