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Posts posted by martthebass

  1. [quote name='Zoe_BillySheehan' post='186671' date='Apr 27 2008, 06:59 PM']I've never seen anything like this when other people have bought basses on here, and then sold them on ebay, they haven't exactly kept them in this 'community' either.

    At the same time, i do see the point some people are making here,
    but there is no need for the constant attacks and nastiest!

    Some people in this thread do give this forum a bad word, and it certainly does put me off the forum.
    There is no need for it :)
    Especially with younger bassists like me that use this forum.

    This is for bassists, not a place to get one over on someone.
    so if people are going to call this a so called 'community' are we going to make it a sociable one?



    Can we please call an end to this now, I don't think it's constructive.

  2. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='185826' date='Apr 26 2008, 11:08 AM']I wasn't directing my comment at you or anyone in particular and I was just generalising about that bass. Peter had it up for a while, gradually dropping the price, then Mark had it up for a short while, then yourself with the price gradually dropping etc. It did 'seem like' that bass was on here from start to finish for quite some time and people weren't selling limbs to get it regardless of how much the price was reduced.

    I'm not siding with anyone on this issue. I'm trying to play Devil's Advocate and point out that it just happened to be one of 'those' basses (and we've had a few) that people haven't settled on and they are generally good basses with nothing wrong with them. However if a bass is going to skulk around on here like a kicked dog it may as well be put on eBay and find an owner elsewhere. At any given time in that basses time among its various owners, one of them could have stuck it on eBay but no one did. That's a choice that people made for whatever reason.

    TBH had I been struggling to sell a bass on here and someone had taken it off me, stuck it on eBay and made a profit I'd be applauding them. At the end of the day I'd have gotten the price that I had offered it at :)

    The point about any deal re. the pup for the bass, is a separate issue that I'm not familiar with.[/quote]

    No offense taken WH and TBH in general I agree with you.
    On this occasion, had I had the time I would have ebayed it rather than reducing the price. It's a shame that this bass has not found a loving owner, I think that this can be general problem with 'modded' basses. If ths bass hadn't sold here I would've probably had the LF pup (which was offered at a very reasonable price) and taken it back to standard.

  3. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='185667' date='Apr 26 2008, 12:31 AM']I don't quite get this people!

    This bass sat on this forum for weeks and was reduced time and time again... no one put their hand in their pocket and bought it. We all expressed interest and wished that it was this or that but at the end of the day someone pulled the folding stuff out and did what no one else had done, they bought it. What happens after that is pretty much immaterial!

    I'd have serious doubts about putting something back on here after it had been passed back and forth between 3/4 owners in as many weeks and had seen a price fall of £150+ in that time... it starts to look like a Jonah and would seem to be a waste of time and effort putting it back on BC, no body wanted it when it had 3/4 careful owners, who the f*ck would be serious about it after 4/5 owners?

    It's not like we are talking about some one post wonder who has snagged a bargain on ebay and then tried to flip a quick profit on here. This bass was offered to one and all for a v e r y long time and we all passed it up.

    Let it rest.[/quote]

    This isn't totally accurate. I bought the bass after it had been up 2 days and sold it within a week(ish).

  4. As the 'last but one' owner of this bass, a few comments:

    1. I have no problem with Ade trying to make a profit - the market is the market.
    2. There is nothing fundamentally 'wrong' with this bass. It didn't work for me 'is all.
    3. The money from this bass was used for the purchase of a Ray4 from a fellow BC'er at a 'BC market price' as opposed to a 'ebay market price'. If I hadn't bought the BG I could have saved a little cash but we all have to learn lessons in life

    If I had had more time I would have probably sold the bass on the bay for £500-550 (I'd be surprised if it makes £625 - but y'never know) but I needed a back up bass quickly so.............

    In terms of forum 'spirit', that's down to individuals I guess, I generally try to do deals on the forum and also give BC'ers first crack of anything I want to sell. However in the current market I believe it is true that you could probably get more for some basses by selling on ebay. Ade's a decent guy and I don't believe he had the intention of doing a 'Dave1066' and flipping at a profit, however I hope this doesn't become a pattern in general for BC deals or members may reconsider offering on this forum first. This would be a shame because it allows good basses to come into the hands of enthusiasts who otherwise may struggle to afford the level of quality gear that goes thru our collective hands.

    Now back to the day job................

  5. Sadly the law of supply and demand still holds.
    Unlike Houses, probably best if you're a buyer than a seller at the mo (assuming you don't need a mortgage).
    Having said that a nice Fretless MM got away from me on ebay last week and went for over £700 in the end (after I'd paid £600 for a near mint fretted MM on here in the same week) so..................

  6. Glad you're happy Nick - they look well together. How does the Jazz sound?
    Know how you feel - I was down to one bass this week (for all of 4 days and an odd number of hours). Now back up to 2 - the Ray and the P. Still the honeymoon period, but cant for the life of me think why I sold my last Ray - I hope this one stays for a few years. Hope I don't get tempted to blow what cash I have left thru another Warwick or Lakland phase :)

  7. [quote name='stingrayfan' post='165886' date='Mar 29 2008, 04:03 PM']Nice bass - I've got exactly the same. This site's been awash with Stingrays recently though and everyone round here is gassing for a Precision at the moment. You'd prob be best sticking it on Ebay, where you'd prob get your £750. Good luck.[/quote]

    Hell at this price, you may as well have a Ray AND a Precision - Classic Combo.
    Deserves to sell, lovely bass.

  8. Well, now that I'm just back in the MM club here's my 2p.

    1990 2EQ Ray, loved it, hated the way the paint fell off and a little weighty at 9.5 lbs - but lovely sound.

    2004 Sterling. Sold the Ray after 15 years of ownership and bought this. Neck much nicer than the old Ray but ironically weighed about 0.5 lb more and with the smaller body balanced less well - sold it after a year of not much use.

    After giving up on Laklands I've just picked up Barks 3 EQ CAR Ray (haven't checked year yet - probly 2000-2004ish). A bit lighter than my original Ray and the neck feels a little shallower and faster (could be the oil finish, they were/are both maple boards).

    Bongo - gotta get me one of these when I find one at a reasonable price. Tried one at a Jam night - killer sound and uber light.

  9. Cheers Ade,

    really glad that you are enjoying it and that your band mates appreciate its 'enhanced' capabilities. Played a Duck Dunn on Sunday and it couldn't hold a candle to your new bass!
    If I've still got some cash when you come to sell the 'yellow' P bass you might have a deal!


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