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Everything posted by kevvo66

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  2. Not the basses that did my back in , it was the heavy rigs , thank goodness for lightweight cabs we have now
  3. My fave bass is my active yamaha bass I cant remember what model it is but I love this bass and I've had lots over the years its all in set up I reckon myself
  4. kevvo66

    New bass!

    Thanks big red ,sounds like a plan
  5. kevvo66

    New bass!

    I'm seriously thinking of selling all my basses apart from my farida p bass and my yams to fund something else any thoughts of what to buy ,I quit like fenders but always found the bodies a bit big for my liking but love the p bass sound jazzes could never decide if I liked them always lacked the lows of the p basses just my opion really .cheers kev
  6. As above or will trade for a markbass combo or something similar pics and more info to follow ,one cabs is a series one with a cover
  7. Bump for a sublime head,i have the mk2 they really are the dogs
  8. Bumb for a great little cab ,wish I'd kept mine
  9. As above bought brand new on 30/6/2015 as a spare head used once at rehearsals and a couple of short bursts at home , this is as new, I like this head but last in first out rule applies and yet another combo on its way so it gotta go , says 500 watts but they bump out about 420 . Price is delivered uk no kettle lead as I'm down to my last one. if your further a field I'm sure I could post at extra cost .cheers kev
  10. Mayflower in manchester long gone the exploited punks against skins who came in kicking off quit scarey and bottles getting thrown into the crowd good gig apart from that punks 5-skins 0
  11. Oh I know my favorite band is the clash dont think our guitarist would play tommy gun or complete control!
  12. Oh I know my favorite band is the clash dont think our guitarist would play tommy gun or complete control!
  13. Yeap barefaced are very good and no more killing yourself lugging heavy stuff around
  14. So your selling the Honda Jazz ? To buy the bass cabs , I'm confused
  15. Yes paul I hear what your saying ,but this fella in question is a twonk and not a musician I think he was having a bad day tuned up just a smidgen and not over the top he must have the hearing of a dog if he could tell ,I've been playing a few years myself ,ironic he's phoned my drummer today and said it was shame really our sound was off my mate filmed the sets I am going to admit it wasn't great I was show boating with my drummer our second set was fine our third set was good so no strange tuning now well not live anyhow I do tend to over complicate things sometimes and put my own twist on stuff I tend to do this when my bottle goes nerves I think ,I also spat my dummy out .I need to chill ones beans 😀
  16. Its in earle street perhaps my sounds a bit trippey lol i,m over it now so onwards and upwards thanks everyone ,now looking to my weekend gig,we all gad a talk yesterday and we are auditioning for a keyboard so I can just get on with playing and not trying to do a million things at once including backing vocals
  17. Yes it was to fall in line with my other band members,if you heard us you understand as a trio I have fill sound out a bit more ,so on some songs ill fill out that sound that a second guitarist would hope thats cleared that up +we like give our own twist too songs ,hope that helps+ the bass can be used anyway you like you just gotta try stuff sometimes it works sometime it dont ,i remember seeing someone with a bass capoed but it worked ,that was new to me , but then thought thats sounds great ,so the days of eadg have gone I play standard tuning live but not in my owm time
  18. Hiya Roland rock , just a smidgen on the strings little sharper so not really a tone
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