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Posts posted by martthebass

  1. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='202007' date='May 19 2008, 11:43 AM']The build quality is what I've come to expect from Lakland - top drawer and easily as good or better as any Fender or Musicman I've owned. I agree that the neck wood is light in colour but TBH, I don't understand why anyone would associate wood that's light in colour with 'cheapness'.[/quote]

    I've had a few MM's (currently on my 3rd 'Ray) and in recent times a couple of Lakky Skylines (the infamous modded BG and a DJ5 - now with Mr Russ). I'd agree the build quality is up with MIA Fender but I don't think either were MM notch. Just my humble opinion.
    Also playing 'em in Electro there's a major difference in weight on Skylines. I played a DJ5 that was absolutely feather light - a good 1.5lbs lighter (est) than the one I owned. Also my BG was a shade over 9.5lbs wheras I'm aware some come in below 8. All 3 of the Ray's I've had were within a few oz's of 9.5lb.

  2. [quote name='Adee' post='200018' date='May 15 2008, 11:06 PM']Yip Mart is a top bloke if you can get a word in edgeways ! :huh:
    Coffee, chat and bass = what more could you want !

    The Lakland was a top bass, just as Mart described it !


    Damn - definately gonna have to work harder at my salesmans patter.......................

    Cheers Ade. Hope you're gonna put the money from the BG to good use :)

  3. [quote name='Perry' post='199307' date='May 15 2008, 09:16 AM']Musicman basses are not holding their value at the moment. Everyone seems to going for P Basses.

    I'm a fool for letting mine go so cheap but I really need the dosh.

    Good luck and a free bump![/quote]

    Tell yer what - swap you my MIA P bass for your ray :)

    Just tugging your chain, but I know where you're coming from. I'd rather have a nice light Ray4 over a P bass any day of the week but I guess in reality it's better to have one of each. MM's will have their day again no doubt, I recently lost out on 2 Fretless Rays on the bay - both went above £700.

  4. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='196808' date='May 11 2008, 11:14 PM']I've had a Squier VMJ & they're a great bass, but the pickups are a little weak. (Don't forget that I tend to compare every bass output-wise to a biblical Status preamp!) Same with many passive Fenders/Squiers, you'll have seen a lot of owners on this server swapping out pickups & adding preamps, etc. On the plus side of this point, I played Terry K's Fender Geddy Lee which has an Audere Pre & pickups the other week. What a great sounding bass![/quote]

    You're just a power freak Rich :)

    L27 - out of the 3 I'd go for the Sub.....................but if you've previously owned a Ray you know you're always going to hanker after one (unless its purely for back-up reasons). With the prices as they are at the mo I'd try and go the distance - you should get a minter for £600 or something pretty decent for £500 - 550. You know it makes sense.

  5. Ben,
    why do you want to sell this excellent bass!
    Ok, I've just started to rekindle my MM love after a 1 year break but honestly you aint going to get this level of quality for £675 anywhere else.

    Somebody buy this before Ben comes to his senses, I'd have it meself but I've only got a Precision in trade.

  6. [quote name='Tone le Bone' post='194927' date='May 8 2008, 07:26 PM'][font="Verdana"]Thanks for the comments guys, and yes [b]martthebass[/b] "God is obviously a bass player", lets hope he buys it! :huh: [/font]
    [font="Verdana"]Now if you had a 4 string DJ in black, then I could be pursuaded. :) [/font][/quote]

    'Fraid not TleB, just got rid of the DJ5 and the Bob Glaub and kept the MIA Precision - there's a lesson in there somewhere.

  7. Do me a favour Al, please don't post how fantastic this bass is when you get your mitts on it! I've just about got my Bass GAS under control with the P, Ray4 and (soon to arrive) F'less J. Need to sort my ampage out now.

  8. Played one of these recently (same colour combo) in Electro (Doncaster). Out of all the DJ's, 44's and JO's it was by far the best in terms of balance, sound and feel - almost made me have another try with Lakland. But it was also £849 - good blag.

  9. Good evening everyone.

    My name is Mart and I'm a Bass Snob.

    It's been 6 days since I bought a bass and I don't know how much longer I can hold out.....

    In all seriousness tho, I tend to covert MIA Fenders instead of MIM, why? Does my playing justify it, well probably not. Do I lose less money when I sell trade one, well probably not. Does the audience notice, well probably not. Do I notice, well yes and in my book that's all that matters. Generally tho if a bass feels nice and plays well I'm happy and the only real reason I would go for MIA over MIM is consistency and (of late) the former are a bit lighter.

    Regarding comments made above on the Thumb. Owned one, loved the tone (kills most Fenders and a lot of MM's) but I know which one I prefer to do a 2.5hr gig with :)

  10. [quote name='Waldo' post='193414' date='May 6 2008, 10:05 PM']Don't mean to do a shameless plug but I have a 2x12 one going at the moment. Might be a bit too big for you though.

    I bought mine from the Bass Centre but I've gathered that they've gone now. I think Andertons sells them though?[/quote]

    Think you're right - similar weight and size to my current set up......bugger. I'll have to wait for a 2 x 10 or 1 x 15 to come along (sighs)

  11. [quote name='Waldo' post='193364' date='May 6 2008, 09:25 PM']If you want light and GREAT, check out the Eden Nemesis line of combos. I have the 2x12 one which I can comfortably move around on my own and it has loads of power. The 2x10 would definatly be worth a look if you want something smaller.[/quote]

    That looks to be about what I'm looking for.
    If anyone has got one of these going let me know,

  12. ^^

    Cheers for the comments above guys. I was fairly certain this was the route to go but KT's comments give me second thoughts. I know the GP7 150SM is the 'baby' of the Trace Range but I rarely have to push it beyond 2 o clock for the pubs I play.

  13. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='191635' date='May 4 2008, 03:40 PM']Think you are going to struggle for light weight on your budget. Not used MarkBass myself but the amps do seem better than the cabs.[/quote]

    May be right.

    By lightweight tho I'm not talking Neo cabs, I'm still this side of 70 :)
    Was looking at trying to keep the cab to about 25Kg and a lightweight amp (<5 kg)
    For example I wouldn't rule out something like the EBS 2 x 10 in the for sale section if it would 'work' with something like the LM250?

    If this sort of combination is 'sonically' inferior thant the TE then I'm inclined to soldier on for a few more years with my existing set up.

  14. Well I've used Trace Elliot Combos for about the last 15 years - always been happy and never had one go out on me. Usually keep the unit for about 5 years.

    Well the 5 years is up on my current GP7SM 715 1X15 combo. Problem is I'm not so keen on the current TE combos both in terms of sound and price. Also I was thinking maybe it was time to look for a solution that was a bit lighter than the 32Kg unit I've currently got.

    I only need about 150 - 250W and 1X15 (or maybe 2 x 10) - don't ever push the set up, if I need volume I DI (so a XLR out is a must). I was thinking of a used MB 151P for the cab with a LM 250 - any opinions on this set up or anything better for my limited budget. Talking of which I was looking to get the LM 250 or 151P first for about £250 - 300 (used) and add the amp or cab (as applicable) later on - again about £250 - 300ish. Is this realistic? Also what would be a realistic expectation for selling the TE - pretty good nick - just a layer of gigging 'dust'.

    Cheers, Mart

  15. Having recently acquired a 2005 Ray4 with maple neck (oil finsihed) and fretboard can anybody give me 'simple' advice on cleaning up the slightly grubby fretboard. Didn't have a problem with my old maple necked Ray as it was laquered (1990).

    The MM forum contradicts itself on this topic some suggesting Lemon Oil is fine - others saying 'no way - you've gotta use the Ernie Ball wonder wipes (which contain orange oiul anyhow so WTF?). While I'm on the topic what do you use on the back of the neck? (don't have any 'gun stock oil').

    Cheers, Mart

  16. A bump for a great bass.
    I know there's been some controversy over this one but it really is in good condition with only minor surface marks as befits a 3(?) year old bass. If you like a P bass with a harder edge (think Green Day meets Fall Out Boy) then you won't find anything better for £500.

    Good luck with the sale Ade

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