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Everything posted by lowdowner

  1. [quote name='Spike Vincent' timestamp='1349035617' post='1820999'] I have favourites that I wouldn't ever part with. [/quote] Spill the beans...
  2. So... loads of people on BC seem to be in the process of selling their bass (or at least one of their collection), and changing it to a new one... I *like* my bass enough to want to keep it. I was just wondering if anyone else was really happy with their bass and were planning on keeping it - and why?
  3. I made the mistake of playing Mark's Genz Benz Streamliner 900 and Bergantino 112s and that's was the deal done. My bass teacher had previously gone for the Streamliner 900 and the Vanderkley 2 x 112s and is really happy with them... they're both great setups ... enjoy
  4. *bump* it would be great if we could pin this one... it's a great idea of a thread and relevant every day
  5. I just emailed Mark at www.bassdirect.co.uk and he emailed me back straight away about stock and fitting - what a top-notch chap!
  6. http://store.hipshotproducts.com/cart.php?m=product_detail&p=72 for warwick (in black)! Right...
  7. [quote name='KiOgon' timestamp='1348935628' post='1819947'] Yes they work & I've had no problem with 2 or 3 different models on different basses. Not sure which will suit the Warwick, go to Hipshot.com for the full range. I've never paid £95 for one though! Cheerz, John [/quote] Thanks... turns out is is www.hipshotproducts.com though
  8. During lesson yesterday, my teach suggested that I de-tune my 4 string by a semitone so I could play MJ's 'Beat It' at a decently low octave (original is in Eb)... Rather than spending my time doing the de-tuning between numbers when gigging, I wondered if Hipshot d-tuners were a good solution, and whether anyone on here used them... and if they would fit on my Warwick Thumb? http://www.basscentre.com/hipshot-d-tuners/HipshotBT10.html Any comments welcome...
  9. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1348779108' post='1818213'] In the past few months I've changed the strings on all my bass guitars from high tension sets to low tension ones, and I'm still having to loosen the truss rod every now and then! So it's definitely something you should consider, as well as re-checking the intonation and, of course, the string height at the bridge and nut (if adjustable). [/quote] +1 for this but the other way around (stock to high tension). Mind you, the weird weather probably has a hand in this, together with the fact that I'm more conscious of the next bow now I've taken the plunge and fiddled with the truss... It's not as scary as you might think - all you need to do is remember to turn the rod in quarter turns at most each time so as not to strain the neck in one great over-tightening 'yank' and you'll be find. Turn (slightly) and then wait 12-24 hours and re-assess.
  10. Great - lesson this morning with teach... (alex_1_2_3 on here) and we went through a couple of tracks on my next set list. My wireless cable replacement arrived by courier and I wondered how I ever did without it... loverly
  11. [quote name='Joel McIver' timestamp='1348853864' post='1819222'] Glad you like it captain! [/quote] how's the truss rod looking?
  12. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1348785086' post='1818361'] I've found that this sort of hum (the sort that stops when you touch the strings) diminishes greatly or disappears completely when the control and pickup cavities are shielded with copper foil. Presumably this is because the pickups and wiring are being shielded from my big antenna of a body. [/quote] I've looked into the back where the battery compartment is and the electronics are exposed, and there is a small copper 'tab' on the edge of the compartment which is screwed into the woodwork, but there appears to be nothing attached to it... but there are no loose wires and the ground from the jack socket is soldered onto its pot correctly as far as I can tell. I'm not that fussed, it's not huge, I was just interested...
  13. [quote name='Fat Rich' timestamp='1348765965' post='1817960'] A lot of players just keep their fingers on the strings in between songs. I wouldn't worry about tin foil underpants unless you're in a Spinal Tap tribute band. [/quote] Now you're taking all the fun out of it!
  14. OK, i've just watched the video again - I can see the difference. It's *where* on the thumb that mutes the previous string(s). With the video example it looks like more than one string can be muted - which is good. Interesting....
  15. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1348764926' post='1817923'] No thats moving but anchored - floating is where the thumb never hits an anchor point but remains lightly (very lightly) resting on the strings:- [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPVMBPmrblU[/media] [/quote] Oh, that's what I thought floating was (thumb resting on previous string) - that's what I do... So 'floating' means the thumb is just waving around? Surely not??
  16. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1348764911' post='1817922'] A lot of people get this the wrong way round. The noise stops when you touch the strings because the bass is grounding you, not because you are grounding the bass. The human body is like a big antenna, so by being in close proximity to the electronics of your bass you induce a lot of noise. When you touch the strings you ground yourself and the noise disappears. Humans aren't normally grounded- that's why you occasionally get static shocks and have to wear those ESD bracelets when working on delicate electronics. You can reduce the noise by shielding the pickups and control cavity. [/quote] Oh, so if I ground myself (maybe a cable to a copper pin sunk in the ground) the hum would stop? I'm not going to go to the faff mind, but I'm really pleased to know what's actually going on. Mind you, I *could* be tempted to experiment with a tin foil pointy hat thing - I've seen them on films so they probably work?
  17. I have the Genz-Benz Shuttle 3.0 + 10T combination for small 'accoustic' gigs. It's small and light, and makes enough noise to surprise a lot of people. The sound quality is typical GB (really transparent). You can add an extension cab if you need (which raises the 175watts to 300watts). It has parametric mids, aux in, pedal send a return, line and mic level switchable input, DI output (as well as speakon for the extension cab), and the usual knobs... Good sound, light, built like a brick sh*t house, looks good, but... a bit expensive (£649 from BassDirect at the moment which is pretty good!) http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/Genz_Benz_Shuttle_3.0_10T_Combo.html Recommended
  18. [quote name='lettsguitars' timestamp='1348759166' post='1817830'] It's the earth buzz. Your strings are grounded and you are indeed the earth when you play. A lot of instruments will have an audible buzz when they are not earthed. It should be hardly noticable unless you plug into any equipment, amp,mixer etc that has a bad earth somewhere. [/quote] You're right about it being quiet - but like a lot of these things once you hear it you begin to notice it more and more. In some of our songs there are some silent breaks and I now rest my palm on the strings to silence them completely. If I don't I immediately hear the buzz! Just wanted to check it wasn't a wiring issue which it sounds like it's not
  19. Floating - my teacher drilled this into me from day 1 and now it's second nature... I see Scott Devine says the same... it's useful for muting as well as balance
  20. nice tatts! Perhaps tattoos are part of the stereotype? I have them too... dunno... Having looked at the photo I think you look like a bassist too, but I can't put my finger on it....
  21. [quote name='KingBollock' timestamp='1348691852' post='1817082'] In the summer I was in a Guitar shop somewhere on the Welsh coast. I looked around and commented to my wife (quite quietly but there was only her, me and the shop owner in there) that there was only one Bass in the whole place. The shop owner nodded and said "Bass player, I knew it! I thought when you came in that you looked like a Bass player.". I took it as a complement. [/quote] Surely, *SURELY* you asked him how he knew i.e. what he recognised in you? Go on, spill the beans....
  22. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1348691255' post='1817067'] I fit into that stereotype pretty well, except i'm NOT that intelligent [/quote] You may have an alternative intelligence (such as 'emotional intelligence' or what not)
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