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Everything posted by Skinnyman

  1. [quote name='rodney72a' timestamp='1422501015' post='2673498'] Bass Gallery in Camden is the bass place to visit in London. [/quote] +1 to that.
  2. Moving date now set... This lot has to be gone by the end of the month if poss. Quick bump before I stick them on the Bay.
  3. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1421895100' post='2666396'] Oh yeah, and if I have a lady over, she is not allowed on that side of the bedroom ( I would actually prefer that she not even look at that side of the bedroom or think about that side of the bedroom ) Blue [/quote] The last thing you want is for her to struggle free and knock one over.... :-)
  4. Just sold a pair of LED light bars to scoobystig. For a variety of reasons I couldn't despatch so he arranged collection, paid straight away and all round has been a top chap to deal with. You can deal with confidence, folks.
  5. Pictures of the MegaBar (one of them) and the PMP4000 showing the missing knob top (oo-er, missus) [attachment=181416:Megabar1.jpg] [attachment=181417:P1060399.JPG] [attachment=181418:P1060401.JPG] [attachment=181419:Megabar2.jpg]
  6. Light bars now sold, price reduced accordingly With the demise of the band and my upcoming move "darn sarf", I have a garage full of gear that I have no immediate use for and don't have room for on the van. So, here's what I have; Yamaha EMX5016c powered mixer in rigid flight case with swan neck light (invaluable). This is in excellent condition, works perfectly with cables, mains lead and manual. Sold separately, I'm looking for £600 or near offer or you could buy it with..... A pair of EV passive speakers (ELX 115). They were bought with the Yam and are the perfect match for it. In covers. Work perfectly, a few knocks on the corners but nothing major. Come with Proel stands in a case. Sold separately, I'm after £250 for the pair. Sold with the Yamaha, it's £800 for the lot. Behringer PMP4000. Was our main PA for a year till we got the Yam and was our backup after that. In a Gator soft flight bag with all it's cables and (I think I can find) the manual. In some respects I found this more flexible than the Yam with a wider range of Aux sends. I know some folk can get a bit sniffy about Behringer but we never had a minutes trouble with ours. Mind you, I did get a bit precious about it at times and refused to let anyone else ever touch it... Condition is mint apart from missing the coloured top of one of the rotary knobs. If I can get down to Maplins, I'll get a replacement for it. Price on it's own? To you, Sir, a very reasonable £250, or you could pair it with.... A pair of Behringer Eurolive VP1220 passive speakers. These work perfectly but have suffered a bit cosmetically from being lugged around in the singer's car. One of the internal baffles (fancy name for the inside of a toilet roll) has come loose and the felt covering is worn and scuffed. But they work fine so they're £100 for the pair or £50 with the Behringer PMP4000 (that's £300 for the two speakers and powered mixer plus flight bag) . Next up is a Behringer Eurolive F1220a active floor monitor. This was used for monitoring the vocalist for about 18 months till we replaced it (the monitor, not the vocalist) with the Thomanns below. Condition is good - a few knocks and scuffs - and it works perfectly. Price on its own is £75. Then we have two Thomann "the Box" 100 powered floor monitors. We replaced the F1220 with these as they're a much smaller footprint, they're a lot lighter and it meant we could have separate monitors for each singer. Condition's ok - again, a few knocks and scuffs - and they both work fine. TBH, I would only use them for vocals as they f*rt out with a guitar going through them but for vocal or acoustic, they're excellent. £75 the pair or, with the F1220, £120 for all three. And finally, a pair of LED light bars with foot controllers, tripod stands, cables and cases. These are the Equinox Maxi Bar. The cases for the tripods are a bit ropey - they weren't good to start with - but everything else is in good nick. The cases for the bars are good with no rips and the zips all work fine. The bars themselves can be run independently or slaved together and can be run from a DMX controller. There's a foot controller for each or, if they're slaved, one controller runs both. There's loads of presets and you can control the speed of change, have them static and manually controlled or have them change in time to the music. One bar is ideal for those squashed-in-a-corner type pubs, two are plenty for most everywhere else on the pub circuit.... £300 the pair. Now, here's the thing. I'm in Lincolnshire (Spalding - just north of Peterborough) and I'm not able to deliver or post these so they have to be collection only. I'd prefer to sell everything as one job lot so if someone wants to come and collect all of the above, it's £1250 ovno for cash. Everything can be plugged in and tested before purchase and I will try and get some pictures on here as soon as I can get into the garage in daylight hours... If they don't shift in the next week or so, then they'll be going on the Bay with a Buy It Now of £1400. Any questions, drop me a pm...
  7. Great info guys, thanks enormously. I may stay away from St Albans then :-) And although the Title says "Hertfordshire" I'm not too bothered about county boundaries so I guess I should have been clearer and said "within a reasonable distance of Chorleywood". I'm not sure why I should be hated more by living nearer London. People seem to manage to hate me just fine while I'm in Lincolnshire :-) Thanks again. The next few weeks are going to be fraught as I try and get everything sorted.... I took an early decision that I'd let the movers pack everything at this end and unpack at the other so the only thing I need to worry about packing and taking myself are the guitars, my old Linn hifi (see turntable thread elsewhere) and the wife. Although if room is at a premium, she can always get the train....
  8. I bought a Super P/J and it's easily the best, most comfortable bass I've ever played. It took minutes to get used to - the trick is to forget about the fanned frets and not look - let your fingers find the frets themselves. It also sounds awesome through a Genz shuttle. Much, much better than my fender jazz(es). That said, you have to try it for yourself - but it's worth going to some effort to locate one to try
  9. I've finally decided that travelling two and half hours every morning to get to work only to repeat the process every evening in the opposite direction is not the best use of my time. So we're moving down from the wilds of Lincolnshire to Hertfordshire. I guess a lot of this is also prompted by the demise of my last band and, although I have the chance of joining another up here, it makes sense to make the move now. So I'm wondering what music venues there are in the Watford, St Albans, Amersham areas? Jam nights? Pubs that have decent bands? Any advice from those who live in the area on venues, decent music shops, luthiers? Thanks in advance!
  10. [quote name='Jazzneck' timestamp='1420721125' post='2652505'] Kiwi's? [/quote] Lol :-D
  11. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1420297742' post='2647746'] Hankering for some jazz?, fancy stretching yourself?,Hmmm sounds like we might have a promising DB newbie if you haven't gone down that route before? [/quote] Curse you, StingrayPete! :-) You just had to sow the seed, didn't you? Stagg EUB just bought and collected - just got to smuggle it into the house and see how long it takes for the wife to notice... Expect there to be many stupid questions as I get to grips with the thing. Hmmm, jazz...
  12. Welcome young 'un! I first picked up a bass at 51 and three years later joined my first band and having been gigging regularly ever since. You're never too old - have fun learning! Word of advice, stay away from the For Sale section on here. It will suck you in and own you...
  13. I can only repeat what's been said here. Just bought Phil's Stagg EUB. Excellent bass, great condition, exactly as described. Phil even went to the trouble of bringing it to Kings Cross station for me. Lovely guy, a pleasure to deal with. Thanks again, Phil!
  14. [quote name='KingBollock' timestamp='1420418991' post='2649264'] Guess what I got for Christmas... I'm wearing it now. I am wearing nothing else and I am lying on the bed, looking beautiful. [/quote] Stop that. Stop it now.
  15. [quote name='Born under a bad sign' timestamp='1420438658' post='2649297'] I have taken on board all the comments, visited a shop yesterday and tried out everything 4 string below £500 (plus one Jazz in sea foam green for £650, wow what a colour...very tempted) Love CV and VM range and I know my current level of skill is way below their potential. I didn't buy one as I want to go for used and prepared to wait I did however buy Mrs BS tickets for Neil Diamond in Blackpool this July. Now able to hunt down a bass and tutor guilt-free. I love the idea of getting a new bass that closely resembles the old one (reminds me of my golfing days, "that club darling, that is old, had it ages" [/quote] Hey, she does the same with shoes... Good move on the tickets. It pays to keep them onside. As my wife regularly points out, I'm at least two vertebrae short of being self-sufficient.... You obviously have an iron will. I'm incapable of going into a guitar shop and walking out empty handed but go you - buying second hand will get you a lot more for your money. The only thing I'd add is that you might budget about £50-75 for a really good setup with a local luthier (not necessarily the bloke in the back room at the local shop). You might be lucky and get something that's already set up nicely - and if you buy on BC there's probably a better chance of that - but if not, spending a few pounds having a proper fret dress, clean, restring and set up will give you something that will be so much easier to play - and give you the confidence that if something doesn't sound right, you know it's technique you need to work on rather than trying to figure out whether it's you or the instrument...
  16. Thanks guys for all the encouragement and advice. Isn't it weird how things turn out. Having mentioned to a friend yesterday day morning that the band was no more, I get an email yesterday afternoon from a cousin of a friend of said friend (or some remote connection, anyway) who's just come out of one band and is looking to start another. I went round to see him last night and we got on like a house on fire. He plays bass and rhythm so we can share 4 and 6 String duties, he's been playing much longer than I have so there's a real opportunity to learn from him, the stuff he wants to do is really varied and - get this - even has a couple of jazz standards in it. Plus, he doesn't want to sing the whole gig so there's a chance to do a bit of singing. Of course, we may get into a room together for a rehearsal and be pants. He might turn out to be the band leader from Hell. He might object to my aftershave. Who knows? But it looks promising at the moment. Talk about one door closing and another one opening....
  17. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1420297742' post='2647746'] Hankering for some jazz?, fancy stretching yourself?,Hmmm sounds like we might have a promising DB newbie if you haven't gone down that route before? [/quote] Don't tempt me. I've even got the black polo neck and grew a goatee over Christmas.... damn, I've got GAS now Nice.....
  18. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1420379802' post='2648543'] With the buyouts they were doing up until recently I thought they were going to do that. Maybe that was the plan initially and they ran out of steam (or money). I really expected to see the GB stuff on the shelves with 'Fender' badges on it by now. [/quote] I believe there are four reasons to buy another company. 1) to get revenue (I.e. Buying a company that has strong revenue streams such as software, maintenance or royalty/licence fees) 2) to get technology (I.e. Buying a company for their patents/innovation 3) to get market share (by buying a strong brand that will continue to be promoted independently) or 4) to take out the competition. Given that GB had no revenue stream outside product sales, had limited patents and have now been taken off air, I can only assume that they were bought for reason 4.
  19. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1420377110' post='2648518'] Consensus. We have an Excel spreadsheet with a list of suggestions on, and each member gives a song green (yes), yellow (maybe), or red (no). Anything with reds by it doesn't go forward. We've been building a set up so out of pragmatism we've put some three-greens in front of some four-greens if they're quicker to learn. Sometimes a song gets mentioned in rehearsal that isn't on the list and if we agree on trying that, it gets added. Slightly haphazard but it works. [/quote] That's what we do. Sorry, did. And will do again one day! But that's what we did, anyway, and it seemed to work... The other rule was that it only went on to the spreadsheet if it was a song that was likely to be recognised by a decent proportion of the likely audience. So, no obscure album tracks or B sides
  20. Guys - thanks for the words of encouragement. Must admit, I was feeling a bit down about this earlier but now we've gone through the "who's got what bits of band kit and how much is it worth and how do we split it" discussion, I do feel a bit of a sense of relief. Six years has been a good run and I've liked the fact that we played a variety of stuff rather than stick to one niche. But at the same time, it was getting to the point where, instead of six years experience, it was more like one year's experience repeated six times. Certainly, I've not felt "stretched" for a while now. So I'll take the general wisdom of you all and chill for a bit, use the time to practice stuff I wouldn't normally play and keep my ears open for what might come along. There's a couple of jam nights locally so I might wander down and check those out. And, strangely, I've got a bit of a hankering for some jazz.....
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