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Posts posted by Ant

  1. [quote name='pantherairsoft' timestamp='1384351084' post='2275550']
    He has 3 custom units of mine on the bench at the mo, which will bring my total to 5 (plus the aux switch he made for my eventide - so kinda 6), plus I have his mind working over another for the new year... I'll have a COG board before long. Easily the easiest pedal builder to work with!

    quit hogging all the build time! hah

  2. i totally agree with what Si says about finding your own sound, but dissecting other peoples sounds that i liked and finding out how to recreate the elements i liked, really helped me in finding my own sound.

    so use it as a basis to find out how to create your own sounds, not like those dudes that just ape someones whole setup.

  3. i used to use a similar sound to the evil empire bass tone in an old old old band,

    i used my jazz bass (bridge pup solo) into a sansamp RBI (later swapped out for an Ampeg SVT II)

    i did have the old guv'nor for a while too but never used it with my ampeg.

    but my jazz bass into the ampeg SVT II non pro could sound exactly like the Evil Empire normal tone.

  4. i bought a flipster off a guy a while ago, didnt build it myself so no clue as to any differences he made in there, but it sounds pretty cool, but when you crank the gain it gets a bit too compressed and smooth, but can sound awesome and gnarly before that.

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