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Everything posted by ML94

  1. Would some sound samples help ?
  2. The bass is a real eye catcher isn't it. As mentioned everything is perfect. The setup on this bass is low and very easy to play.
  3. [quote name='andybassdoyle' timestamp='1390164312' post='2342252'] What's the scale length please? [/quote] It's a 34"
  4. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1390158387' post='2342132'] I posted the other day about my thoughts regarding the low B string. When people say that they don't use the low B, then in my opinion they're not using the bass properly. The benefit of having a low B isn't just the new low notes, it shifts everything up so you can play everything up from the 6th fret onwards. Making position shifts unnecessary, and following charts or scores easier. The high C is personal. I've spent the last couple of hours transcribing one of Janek Gwizdala's songs. It's a lot easier having the high C string. I've only just started transcribing it, but there's a lot of high A's, B's and C's (9th, 11th and 12th fret on the C string). It's also really useful for chordal playing. I think it's best to have the string and only use it occasionally than not have it and miss it. If you're comfortable playing a 6 then why change ? [/quote] I guess the reason why I want to change is that I don't feel like I'm utilising it as well as I could be. Learning on a 4 string as many others do I always had the thought of more strings = better. But after experience, I can say it if you are utilising the extra strings well enough then yeah its the bass for you. Regarding your opinion on making some things easier, I've just performed the Laurence Cottle piece 'Quite Firm' and having the full 6 string range playing it effortlessly is a doddle.
  5. So I've had a 6 string bass for about 3 months, jumping from a standard jazz. I have to say when I first got it, it was brilliant. There was so much versatility as in playing in different places, being able to play up the octave and having a 2 octave neck. The active pickups and circuit produces any sound that I would like. Now after the 'new bass' phase, I started to get into making sure I knew the bass in the back of my hand. Again I've learnt it all. So I know my way around the bass, all the 6 strings and what not. I just keep feeling that yes sometimes the low B string is nice to go down the octave instead of going up but I'm not using the high C at all. Which brings me back to my 4 string bass which i Had sold. I just feel like more strings isn't really better. Just wanted to know if anyone else had gone through what I'm going through and what you did. ML
  6. [quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1390134494' post='2341745'] Topic over! [/quote] I guess it always dosent take pages of forum threads to get the best answer
  7. Hey guys I thought this would be a great discussion as I just started it with a mate and it still hasn't ended. It began with me saying 'I might just put some covers, original work on the tube and see what kind of responses I get. And my mate immediately responded with the 'get rich quick' scheme that everyone thinks when you upload this sort of material. I honestly wanted to put them on so I could get some feedback and i can't count how many times i couldn't play that 'lick' and Youtubed it and someone helped me out from there. But my mate wasn't having it saying it was a waste of time and if you want to promote yourself go and do it in person. Recently I contacted local studios I am a bass player and looking for some work. They have all responded with 'do you have any recordings/videos. , .Any youtube work'. I guess it's easier for people to just surf the tube and listen to you rather than having to travel down there etc etc. What do you guys think ?
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  10. Build upon your natural talent and I'm sure you get better (Well that's my plan)
  11. Will this also isolate say horn parts? So you can pick the frequency and then work whatever you want out?
  12. Rio funk by marcus miller it is a slap number but why not improve on your technique rather dodging it? i did it for a level and got full marks, also felt as if I was marcus by the end of it haha !
  13. I'm looking for some new music but whatever I search I end up already having on my iTunes list. What I'm looking for is soul music, not the 'soul' from the pop charts but REAL soul artists. People like the oldies e.g. Anita Baker. Anything that has a nice feel to it. I like the modern edge to some of the artists as well like Joss Stone who really can sing. I hope that makes a tiny bit of sense if not it's going to be a long night googling stuff :/
  14. [quote name='Hector' timestamp='1387573545' post='2313618'] Nice one Manraj, living the dream! [/quote] Haha thanks ! Getting there a step at a time
  15. Birmingham based if that helps. I have been on gumtree but can't find anything local that I'd be interested in
  16. Hey guys Quick question, where on the inter web can I post a 'bass player available' ad that will actually get some replies? I'm just looking to get together with more musicians and diversify my playing as well as enjoying myself. Also if there a gigging band even better! But something along the lines of that . Cheers ML
  17. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1387223721' post='2309621'] Where have you got into ? [/quote] Leeds college of music Quite chuffed with only hitting 3 years of playing this summer But I guess learning the 'right' stuff also helps !
  18. Just letting you guys know that I got in ! Loved the solo, walking and general feel of the pieces !
  19. We will have to see what I make of it tomorrow !
  20. The thing is when your being watched at an audition, for me I can play peices that I've learned before hand easily because the pressure dosent get to me. But when I'm soloing and new ideas are running in my mind I feel as I'm being critically assed on how great my solo is !
  21. What fretless is he using on the Reza video? It's got an amazing sound to it.
  22. Hey guys I've noticed that some days when I'm improvising over standards or anything with a chord progression, I have certain 'good' days and 'bad' days. If I'm playing autumn leaves one day with some ideas I think are the bomb. The next day over the same standard it'll sound choppy, processed and a little too static. What could this little issue be down to , too much thinking over the tune, not enough thinking? The reason why I'm worried about this is because I have some auditions for music college and I really wouldn't want a 'bad' improv day ! Cheers
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