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Everything posted by Jobiebass

  1. Wish my project bass was remotely playable cause I would have brought that. was gonna bring it anyways but TBH there isnt much point to stare at some paint on a slab of wood. Leaving the Jazz at home too cause im trading it for a OLP MM32 5er next week. im guessing the jazz is worth a bit more but i dont really have a place for it now and I wanna check out a 5er + double hum.
  2. Depends where in Leeds. Im really not a big fan of leeds, I hate the city center, its a one way nightmare! even with sat nav! Ive got mates around the hydepark area, I know where the skatepark is and thats about it, if there is pently of people up for it I dont mind driving up its only about 45mins-1hour
  3. [quote name='lwtait' post='194809' date='May 8 2008, 04:47 PM']has anyone thats going got that Yamaha BB with the humbucking pickup at the front? i think its the BB 714? i wouldn't mind hearing how one of those sound and how they are to play.[/quote] Bring your telebass, I didnt get to have a play when I was at your house. Still dont know if I can make it yet, if im not drunk/hungover when I wake up ill be there.
  4. Actually thats not as hard as I first imagined, thanks for all your help, I know exactly what I need now. TY!!!!!! ill tell you, if it wasnt for basschat id still have 2 pieces of wood in the shape of an old bass.
  5. £12, cheep as chips!! Cheers Jono!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. [quote name='Muppet' post='194642' date='May 8 2008, 01:10 PM']Don't worry it's not difficult, just the terminology is confusing. Soldering it all up is actually pretty simple too. You need 2 x pots. If you are ordering them then the Fender standard is '250k audio log'. Try to get ones manufactured by CTS. 1 x jack socket. Made by Switchcraft. 1 x 0.05uf capacitor. This is used for the tone circuit. Some wire - black and white usually! Bit of solder and a soldering iron. Most of your variation in tone will come from the types of pickups you are using, as well as string type and amp, rather than these parts.[/quote] im not bad with a soldering iron, you should have seen the soundsystem in my first ROVER mini, probably on par with my rig now lol. I just have no clue what parts to use but you really helped, thanks!!
  7. [quote name='neepheid' post='194590' date='May 8 2008, 12:32 PM'][url="http://www.seymourduncan.com/pdfs/support/schematics/std_pbass.pdf"]http://www.seymourduncan.com/pdfs/support/...s/std_pbass.pdf[/url] Make sure you get logarithmic or audio taper pots, linear pots are "all or nothing" to human ears.[/quote] Ooooo that helps a lot! Thanks!
  8. *runs of crying because ive got NO clue what anyone just said* its ok, if I go to this Nottingham meet up on sunday ill get someone to sit me in a corner with a dunce hat on while they run me through my A-B-C's
  9. [quote name='nottswarwick' post='167930' date='Apr 1 2008, 09:55 PM']I can bring my SR5, GandL 2500 and SR4. And my Mrkbass stuff if necessary/andyone wants to check it out?[/quote] oooo, make sure you do bring the sr5!!!!
  10. what numbers we talking now?? nottingham is only about an hour for me, so depends how drunk I get on saturday if I come or not (if I can drive or not) I could bring my 'ray and could bring bits of my project bass if your interested in the paintwork.
  11. Basicly I have some Pups from a MIM P which I may change later on, and thats it, its a passive P bass that im looking for. 1: can I buy the tone/volume/input all wired up and I just need to solder the pups on? 2: whats the diffrence between diffrent tone/volume controls? 3: Which do I go for?? Thanks for the help, this is the last piece of the puzzle that is my P bass build.
  12. Kate from Neon Plastix (might be slightly biased as shes a mate) [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmvUm4gFS5U"]Stalker[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wI8xra_XQ-s"]On fire (from some computer game soundtrack)[/url]
  13. "Tracy relieves him at the Space Station" LMFAO! If you have a corvette do you have to play it while speeding along listening to generic american road music?
  14. I ment "it was just a fuse" that blew, how noobish am I?
  15. Welcome to BassChat!!! ...Finally! lol,
  16. I gotta agree with you on the interesting stuff, they always have a new bass in there that takes my fancy, played a ray in there which was weighted a ton (which made me glad of my own) played a Rick which I really hated, played a lovely US Jazz 5 too, and I actually liked a Warwick they had in there, an unlined fretless standard Corvette thing. would have played nice if I could play unlined (oh wait im building an unlined. sh*t) Customer service in there is always great, always help me out and point me in the right direction.
  17. hummmm.... well I want one that fits more then anything, the control cavity seams to be pretty wide, the old scratchplate barely covers it. ill take the body into a guitar shop in the weekend and see if I can get one to match up. I need to pop in to see about some pots anyways, not sure if I need to buy it all seperate or I can just buy it all together already soldered.
  18. Oh yeah, and i might have that chess set off you lol. Me and my mate Friendly Pete Noramlly play drinking chess by drinking a shot for every pawn, and goes up to like 5 shots for the queen. gets messy quite quick.
  19. I know a drummer called Rob who hangs about with them. Most of my ex's are from doncaster! think how I FEEL!!! haha, although i do have a fair share from sheff too, i did slag about for a few years when I lived there. Yeah donny has electro but they have really rocketed their prices recently, £65 for a BAii bridge in chrome for example. I still buy all my gear from there or here on BC though. Yeah I tried looking for a 'ray in sheffield, I couldnt even find a OLP or a Sub nor mind a 'ray.
  20. [quote name='jono b' post='193890' date='May 7 2008, 02:35 PM']If you think £18 is too much, I suggest you buy the pickguard blank and try making it yourself, then see if you think £18 is too much.[/quote] lol, Ill make a total mess of it im sure, I failed Tech in 2000 (handed 2 pieces of wood in as my "project" lol), so im sure 8 years on I wont be any better. I really had no idea how much they were I just expected them to be all mass produced and wouldnt cost as much as they do. I guess im wrong.
  21. [quote name='stoo' post='193785' date='May 7 2008, 12:39 PM']I got some bits for my guitars here recently - [url="http://www.axesrus.com/axeplates.htm"]http://www.axesrus.com/axeplates.htm[/url][/quote] I checked that site the other day actually, but I just thought it was expensive, I mean, £18 for a black SP? then posting, hummm, seams a lot of a piece of plastic. its £10 just for the plastic which I also thinks quite expensive for what it is. Might wait around and see if anyones selling a 2nd hand one or if i get bored at the guitard shop this weekend I might pick one up if they have one in.
  22. Tried evil bay yeah, no luck unless I want it delivered from the states. yeah i guessed it wouldnt fit and would have some routing to do to make it fit, the old SP looks like they bought it, then routed it at the neck to make it fit anyways, so i was planning on doing the same. I dont think i trust myself routing the whole thing, Im pretty good at bodging things up, for example, I started screwing in the tuners, couldnt figure out why I was rounding the screws off, now ive gotta get more screws, drill tiny pilot holes and try again.
  23. [quote name='Sarah5string' post='193119' date='May 6 2008, 05:35 PM']Are there really that many around? I'm the only one I know of in our area![/quote] My Friend Kate is the Bassist for Neon Plastix, they are doing pretty well for themselves.
  24. Noooooooo!!! stay away from the clear SP, your getting an AWESOME bass, dont spoil it by putting on a clear SP. I suppose its personal preferance but I just think they look damn ugly. It just looks like a piece of plastic for protection, its like how stupid Id look in a helmet skateboarding. If this was mine (which I wish it was) Id either get some exotic wood or no SP at all. IMHO
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