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Posts posted by martthebass

  1. [quote name='KevB' post='154733' date='Mar 10 2008, 05:31 PM']The only slightly annoying thing was that on a couple of occasions guitarists who turned up then filled in as bass players. I have no qualms about this if it wasn't for the fact I actually knew the songs they were being very approximate with and even out of practice could have made a better job of (and I'm not a hot player by any shakes) but I was hanging around like a spare part. It's all about *who* you know at these things. At least I got to play 3 songs after a 3 hour wait.[/quote]

    I thought everyone knew that Guitarists can play any bassline better, faster, stronger than any bassist :)

  2. [quote name='karlbbb' post='153302' date='Mar 7 2008, 06:49 PM']My first bass was a 5 string, then my current is only a 4. I miss the 5. I'm not the biggest fan of having to downtune, and I like the extra range at the bottom. :)[/quote]

    2nd hand Warwick Corvette $$5 if you can stretch to it - if not Corvette active 5 (ash). Play one first tho, if you find the P neck a stretch the Warwick neck might not be for you (it aint a Jazz). Another option - Spector?

  3. [quote name='Old Horse Murphy' post='153420' date='Mar 7 2008, 10:33 PM']As much as I like Passive basses, it's just not working for me anymore.[/quote]

    Don't do anything too hasty Nick. A local bassist mate of mine (in his forties like me but more hearing loss) was suffering the same sort of thing, hard rock/Lizzy type band - so P bass a must :)

    They've swapped out the backline and all go through pods and good quality monitors - all forward sound through the 'uprated' PA (inc. drums). I had a chance to play through the set up last year, the stage sound was much quieter but everything was audible and well mixed and pretty much represented what was out front. Is this an option?

  4. Nick, I find the same thing - think it's a venue and band overall loudness thing tho. At jams I tend to take the Thumb because I can dial in more treble and hear meself above the cymbals which seem to want to become part of my head. At less 'muddy' venues I find the P just fine. The audience tho always love the sound of the P so it must project well.

  5. [quote name='Mr Cougar' post='152033' date='Mar 5 2008, 09:06 PM']Anywho as I went to put the bass back on the rack I cracked it against the corner of a Markbass cab and left a dent in it, guy in the shop was not impressed, I put the first ding in what presumably became someone else's bass.[/quote]

    Was that Dave the useless?

    Never mind...................... :)

  6. [quote name='lee4' post='150661' date='Mar 3 2008, 09:12 PM']Great bass,great sound.So versatile.Selling mine due to a bad back though :)[/quote]
    Yup, swamp ash ain't as light as you'd think sometimes :huh:

  7. [quote name='richardd' post='149751' date='Mar 2 2008, 11:07 AM']Hi Mike I will post the price next week if not sold to Mr Couger, by the way did you sell the Sting P Bass Regards Rich[/quote]

    He's bound to buy it Rich............he was gassing like a man possesed at work on Friday aft. :)

  8. [quote name='Beneath It All' post='149492' date='Mar 1 2008, 03:49 PM']....Gerralife[/quote]
    Articulate as well I see........

    CB - Hope you don't let this experience put you off selling anything else on this forum.

  9. [quote name='Faithless' post='149448' date='Mar 1 2008, 02:21 PM']Is 35'er way different from 34? I mean, is it way harder when trying to "expanse" left hand, especially on first five frets?[/quote]

    More different than I expected. I thought 'it's only an inch' but it's enough to affect muscle memory (at least for me) and give me a cramp across the back of my hand when playing 4 finger runs at 1st and 3rd positions for extended time.

  10. [quote name='chris_b' post='149288' date='Mar 1 2008, 02:08 AM']I had a problem with the 35" scale until I stopped trying to reach the notes by stretching and started moving my hand to get my fingers to the right place. I wouldn't go back to a 34" scale now.[/quote]

    Cheers Chris, I'm starting to try this m'self but old habits die hard and all that. Being an old fart most of my playing is below 12th position so I'm persevering with the 5th position on the 5 which helps a bit. Problem is when I g back to 4 (which I do when gigging) it breaks my brain. :)

    Gotta admit tho, the 35" does result in a killer tone, sorry to hijack the thread but do any 34" come close?

  11. Talking with Mr Cougar about this earlier today. On a 4 string I hold the thumb on the pickup or E, with the 5'er I tend to play 'floating thumb', moving the thumb near the string above the one I'm playing - not so much anchoring on it. This seems to help with the 'span' and also helps remind me what string I'm on.

    Only problem I'm having is the 35" scale on the DJ5 - must look at a 'Ray 5 at some point.

  12. [quote name='Jase' post='149120' date='Feb 29 2008, 06:42 PM']Did a DING!! just last night on my new CIJ 62 fretless, thought I'd adjust the pick up height and......OOPPS! slipped off the screw head and put a little "skid" in the paintwork, didn't go down to the wood though....... :) may as well relic it now![/quote]

    Because I'm now so damn anal about dings (I must buy an old knackered bass) if I'm doing any adjustments involving a screwdriver I cover the immediate paintwork with cling film - it's saved me from a few scratches. God I'm sad....

  13. [quote name='Mr Cougar' post='148497' date='Feb 28 2008, 04:46 PM']Well of course I do, that's the bloody problem, you now own my dream bass....Satan. :)[/quote]
    You expecting a good appraisal or something...............think they'd have to make me up to Captain Planet before I could control your level of GAS spending :huh:

  14. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='146720' date='Feb 25 2008, 04:41 PM'][b]Thanks, Mart! It certainly has taken a while to find a good one! BTW, Sound Control have bought up the last batches of S1 basses & they're selling them at £699. Jump in while they're there![/b][/quote]
    Not bad price but I think I'd have a crack with a Lakky JO4 or DJ4 before I bought another Fender Jazz! Gotta admit the quality of the Skylines is good (if a bit clinical).

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