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Posts posted by Angelus

  1. 20hz to almost 15k hz at 47 years old. I have tinnitus and have been diagnosed with conductive hearing loss. Strangest thing, while going up through the frequencies it seems to pan, happen to anyone else? Still rehearsing with bands and doing sound for a few friends, so it’s only going to get worse unfortunately. 

  2. I had a look at the switchcraft one in All Parts last week and the picture put me off, as it's not like the one fitted to the guitar. It has 3 pins of almost ( I'm sure they're different, but not as much as the picture ) equal length. The one in the link you sent has the rather long ( is it the earth pin? ) and it wouldn't fit in the cavity. I think I'll order both and see what comes, although I'm already £30 down and still to get the one I need. 🤣


    Thanks Andy.

  3. Bass is cutting out, sometimes and having given the lead a wiggle, it's definitely the jack socket that needs replaced. Opened it up and it's barrel with 3 pins, with a switch inside to cut out battery usage when unplugged and the body of the jack isn't earthed. My problem, I can't seem to find anywhere that sells them. Ordered 4 so far, 3 have arrived and they all have a pin connected to the body. I'm not holding out much hope for the 4th one that's due to arrive. Phoned some places, both local and further afield, only to be told to try various web sites ( all parts etc. ).

    Anyone had experience or know somewhere I could phone and try? Any help on the matter is appreciated.

  4. Decent venue with a decent PA, this shouldn’t happen. Especially if the guy is an experienced sound engineer. If there are restrictions, they should have been explained, or preferably resolved before hand. It’s not an easy job, but if you don’t want it, then don’t do it, or you’ll get labelled as a bad engineer. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, dmccombe7 said:

    Visit from the Environmental Health for oil spillage xD Put it into dealer and get it fixed properly ? Its a crackin car and still worth spending some money on i would think but you do get to a point it becomes a sinkwell just swallowing up money and you need to make a judgement call i guess

    Oops, sorry it’s been a while since I updated you. It was all repaired with about £5k worth of parts and another few £k worth of labour. It’s ready to rock, but now I think I’ll just keep it and drive it. 😂

  6. 34 minutes ago, dmccombe7 said:

    Will do Lee. Still driving same car or did you get rid of the 911 after all ?


    My bottle crashed and put it in storage until spring. Will worry about it in a few months time, what’s the worst that’s going to happen? 🙄


  7. Forking heck, it was my cousin standing on that very stage the day before and he’s due back there on the 1st. I don’t understand why someone would attack anyone like that? I do hope the performer got some closure over what happened ( I’m being polite and trying to say I hope he did kick the sh*t out of him ). 

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