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Everything posted by 0175westwood29

  1. the heft in the double pickup bass is crazy!! Sounds massive!!! And the bartolini in the orange sounds very nice!! am still thinking I might grab another with a maple neck!
  2. My band just dropped brand new music! all recorded in house and we are super happy! https://stealthmoose.bandcamp.com/track/taserface
  3. Yes, it’s a better solution as if you aren’t using it you should really take them out as they can decay and leak
  4. i honestly dont even notice, it i did its not really been a big deal over how well they play and sound.
  5. Needs a selector switch added! But basically I had my pickup from the new orange bass where i put in the Bart so I just thought why not!
  6. very big fan of these and now added a second pickup into the mix from one I took out of another bass
  7. I def have a type!! the bartolini sounds great in the bass aswell
  8. electric ocean is back with a bang! The underneath is a mess but has my fuzzrocious Bongripper curmudgeon ( from damnation) and my 2 moose electronic pedals aswell as my Cali 76 oc5 will probs get changed for a fuzzrocious heliotropic next week
  9. big fan of this one! The ability to switch between a big muff tone stack or a rat tone stack is great!
  10. It’s super nice in person!! It’s getting the standard new bridge and a bartolini MM might even turn my blue into a HH and put a second stock pickup in it
  11. Hey it’s the one that came on my black bass
  12. I hate that I like this so much!! considering grabbing a blender from damnation and getting it on the board
  13. this is a very cool pedal! anyone else have one?
  14. Walrus audio Lore and boss pw2 added to the board and I mean it’s kinda a pedal the pk5-a ?
  15. Ok so got to try this out today and am pretty happy with the results just need to label up notes etc to make things easier and tweak things a bit more to make it a bit bigger sounding
  16. Yeh I’m not to bothered about the high stuff looking for some low end rubble and cool layers I can add
  17. I’ll see if I can weight mine tonight
  18. Noice, did you have to set anything ? Or did it just work?
  19. I’ve got myself a foe Taurus setup with a Roland pk5a but can’t find a single video on set up bar a few sound clips, I know to connect the midi but not sure if there’s other things to do
  20. nice those fender bridges should be a standard upgrade that everyone should do!! i made my own custom pickguard
  21. the sy200 was an easy swap out will go back in maybe but might need to find a way to route it so it can send its signal to the pa rather than amp the spire box is filthy
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