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Everything posted by Skinnyman

  1. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1408824909' post='2533891'] Yeh, I'm trying to get myself a young toyboy of about 45 [/quote] Aren't we all, dearie?
  2. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1408819010' post='2533842'] Whereas the useless oldsters tend to stay useless. :-) [/quote] Bugger, you noticed? It's because my arthritic fingers can only just crawl around the strings on anything under 90bpm. Anything more up-tempo and I need a lie down But at least I try to be polite when I'm useless on someone else's bass.... Bleedin' kids....
  3. [quote name='Wylie' timestamp='1408817999' post='2533825'] I play with a trio, but we perform so seldom, I'm practically a bedroom player. I play along with a number of CDs designed for practicing bass with comping, and I practice scales and etc. I agree with some responders who said playing with a band is a pain in the neck. Even though I play out seldom, living as I do in a fairly rural community, every performance feels like a much bigger deal than it should. Basically, I just love the sound of the bass. [/quote] So maybe there's scope for a thread on here "Jam Partners wanted"? Unless there's one already that I can't find? If anyone's in the South Lincs, North Cambs area? I could do with honing my guitar skills a bit more....
  4. Now that the work is finished, here's an update. I ordered a set of Entwistle pickups. PBXN and a JBXN (Bridge). Unfortunately, Simon was away for a few days so it was a little while longer than usual to get them - for which he apologised. I fitted them and discovered a weird fault on the J pickup. A strong signal from the E and A strings, next to nothing from the D string and virtually inaudible on the G string. I can only assume that the J pickup is in fact two separately-wound coils mounted side by side and that one of the coils had failed for some reason. Whatever - I contacted Simon and he agreed to send me a replacement. I paid the additional postage to guarantee a Saturday (and pre-Bank Holiday) delivery and the new pickup arrived this morning. Fitted and tested - this one works perfectly. So now, for less than £125 all in (including the extra postage and the diesel to go collect the bass in the first place), I have a nice, clean SB310 which has set up beautifully and which has a fantastic sound. Back of the net! But here's something a bit odd. I now have two of these basses. One is still active with a new EQ, the other's passive as described above. They're both set up identically and they're both strung with Rotosound flats. I expect them to sound different when plugged in - which they do - but, and this is weird, they sound completely different when played unplugged. The older, active bass has a real low thump to it where the newer one is much brighter. I expect some of that is down to the fact that one set of strings is new and the other set are about 3 months old. But the difference is huge - absolutetly and fundamentally different in character. Not that I'm objecting. I like having two basses that feel and play identically but which have such radically different tones. But it's weird that it should be so noticable even when they're unplugged. But I am a happy boy and looking forward to trying the new bass out on Monday. In the rain.... :-( Final note: On first impressions, Entwistle pickups are the business. Incredible value for money and stunning sound. And I'm well impressed with AxesRus who supplied the 3-pot wiring kit. Again, great value and lightning fast service. I'm now on the look out for a nice SGC Nanyo five string......
  5. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1408782894' post='2533382'] I am sure it will go well as you have clearly given it some thought and preparation [/quote] Thank you! You should see the spreadsheet I have, down to which xlr cables are going to be plugged into which channel of the multicore, what power drain each amp is going to take, what mic is going in what stand at what time and for how long..... Turns out, THAT'S rock'n'roll!
  6. [quote name='sellisnba' timestamp='1408705485' post='2532713'] Ok probably not the best way to put, We all play for fun. What I was trying to say was does anybody just enjoy playing along to songs on there music player? I know there is a hell of a lot of people on here who are in bands. I'm a bedroom player and will probably remain that way for the foreseeable future. I could never picture myself in a band or jamming situation. I just wondered if there are other people out there doing the same. How do you know your good or confident enough with your own ability to play in front of strangers? The thought of it scares the crap out of me. [/quote] It sounds like you'd quite like to be in a band but you're not sure if you're good enough/ready? That's exactly how I felt. And still do with regard to my guitar playing. But I found a couple of people on band mix and we just got together to play. No intention of gigging, just adding a new experience - playing with someone else. After a few months of that, we were joined by a drummer who was in the same position - been playing a while but only in his own garage. Great fun in itself, meeting up once a week to play together with no pressure to perform. It's amazing how quickly your playing improves when you play with others and after about 18 months we were asked to play at a party - which is when we became a band and haven't looked back since. So if you're happy playing solo to backing tracks then go for it. But if you want to try something new, but don't want to join a band, then just find a jam partner and watch your playing improve..... But whatever you do, have fun
  7. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1408774808' post='2533335'] I hope this went well, as I've seen too many small outdoor gigs where the sound quality was awful. [/quote] Thank you - it's actually on Monday. Which, given the forecast for the Bank Holiday, rather underlines the first of my assumptions in the original post. Doh. I've picked up a lot of good advice from this thread so I'm glad I posted it and even more glad that people have taken the trouble to respond. I will admit that some of the finer points of earth spikes and the subtler nuances of TNS, TNC-S and TT supply systems have gone over my head but I did pick up from it the need for RCDs at the stage end of the power extensions. (Handily, they've given me someone who's quite annoying to help me so he gets to touch everything metal before I do, just to make sure that nothing is live that shouldn't be). I'll update the thread after the event and let you know how it went.... And if anyone's in Bedford over the weekend, bring your brolly down to the White Horse on Newnham Ave from 2pm and come and say "hi".
  8. [quote name='cameltoe' timestamp='1408741325' post='2533202'] Not sure exactly what you mean here. You would normally just take the main LR stereo out into the crossover, which would then spilt between High freq LR and low freq LR. Low going to the subs obviously, and the exact crossover frequency can usually be adjusted to optimum performance for your cabinets. The Sub out on a desk usually refers to sub mix and doesn't need to be used in live applications. Hopefully this is what you mean and clears it up? [/quote] Doh! Obvious when it's explained like that. Thank you. I feel very stupid. But better informed at least! Cheers
  9. [quote name='Number6' timestamp='1407266397' post='2519036'] I'd love a Gibson SG bass.....if i could ever muster the ££s i really love the look of them but i've never played one. [/quote] They're brilliant. Light, comfy and deeeeep. Regretted selling mine five minutes after it left.... Would buy another tomorrow
  10. Asbury Park of the King Crimson USA album. But then, I am very old. And just before it, the recent Squackett album.
  11. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1408188621' post='2527936'] Plus it has a tuner and DI on it. Very nice bit of kit the B3. Be careful with the blend options though, I found that they were way too full-on. Back off to about halfway on this and the effects become very good indeed. There was a B3 up for grabs on here, maybe still around. [/quote] +1 for the B3. The b1on is also good but I prefer the interface on the b3. But that's just my preference. As previously stated, Zoom effects are very "full on" on their default settings but easily changed to suit your preferences.
  12. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1408372009' post='2529524'] Depending how cheap "cheap" needs to be the Zoom B3 is an excellent piece of kit (I use mine for headphone practice). [/quote] Ditto. Brilliant. Built in looper, rhythm box. Stunning value provided it meets your definition of "cheap"...
  13. [quote name='brensabre79' timestamp='1408452910' post='2530273'] I replaced my Shuttle with a Carvin BX500 - they have stopped making these, but introduced a slightly upgraded version. Best amp of this type (Class D) I've owned and waaaayyy louder than my 6.2 despite being officially 100W less power. Much more versatile pre-amp too in my opinion as it'll do the Hi-Fi clean of the Shuttle or the growly dirty drive of the Streamliner. They also do a more powerful model with the same pre-amp in case the stadium in the next town needs to hear you too. Worth checking out. [/quote] Interesting. And exactly the kind of info I was looking for - thanks! Looks like there aren't that many places that keep them but a trip to Twyford may be on the cards.....
  14. [quote name='tonyclaret' timestamp='1408427200' post='2529971'] What about the 6.2? I have one for sale on here :-) [/quote] They're brilliant - I know, I have one :-) But I decided that sometime I would upgrade to the "full fat" version of the 9.2. Not that the 6.2 is underpowered - but there are times when I need to run it a wee bit harder than I'd like. So it probably sounds weird but when I started this thread I wasn't looking to change. But with GB going down the wotsname, I wanted to know if there are good, viable alternatives in the same price/quality bracket. As in, would a MarkBass or Orange Terror be comparable or are they very different animals? If there's nothing else that really compares then I have to decide whether to take the plunge now and upgrade while there are still good, newish examples of the 9.2 around - in which case, I need to decide if I should just go bigger (to the 9.2), or go silly (to the Shuttlemax). Of course, if Fender had left well alone I wouldn't have this problem.....
  15. We used a PMP4000 powered mixer for three years without an issue. Behringer is decent kit at a decent price. Don't expect it to compete with top end, boutique equipment but, and here's the point, if you use it properly and don't abuse it then it'll perform. HTH
  16. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1408368820' post='2529462'] Do you have 1 or 2 assistants, preferably with at least a modicum of competence, to do the on-stage work (moving mics around, patching into the multi, keeping things tidy and coping with emergencies such as mic stands moving...)..? If you've cables (multi-pair, power or speaker runs...) where there could be public access, the ideal is to cut a slit trench (side of a spade...) and bury them a bit, or, if not, try to get some carpet off-cut strips and cover the cables with them. Watch the weather forecast a couple of days beforehand, then every 6 hours or so. If the event finishes after dark, have torches and lanterns for tearing down (and coping with power outage; it happens...). If it's baking hot, have a good supply of fresh bottled water on hand. See if you can obtain a large bucket of patience. It may come in handy. Good luck with the venture. [/quote] I have a young lad helping out as my runner. He's reasonably smart so I think we'll be okay on that front and all the cables to and from the desk are being run overhead using a couple of convenient trees (having blocked off that entrance to the car park first of course! There's been some really good and valuable advice to my original post so thanks. I'm reassured that I'd covered a lot of this already but even more reassured by all the little hints and tips that will hopefully allow me to do a halfway professional job on the day. In some respects, I'm not too worried about getting criticised for everything that goes wrong, irrespective of who's fault, but I do want to make sure things go well and we raise as much money as possible for Stoke Mandeville. So, again, thanks to all for the insights. If it goes well on the day, much of the credit will be down to the collective wisdom of the BC community. Which I will claim for myself, of course....
  17. [quote name='ern500evo' timestamp='1408382934' post='2529655'] http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/171416718410 I was watching this out of curiosity, starting bid of £300. It ended with no bids, may be worth sending the seller a message to see if they still have it and If so what sort of price they're looking for. [/quote] I've dropped him a note but it's shown as ended because it was lost or broken. So I'm guessing it was sold off of eBay. Worth checking out though so, thanks!
  18. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1408366921' post='2529427'] If you're talking about half a dozen rock bands, all with pedal-fixated guitarists, then you need to give some thought to sound checks. Hard to get everyone to turn up before the event kicks off, so most bands will be lucky to get a 30-second line check. Similarly, if some acts are going to be amplified acoustic guitars plus double bass then there will be people wanting to use their own DI boxes (Fishman etc.). Are you providing a secure area for bands to leave instruments etc. before/after their own set? What about parking for bands to do their load-in/out? Just random thoughts ... [/quote] And good ones, too. We were fortunate enough to play a festival earlier this year which was really slick so I've tried to learn from their organisation. Parking and a waiting area/secure storage for instruments is sorted - although I'm trying hard to let others deal with those kind of details as I think I have enough on my plate just sorting out the sound!
  19. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1408364523' post='2529382'] IME 15 minutes change-over isn't enough time unless the drum kit (minus "breakables") and back line cabs are shared between all the bands. Don't let the bands run over their allotted time. Tell them when there's 5 minutes left that they only have time for one more song. [/quote] We're using one kit for all the bands along with one bass head and cab as onstage monitor for the bass. Guitars will use their own amps or, ideally, just a pedal board that can DI to the board. Thanks for all the input, guys. The point about an RCD is a good one as is the comment about having a sub or two. Which brings up a question I asked in a different thread. My amp has a stereo sub out which is actually full frequency. I know that if I send that to a sub with a crossover, that will filter out the mids and highs. But do I need another crossover to the mains that will filter out the lows?
  20. Our singers approach is to do the elbow wrap thing. But if a cable gets caught as he's winding it in, he just yanks till it comes free. Despite repeated advice to the contrary..... I have a nice collection of loose XLR and jack plugs waiting reattachment.
  21. The Genz Benz shuttle 9.2 was on the list as my next head. I know I could keep my eyes open for a used one but I keep missing them on here. So I'm wondering what's a good alternative now that GB are no more? I'm after something that has the same kind of sound and flexibility of the GB, about that kind of output, same kind of size and weight and price.....
  22. We're doing a charity mini-festival at the Bank Holiday with our band and about six others. All proceeds going to Stoke Mandeville as a thank you for the support they gave to the guitarist's wife after she had a spinal stroke about six months ago. The big draw will be the auction (a day with the merc f1 team anyone?) and the local radio celebs but there's also half a dozen bands plus raffle, etc. Anyway, I've volunteered (been roped in) to do the sound on the day for all the bands (with a deputy leaving everything well alone for our set). It's quite a small venue - basically a pub car park and beer garden. Stage is a flat bed trailer (donated) and a gazebo shelter. There's another small gazebo that will be set up in front of the stage, offset slightly to one side and this wil have the mixing desk. We've no money to hire equipment so we're making do with what we have on hand or can borrow. Because this is the first time I've engineered a multi-band event and the first time I've done one outdoors, I'm looking for hints and tips from anyone with experience of these things. My basic assumptions are: 1) it will rain on the day 2) it will blow a gale on the day 3) something will break/blow/up/short out at some point. 4) most bands will over run their allotted time Any more you'd add to that list? We've allowed 15 minutes to change over between acts but there are slack points built in (fund raising appeals etc) which will hopefully allow us to claw some of that back. To be honest, I'm not to bothered about the stage management aspect - that can be someone else's problem. I just want to make sure that the sound is reasonable and everyone can plug in to something. We have two powered mixers available (one as spare but also to act as a slave if needed). I'm planning to use two pairs of passive speakers mounted one above the other at each side of the stage, plus a pair of actives in the beer garden part - the thinking being that I don't need to run everything flat out if I have multiple speakers. I've got a multicore to run from stage to desk and sufficient monitor sends to give individual mixes to the four stage monitors. I'm miking the drums and DI'ing all the instruments. I've checked that I have enough XLR cables and speaker leads, etc and can get power to everywhere I need it. Waterproofing will be with copious numbers of bin liners, cut and taped appropriately and wind proofing is with lots of 20litre containers full of water and tied strategically. Can anyone think of anything I've missed? Or give me any suggestions on the getting a decent outdoor sound. If it sounds okay to me at the desk, is it safe to assume it will be okay elsewhere? And there's going to be a couple of acoustic acts using electro-acoustic guitars - do they present any specific, feedback-related kind of problems? This is one of those situations where if it all goes well, no-one will say a word. If anything goes wrong, it'll all be my fault. In the great words of Charlie Brown, doing a good job will be like wetting my pants in dark trousers. I'll get a warm feeling, but no one will notice..... All advice gratefully received.
  23. [quote name='cameltoe' timestamp='1408302129' post='2528833'] Me too! It always amuses me when the band ask for a monitor tweak mid-song, like I can just stop playing and sort it for them. [/quote] The tweak generally being 'can I have more me in my monitor?'. And usually just before the one bit in the song where I might actually be heard....which I invariably miss or screw up because I'm wondering how to make the relevant change (which is never 'more him' but always 'less everyone else').
  24. [quote name='goblin' timestamp='1408298130' post='2528770'] For band work I prefer 15s. I've got a pair of HK Actors which are 15". I've only been using one with a 1500 watt vocal PA, and it just takes a bit of pressure off the tops (EV SXs) and adds a lot more depth. You do need a good system controller / crossover though. Otherwise you're just giving a sub a full range signal, and they tend not to like that... [/quote] Ok, dumb question.... How do I prevent the bass signal getting through to the mains? We have a Yamaha PA with a main stereo line out and a separate sub out (which actually gets the full signal so would need an external crossover to feed a pair of subs). Which is fine - but how do I stop the bass going to the mains? Another crossover?
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