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Clarky last won the day on March 11

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  1. There's a first. We walked away from a gig without playing a note as the pub thought we had too many amps (we are a 5 piece) and our amps looked "too loud". We hadn't even plugged in or fully set up. When they asked us to lose a band member or play after 10pm when their restaurant was closed, we packed our gear and left. Lord Raglan in Wokingham, for the record. My advice: never accept a gig there

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Happy Jack

      Happy Jack

      Do you not know Wonderwall and Mr Brightside then?


      Bwahahahahahahahaha ...



    3. Duroc17


      Radio WigWam have played a lot of my band West on Colfax  - sorry to hear about the gig. We played a benefit gig with generally a really great crowd, we were half way through and  some drunk shouted play a cover, which quick as a flash our singer said we're not doing Wonderwall to a round of applause, and the guy actually was going to say Wonderwall he admitted later at the bar, that's how i know he was drunk, he slurred at me.  There should be a Brightside/Wonderwall ban for a few years 🙂 

    4. Marc S

      Marc S

      Sorry to hear this. It's such a waste of everyone's time too. You could have taken another (paying) booking. They probably had customers turn up, expecting to see a band etc. I too have done free gigs where I've thought "why do I do this?" and of course others where I ended up really enjoying the gig.

      Good on you for naming and shaming the pub. Better luck with the next one @Clarky

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