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Everything posted by Skinnyman

  1. [quote name='Adee' timestamp='1362141761' post='1996312'] I've just aquired one same as this but in Chrome Red, very very nice, the rolled edges on the neck are to die for ! [/quote] I like that.....
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  3. And finally, here's the pic!! [IMG]http://i48.tinypic.com/16icp49.jpg[/IMG] Doesn't really do it justice - at least the picture doesn't show where I've been licking it.....hmmmmm
  4. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1362080545' post='1995559'] Happiness is a warm P. [/quote] That reminds me of the old gag... Playing a decent bass set in a 2-guitar band is like wetting yourself in dark trousers. You get a really warm feeling but no-one else notices....
  5. I tried cocktail sticks and no joy. The dowel solution seems like the best with Araldite applied to the screw when it's inserted. I think I'll drill a little pilot hole for the screw though just to try and avoid any splits. Thanks all!
  6. [quote name='jasetbass' timestamp='1362058788' post='1995103'] It just that, generally, most people seem to be having problems with these leads running on Windows 7 rather than XP, so I'm entertaining the idea that it might not be the lead that's the problem... Cheers, Jase [/quote] Mine's running under Windows 7 and is fine. It might be the sequence of events that's the issue - Barkin seems to have it nailed....
  7. I'd post a pic but the bleedin' phone won't sync with the 'pooter....it was in the For Sale section so the pics will be there if I can find the link. It's still lovely.
  8. Thanks.... We're booked up pretty solid for the rest of the year so there'll be plenty of opportunities to come and listen to my roots-and-fifths style!
  9. I have a 2010 Ric 4003 which has the standard factory-fitted Schaller straplocks. The one on the horn keeps working loose - I need to tighten it mid-gig after every third song or so and am now so paranoid about it that I check it constantly whenever I can spare a hand. I've tried putting some glue on the thread but that's made no difference and I've retightened it as much as I dare but the problem keeps recurring. I don't want to overtighten in case I overdo it and split the wood. I've also tried the old "matchstick-in-the-hole-to-act-as-filler" trick but that's done nothing either. I think the problem is that the strap comes out from the strap lock at an angle to go over my shoulder and that effectively causes the strap half of the locking system to "grip" the button part. Possibly.... Anyway, anyone else had the same issues? Any suggestions?
  10. We're playing our first gig of 2013 on Friday at the Cock Inn (no sniggering at the back there), Werrington, Peterborough. Classic pub-rock - all the usual covers - decent guitarist and a very good singer (but we don't tell him that - he's got a big enough ego as it is ) Please don't come. I get all shy when there are other bass players watching....
  11. I just bought Iconic's 2009 MIM P bass. He chucked in a set of flats which I fitted this evening. It's my first Precision. and.... Ohmygodohmygodohmygod! I love it. Sorry, I just needed to share. The wife, wonderful as she is, doesn't understand and I just had to tell somebody or I'd burst.... thank you for understanding
  12. I sold my Squier Jazz fretless and have regretted it ever since. Awesome. Weighed a ton, mind. But sounded lovely
  13. [quote name='jasetbass' timestamp='1361970826' post='1993776'] Thanks for the quick reply guys! Yeah, a few people seem to have had the same problem, but they haven't said whether they sorted it out or just gave up! From having a play with the software, it looks like it'll be much easier to create patches than using the B9 itself, and it definitely looks like you can backup patches. Yeah, done all that so I'm not being a complete duffer then! I guess it must be the lead. I saw that you've got it working with the Uno but was a bit concerned that my PC is still in the dark ages running XP, though just had a look at the M Audio website, and don't think this'll be a problem... And yes, when I get it working, I think it will be much cooler! Cheers, Jase [/quote] Good luck - let us know how you get on!
  14. [quote name='barkin' timestamp='1361983536' post='1994040'] Next to try - running the Librarian software under Wine... [/quote] Pretty much all the computer disasters I've had in a twenty year career have been while running under Wine (me, that is, not the computer)....
  15. Skinnyman


    I just bought Richard's P-bass (MIM Lake Placid Blue) - beautiful bass, exactly as described. Really helpful and a pleasure to deal with. Buy with confidence! Many thanks, Richard!
  16. I have an M-Audio MIDI interface that works fine. Once it's all connected, start up Librarian and go to the MIDI drop down. Make sure that MIDI in and MIDI out are pointing to your MIDI interface (my MIDI out defaults to Microsoft GS Wavetable synth). On the main Librarian screen, press the Online button - it should turn yellow. At that point, all the other buttons become active and accessible and you should be good to go. If none of that helps, my guess is that it's your Interface cable - maybe try and borrow one to check? My M-Audio Uno USB wasn't that expensive and, as mentioned above, just worked out the box. I use Windows 7 64-bit but that shouldn't make any difference at all (other than Librarian crashes on exit which is known bug....sorry, undocumented feature. Just means I have to make sure I've saved everything and disconnect the B9 before I close the app). I find Librarian useful a) as a backup tool as Barkin suggests and b ) for playing around while editing patches - it's a lot easier than keep bending down to squint myopically at the tiny screen on the B9. I stay vertical and squint myopically at my monitor instead. Much cooler.... HTH
  17. [IMG]http://i50.tinypic.com/2m6lsb6.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i50.tinypic.com/kdao11.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i50.tinypic.com/317b1ty.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i48.tinypic.com/2q3t9hg.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i47.tinypic.com/29ofxqa.jpg[/IMG]
  18. I'm listing this just to test the water - the wife has a strict one-in-one-out policy so I'd best be seen to be making the effort before I get anything new I'm selling my Gibson SG standard in worn cherry. I bought it new in July 2011 when I did my shoulder in and needed a short-scale bass. I used it as my main bass till September last year (which sounds grander than it is - we did about a dozen gigs) and then got the Ric out of hibernation at which point the SG went back to standby status. Which is a real shame as it's a cracking little bass - light, easy to play and a surprisingly big sound. I put LaBella flats on it a couple of months ago and fell in love all over again - it sounds brilliant with flatwounds! So, in lots of ways, I don't really want to sell - but I have GAS for a Fender P-bass and, according to the rules (see above), one has to go before another comes in. Condition is excellent - there's one tiny ding on the lower front edge of the body which I've shown in the photos (that will be uploaded soon). It looks worse in the picture than it does in the flesh (er, wood...) and is almost unnoticeable now thanks to a dab of woodstain and an old rag! Other than that, it's blemish free, all the electrics work as Mr Gibson intended, setup is spot on and it comes with all the original paperwork, manual and fitted Gibson hard case (which has a couple of small scuffs on one edge but is otherwise in excellent condition - again, see photos). I'm looking for offers around £550 and would prefer it to be collected from just north of Peterborough or bought by someone who's close enough for me to deliver so you get chance to properly inspect and try before handing over the cash. PM if interested or you have any questions or you can email me direct at [email protected] Photos to follow shortly....
  19. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1360324200' post='1968551'] Several are mentioned, maybe in this thread, one of them being: [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/thomann_effect_pedal_bag.htm"]http://www.thomann.d...t_pedal_bag.htm[/url] best, bert [/quote] I got the Gator 2411 bag. I couldn't be sure the B9 would fit in a traditional pedal case (Stagg=85mm int height, my B9 with 5p piece footswitch fix = 89mm high) then suddenly realised that this is one board, not a loose collection of pedals that need to be velcro'd down - so I just got the soft bag. Excellent.
  20. There are 2 "live sound" patches and they're effectively just two "basic" pedal boards. One has a wah, a phaser, a delay and a bit of distortion, the other is an overdrive, a chorus and a reverb (I think - I don't have my cheat sheet to hand so I can't remember exactly, but you get the idea). I guess their idea is that it's a couple of standard board layouts that you could use in most gig situations. I've taken the idea and just changed them so that I'm not tap dancing through patches in gigs, I just swap between those two patches/boards, but I've changed the pedal assignments and settings for my own purposes. One thing I have discovered is that in a live situation, up against two guitarists, there's no real place for subtlety. A lot of the effects just get lost in the noise of two Marshall tube amps at full chat so a lot of the patches I carefully set up at home to were just wasted, so now I just have a couple of amp styles, a wah, chorus, bit of reverb and that brilliant pedal synth. HTH
  21. [quote name='jw54' timestamp='1360238415' post='1967115'] Not had a chance to play with this properly yet, but what exactly does the switch under the Z pedal actually do? [/quote] It does a number of things depending on the patch currently activated. It's not used in all of the factory preset patches, just some of them. It's easiest to see if you look at a patch in the Librarian software and select the button for the expression pedal - for each of the (up to) four parms that can be controlled by the vertical movement of the pedal, you can also assign a function to the footswitch. So, for example, you might bring up the volume and, when you reach max, have the footswitch click in to bring in a bit of distortion. Or whatever.... HTH
  22. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1359227119' post='1951959'] I have a clickable footswitch under my pedal (I checked after reading about it here) but the pedal doesn't go far enough down to click it. I can press it with my fingers though so it's not stiff. I'll have a read up on the fix for it [/quote] OK, that answers my question then! You have the unpressable footswitch!! I emailed Zoom support about it and got a not-very-helpful reply to tell me that the switch should work when you press down on the pedal. Duh..... Fix is simple though - you can either put a rubber tip onto the footswitch itself or (and this was my solution) glue a small washer or 5p piece to the rubber pad that's on the underside of the expression pedal. Other than that one minor glitch, it's excellent. Some of the patches can be a bit noisy - you can adjust the ZNR a bit to reduce it and its more noticable through headphones than through an amp/cab. I haven't tried it as an Audio Interface yet - I use my Zoom R24 for that - but you'll need to download and install the ASIO driver for it. HTH
  23. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1359217440' post='1951762'] Just bought one of these today from PMT in Bristol (£99 in store and a few in stock still - plus they've got one set up in the bass area at the back for you to try). Just figuring it out at the moment but I think I'll really make good use of the, er I don't know what to call it but it's where you can select one "preset" - bank? and then switch modes and have the option to turn on or off any of the individual pedals. I can set up a couple of these and swap between groups of pedals. So some nice subtle compression, slight fuzz maybe and some amp modelling on one and some flanger/wah effects on another [/quote] Have fun with it!! Out of interest, has yours got the "unpressable footswitch" feature? i.e. does the footswitch under the expression pedal click as you hit max travel on the pedal? If not, your might need the same extensive modification that mine (and others on here) did - viz; a small washer stuck to the underside of the pedal. BTW I just love the pedal synth - we don't have a keyboard player so I usually get stuck with doing anything vaguely synthy and "atmospheric" using my chords and a touch of overdrive. Pedal synth allows me to do that (er, slowly - I'm no tap dancer) and free up the bass for regular playing...
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