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Posts posted by Oopsdabassist

  1. 9 hours ago, mangotango said:

    On which subject...

    Taking A Little Trip Back With Father Tiresias.

    Being a serious Genesis fan in my youth (losing interest with the 3-piece pop group version, even though they named an album after me), after having followed this thread, I looked up SH with Nad Whatsit on YouTube, just so I could see what all the fuss was about. Not too much, from what I could see.

    Anyway, while I was there, I saw various other Genesis items on the YouTube sidebar;  one of which was the live version of I Know What I Like from Bingley Hall. Now I actually did go to that show, so I thought that I'd check it out.  Thing is, someone I know swore blind that he'd seen me in the film of that gig.......yeh, right. 

    SO I watched it......


    ...and there, at 45 seconds, as the crowd rises up when Phil Collins starts to sing, there's a young guy with glasses on who throws up his arms...



    ....and it's an 18 year-old Mangotango, (with both a hairline and a waistline, unlike now), and all of his life ahead of him....... hadn't seen that before last night and it made me want to weep for no known reason. Not for the Genesis track at all, I can assure you.

    On a totally unrelated side note, how do you manage to embed a youtube video paused at the correct moment?  I've tried a number of times and it never works.

  2. 17 hours ago, Lozz196 said:

    Both of those were my locals years ago. I only live some 500 metres from them, obviously far enough away for my deaf ears to not hear the bands 🤣

    Me too mate, but I reckon my 'years ago' were further back than yours lol!

    Went into White Hart a few years back, they still had the throne chair at the back, but the fireplace was gone...WTF???  I should never have gone in :(

  3. Blimey Lozz, I never realised just how punishing your band schedule was, I feel for ye bud, but rest assured a man of your calibre won't be bandless for long, its just a case of finding the right balance.  Congrats for getting to where you are now, and good luck for the future.



  4. The UK Pink Floyd Experience on Sat, tickets bought by my daughter for our wedding anniversary, so had not heard of these guys and didn't know what to expect.  I have to say they absolutely nailed the sound and visuals of Pink Floyd, even using what looked like the actual video reels and projection screen from the later Floyd tours. I was a tad disappointed with the lead guitarist who flubbed a line in Money, but found out later in the evening that he had only been with the band for 3 weeks and had learned the whole 2.5 hour set in that time....Impressed I was!



  5. 2006 P with a Kiogon loom, Hipshot D tuner and a custom pickguard from Gig.ink.

    Picture doesn't do it justice, it's a gorgeous shade of champagne gold and the back of the neck is starting to mellow into a deeper shade of yellow too.  Its also got a 60 years of Fender neck plate, but I'm not sure if that is original as I thought they were only put on American fenders.  If anyone can enlighten me I'd be obliged.


    • Like 2
  6. Mike Oldfield, Far Above The Clouds from TB III, hairs standing up, shivers down my spine, and tears of Joy......every.....single ....time.

    When that 1st bell hits...its like a punch in the chest!


    I must have heard this thousands of times since 1998, its even been the ring tone on my phone for the last 5 years.

    I honestly believe this is the most entrancing, inspiring piece of musical art I have ever experienced.


    • Like 2
  7. Saw Stonebroken supporting Cheap Trick a couple of years  back at the O2 Forum Kentish Town, they sounded excellent, clear and loud, you could hear every word being sung and feel every bass note.  When Cheap Trick came on I reckon the sound engineer just maxxed everything and ran for the hills!!  Without doubt the worst show I have ever watched, even with my earplugs in it was painful, I had no idea what songs were being played, I went outside about halfway through and I swear there were more people out there.  Only stayed till the end cos my mate is a Cheap Trick fanboi and we had travelled together.

  8. I've 3 planet waves cables with green molded plugs that I bought about 12 years ago, I had no idea what I was buying at the time, but they just keep going, by comparison one of the guitarist was grumbling at last rehearsal as one of his leads was playing up again, he only got it back in May...and the one in his pedal board is a straight out jack with 45 degree bend in it where he kicked it by mistake!!


    I might offer to get him some OBBM custom leads :)


  9. 24 minutes ago, Davo-London said:

    I like to watch it to see how many Precision players there are per show.  Plus, methinks you're all being a bit harsh.  True, Jools can't interview for toffees and he does have some spectacularly awful acts from time to time.  But hey, since Old Grey Whistle Test - what has there been?  Bring back Whispering Bob.



    Amen to that brother

    • Like 3
  10. Barefaced 2 x10 cab, simply the best piece of music gear I have ever bought. It replaced an Eden 410xlt, sounds better and weighs less than 1/3 of the Eden. It is without doubt the mutts nutts!!

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