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Everything posted by 0175westwood29

  1. [quote name='pal1972' post='589249' date='Sep 3 2009, 11:18 PM']Right, ive got an ashdown LG1000 which i know is 2x500 at 4ohm. I run off one output into a markbass 2x10 (4ohm version) so this gives me 500w right? Now then, i 'm planning on using a second cab (ashdown mag15) which is rated at 8ohm. If i then connect the second output from the head into this 8ohm cab am i right in assuming that this will give me about 350w? so ishould in theory be getting around 800w total is that right? I really dont understand all this watt/ohms stuff!!![/quote] yeh thats right man you get half the power on one outlet, also if you get the 8 ohm cab just for kicks, you could add another 8 ohm cab for a comically big rig lol
  2. [quote name='nick' post='588106' date='Sep 2 2009, 10:30 PM']I've always enjoyed playing in three piece or at least bands with one guitarist bands more. Love the the space; everything seems (to me) more defined, better dynamics. Never understood the need for a rythmn guitarist clogging things up. Having said all that, one of the bands I'm in at the moment has twin guitars... Fuzz & Octaver can sometimes come in handy as far as effects go.[/quote] we have some dual guitar parts to, plus as i think ive sadi above the rhythum is sometimes not just replicating a riff, he sometimes place octave down or up, so this is why the oc-3 looks good, ill just place higher up. andy
  3. [quote name='chris_b' post='587994' date='Sep 2 2009, 09:19 PM']Are you heavier than the Who, Led Zep, Cream or Hendrix?[/quote] well we play hard rock/ metal, its just the rhythm in the solos does drop, it just missing the cut the our old guitarist gave it. check out our myspace in my sig andy
  4. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='587916' date='Sep 2 2009, 08:31 PM']More amps. That way you don't lose anything.[/quote] if we ever got signed or had the transport i'd love to have a rig like rob from tallica, using guitars amps to cover the distorted bass! that would be wicked! andy
  5. [quote name='chris_b' post='587914' date='Sep 2 2009, 08:30 PM']Great news. You think something will be missing, but it won't. You'll find that a trio will be great once you get used to the lack of audio wallpaper and background racket. I play in trio's all the time and you just have to love the space and freedom that you get. Every note you play will become more important to the number, as will every space you leave. You can fill the spaces with all kinds of stuff, pedals, extra notes, whatever you want, but none of it is needed and most of the "stuff" will detract from what you are playing. Try it.[/quote] i have practice tomoz and the oc-3 not here yet so im gonna try it i think. it would only be on some songs that the wall of noise would be missed, and there the heavier numbers in our set andy
  6. [quote name='neilb' post='587876' date='Sep 2 2009, 08:04 PM']I think a change in your playing style would be more effective than adding pedals.[/quote] yeh ? i was thinking of playing some bits higher and using the octave to create a bit of depth? andy
  7. our rhythum/lead guitarist has just left due to work commitments, we aren't sure if we gonna look for a 4th member as our practices with just the 3 of us when the guitarist missed practice were good. the problem i had was that the drop in volume when theres a solo is huge! i use a distortion on one part of our songs but im looking into getting a big muff, i dnt truely understand the sansamp? as isn't it a preamp? i want something that will thincken out my sound to fill the space that the guitar left? i know it won't sound the same but something close, im in the process of getting the oc-3 boss super octave pedal im hoping that will work a bit, but what do some of you guys use? andy
  8. so to throw my thread of topic, but just found this. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_x2LaYcZGA"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_x2LaYcZGA[/url] and this [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crw7-joPWx8&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crw7-joPWx8...feature=related[/url] the rest of the band are playing the slow part for orion, not to sure bout what james is doing? weird but kinda coll bass solo but for me not as good as rob and defiantly not cliffs! im not jason bashing! im just not a huge fan of his. andy
  9. [quote name='ahpook' post='586510' date='Sep 1 2009, 01:52 PM']plus the one nice bass sound tho.[/quote] yeh but not to a point where it sounds bad his tone in thats section and the solo is awesome tho! plus he nails the solo! andy
  10. [quote name='mildmanofrock' post='583915' date='Aug 28 2009, 07:00 PM']His timing from 1 minute 30 is bloody awful, mind.[/quote] eh? hopefully this is a joke yeh? andy
  11. [quote name='jonthebass' post='583971' date='Aug 28 2009, 07:55 PM']From Metallica.com's Rob page: Ampeg SVT II amplifiers & Ampeg 8x10 speaker cabinets Mesa Boogie Rectifier amplifiers & Mesa Boogie 4x12 speaker cabinets Morley Power Wah pedals Fernandes bass guitars Zon bass guitars Music Man bass guitars Dean Markley Strings EMG pickups Dunlop FX & products Guess the Mesa Boogie Rectfiers are doing distorted bass duties [/quote] im gonna wait and see if the morley gets me close ive got an octave pedal somewhere the boss oc-3 im gonna try that i think. andy
  12. i love the start to the tallica song Orion, and im looking to find out how he gets that disgusting distortion at the beginning like in the vid? [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSndn8E5FRY&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSndn8E5FRY...feature=related[/url] im waiting for my morley fuzz wah to be switched to uk power from American so not had a chance to try with that but i cant see that getting that sound? any help? andy
  13. indeed plus i could probs use it for smaller gigs/practices as it seemed pretty bloody loud!
  14. tried one in mansons and im considering picking one up! as a practice amp for my room, as far as im aware its very close to the ampeg tone, maybe not as warm but not a bad tone and considering it was on 1 in mansons bloody loud i imagine! anyone have one? what are peoples views on the amp? andy
  15. [quote name='Finbar' post='575757' date='Aug 20 2009, 04:33 PM']My back will go, heavy gear or not. So make the most of the time now! Though to be fair, I used to have a Marshall head that was a two man lift - this rack can be lifted in one hand and carried short distances. And my heavy 412 was replaced with a 1212L. So I guess I have gone lighter anyway [/quote] vba marshall by any chance those things are silly heavy! im looking into getting one of those skts but i want one with a surge protector built in? can you get em? andy
  16. [quote name='Stag' post='571862' date='Aug 17 2009, 06:09 PM']...just out of interest, why would you want to sell it when you have such a lovely matching cab to dish out all that Ampeg joy?[/quote] i know its just a thought at the moment, as i recently found a h & k bb600 and im gonna ab them can't really keep both but may well do. plus the 610hlf sounds sweet whatever goes through it! used a te v4 thru it the other day! was sweet! andy
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  19. mega distortion 35 quid posted andy
  20. amp all fixed! was the kettle lead! who would have know, still buying the backup amp but im glad the ampeg not got a bigger problem. andy
  21. [quote name='umcoo' post='571990' date='Aug 17 2009, 07:41 PM']How dirty can Fender Bassmans get? I've played vegashooker's 135 and it had a wonderful tone, but I can't recall if it was really driven hard. I'm throwing around the idea of a Bassman 70 or 100 and a Barefaced Compact so I can be loud enough for gigs, but get into power amp overdrive pretty easily. Thanks for all the suggestions already, by the way![/quote] the bassman gets pretty dirty! and its pretty darn loud! and my mate uses it thru an old fender (i think) 115 cab. andy
  22. [quote name='kaygee' post='571577' date='Aug 17 2009, 01:26 PM']Crybaby received today, it's exactly as described, thanks for posting it so quickly Andy[/quote] not a problem hope you enjoy it! andy
  23. [quote name='umph' post='571252' date='Aug 17 2009, 12:06 AM']the one you had will be in a completely different league to the new ones, the old matamp ones are completely different amps[/quote] ah yes of course mine was hand wired! looked so cool when i looked inside once! and it was number 17 of 17! shame i couldn't afford to keep it. andy
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