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Posts posted by martthebass

  1. Well thanks to our very own Mr Cougar who has very kindly lent me his brand new LM250 for a few days, I've had a chance to A-B this against my current TE combo.

    I'd agree with Eude that it's a lot louder than my current 150/300W TE. However I think I'm going to have to play around a bit because it seems 'compressed' compared to the TE (less distinct/clear) - maybe a hefty dose of EQ is required? Granted this was with a MIA P bass with old strings tho (my lowest output bass - thought it'd give me the best idea of whether this would give me enough volume at a gig.

    So........before I commit anyone know how the Genz Benz Shuttle 3 sounds in comparo?

  2. Hey, I'm looking for a Little Mark.

    .........................I'm sure it won't come to that Nick.

    I was in exactly this situation a few years back - drummer wouldn't practise then got frustrated/angry when chastised for making a b******s of everything. Got me up against the wall with a drum stick half way up my nose once too often and myself and the guitarist walked. For the last 5 years we've had a trio with a singer and dare I say it - some MD backing. Works well, cuts down on the rehearsal requirements and means we can play smaller places (for more money/person).

    Don't get me wrong, I still miss the fully live vibe but I can usually get this out of my system by going to the odd jam night. Look on it as an opportunity - you might be surprised with the fun you'll have in the semi-acoustic project.

  3. I've had a Corvette active standard and a Thumb BO4.
    Both IMHO sounded the mutts. I personally had no problem on the neck of either and I was swapping between Jazz, MM and Warwick - also both were the 'less desirable' ovangkol necks which according to Talkbass are like bass ball bats?

    In the end I did sell the warwick Thumb but it was a balance issue - I hated the twice per minute position adjustment on a 2 hour gig. However not everyone has this problem but the moral is definately try on a strap for half an hour before you buy.

  4. Thank god it's not just me then. Thought it might have been some sort of noise related epilepsy thing.
    Yup I get it, but only occasionally and on certain frequencies - cymbals in particular can 'floor' me.

  5. [quote name='beerdragon' post='212693' date='Jun 4 2008, 07:26 PM']Dunno if i'm missing something but the Pbass seems cheap for the pbass everyone seems to go for Balack on blaco with a maple neck. i fancy it but i onl have a P bass to swap at the moment.[/quote]

    Think its about standard at the mo. I've got the RW neck sister to this (2004), picked up last year - same price. Guess I'm biassed but the 2000-2007 series precisions in 'near minty fresh' are pretty good value at this price point. Also, maybe I've been lucky but I haven't played a bad one in this age range so I don't think inconsistency is the issue it used to be IMHO.

  6. I'm in the process of doing the same as you Ian - cept mine is the 150/300W version. Can't think of anything to touch these combos at the normal second hand price these go for. To get anything like a sensible improvement I'm going the MarkBass 151HR/LM250 or LMII route.

    Good luck with the sale/changeover

  7. Lovely bass Chris. Was looking for one of these for ages and nothing came up. I preferred one of these to the DJ5 I had and I guess in these Lakky-centric times thats got to be a good endorsement. Sorry I don't have any cash or 5 string trades - Kidney?

  8. Must be loads of us 60's & 70's kids who started off on the VS amp. Loved and used mine for over 10 years with a range of cabs. Hated the way the spring reverb 'clanged' tho when you knocked the amp mid gig....

  9. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='211320' date='Jun 2 2008, 07:29 PM']I used the S1 on my Jazz quite a bit. It really did give you the thicker precision-type sound. Very useful! But people with Precisions don't seem to bother with it. With no bridge-based pickup it's not going to sound like a jazz, just a thinner, weedier precision![/quote]


    Unfortunately my new (old) Jazz doesn't have S1 :)

  10. Got a 2004 S1 Precision. No neck dive and never use the S1. Sounds pretty good to me. I agree that the bridge is not as substatial as that on my old Lakky's or Warwicks (or the MM back up I use) but as I string thru the body it doesn't seem much of an issue.

  11. Cheers Eude.
    You're pretty much telling me what I thought - it's just I'm taking up most of the porch with the TE combo and the 151 at the mo and I don't know if I can stand the earache from Mrs MTB for 3-4 months :). Generally the gigs we do are smallish (<100) and if It's bigger then I DI. The TE has more than enough for most of what I do - if the LM250 and 151HR can deliver the same volume then I'd have no problem. I know the 151HR has good sensitivity (100db/w) but the LM250 only delivering 150W into 8 Ohms makes me think it would struggle with a 400W handling cab? I was thinking I need about 300W minimum unless someone can advise me better.

  12. Well the cab thing has now been sorted in the form of a Mark Bass 151HR. However with less gigs forthcoming than I would like I'm having to consider 'bridging' options on the amp. Ideally I would like to go for a LM11 but I may have to wait a while until the GAS fund is replenished or I can find someone to take my TE GP715SM in px. So, in short would a LM250 be capable of driving this in the meantime or any other (reasonably lightweight) options anyone can suggest for the time bridging option?

    Cheers Mart

  13. [quote name='Old Horse Murphy' post='204999' date='May 23 2008, 02:33 PM']too).

    Why black and maple? My wife bought me this, so if it's the same colour scheme, she'll never know (hahahaha!!)[/quote]

    Nick, you've no chance.....my wife seems to feign complete disinterest in my basses but amazingly always knows if I've changed anything - even a change of white to minty pick guard. You should know by now that women are an alien race with special superpowers that are all aimed at subjegating their menfolk :)

    Also if you find someone willing to swap a SR5 for a SR4 - ask if he has another and wants another SR4.

  14. Think I've said it before somewhere that I think MM prices on here are at least £50-£100 less than ebay on recent averages. 2 Fretless Rays got away from me on the bay in the last few weeks at >£700, wheras my near mint Ray4 purchased on here a few weeks back was significantly less - go figure.

  15. [quote name='dlloyd' post='203658' date='May 21 2008, 12:36 PM']Fretlesses are a different matter, but I can imagine that two materials of equal hardness and stiffness would be indistinguishable. I remember reading somewhere about a guy who was making fingerboards from glass and granite... would be interesting.[/quote]

    I was easily able to tell the difference, soundwise, between my Graphite necked fretless Jazz and RW fretless Jazz. With flats on both I could never 'tame' the zing out of the graphite. The RW was always much warmer and easier to get the mwah sound on.

    On fretted basses - never been able to tell the difference. My RW necked P bass is mellower than the maple necked Ray but that's bugger all to do with the neck.....IMHO.

  16. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='203439' date='May 21 2008, 07:03 AM']Tread carefully. Word is MarkBass cabs are not as good as the heads and not as good as EBS cabs, and dont work as well with a certain custom builders basses. Are you going to A/B them?[/quote]

    I'm sure there are also many people who love MB cabs and loathe the MB amps.
    Always preferred 'objective' to 'subjective' meself - must be the engineer in me.

  17. How long have you had it?
    I played Jazzes for years and then decided to have a go at Warwick - I also loved the sound but hated the neck profile. I persevered for a few weeks and it got much easier and I had no problem switching backwards and forwards between Jazz and Thumb.

    'Fraid I parted with the Thumb tho a few weeks ago - nothing to do with the neck - just hated the neck heavy balance on a long gig. Ended up buying a 'Ray. C'est la vie.

    In all tho, if you haven't had it long give it a while you will grow acustomed to the neck in the end.

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