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Posts posted by Oopsdabassist

  1. Ooh.... last weekend went to see 'Tubular Bells for Two' locally, basically a pair of mad aussies who thought it would be a great idea to do Tubular Bells live...just the 2 of em!

    Extensive use of loopers and adrenaline and they were both wringing wet by the end.  Supported by gypsyfingers, who I had never heard of, a kind of acid Clannad which was most entertaining, with the added bonus of being co fronted by Luke Oldfield...son of aforementioned Tubular bells creator.


    Bass player Simon Hedges was utterly mesmerising, leaping around the stage barefoot gurning like mad and never missing a beat, on a Ric seemingly held together with gaffer tape!!


    • Like 1
  2. 9 hours ago, davepb24 said:

    Seem to be a handful I often pull off the shelf...

    The Cult "Dreamtime"

    Joy Division "Closer"

    All About Eve debut album

    Fields Of The Nephilim "The Nephilim" (specifically side 2 for those who can remember when a disc had tunes on both sides 🙂 )

    FOTN...great stuff...love Celebrate as its almost all bass :) and picked too...its a workout for me as a mainly fingerstyle player!




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  3. 4 hours ago, dontregartha said:

    In the end I said I would sing (not easy when playing disco/funk) but in the event the other singer stepped up and saved the day.


    I'd say you dodged a bullet there Don, I've heard you sing at one of Lester's bashes...you are just like me!!!

    • Haha 1
  4. On 05/04/2019 at 11:02, Nicko said:

    How You Remind Me by Nikelback and Rocks by Primal Scream are so dull my mind used to wander and I'd completely lose my place.

    Almost anything by Biffy Clyro sounds easy - mostly root notes but theres always tricky timing.  Times Like These by the Foos, again tricky timing in an otherwise easy song.

    Its the 7/8 time that used to mess up our guitarist, rest of us had no issues with that... I love Rocks, so much energy..I never cared it was a simple line!!

  5. I feel your pain bud, Our singer turned up to gig last night with

    a) the PA unit I told him to buy

    b) a pair of PA stands

    c) assorted cables


    I had to source the Monitors and the Lead Guitarist borrowed 2 powered speakers from his sons band.....


    Guess who had to wire it all up and then get moaned at because my bass rig wasn't set up when singist wanted to do soundcheck! 🤔


  6. On 25/03/2019 at 18:47, hiram.k.hackenbacker said:

    I’m not sure if there’s any interest, but since this thread seems to have at least a few Genesis fans already, I’ll post it here if allowed.

    I’ve been through my ‘live recordings’ of Genesis, of which I have many, and dicovered I have a few duplicates. In the spirit of how I came to be in possession of them, I don’t want anything for them and I’m happy to pass them on with the understanding that the recipient won’t sell them either.

    I’ll post the dates/titles when I get in from rehearsal tonight.

    Most of them were converted from lossless (flac) to audio CD, so they’re probably a bit better quality than what’s on You Tube.

    Any interest?

    Ooooh yes please!!

  7. 1 hour ago, Len_derby said:

    I played with the blues trio last night in a small brewery in Burton on Trent.

    This was for a birthday party. The brewery has a dedicated stage area, decent PA and a competent sound engineer, plus a tap room/bar. The Tower Brewery.

    The man whose birthday it was said,  "there's a tab at the bar for you lads, enjoy yourselves."

    A night to remember.

    We were up Burton way last night too, Corporate gig at the Hilton at St George (England footy training ground apparently) Free food, beer and lodgings, played for about an hour at 11pm and sat in the foyer drinking beer and watching all the drunk Hooray Henrys and Henrietta's staggering round in circles trying find their rooms until about 3am.

    Wonderful atmosphere while we were playing, dropped a few notes watching the antics on the dancefloor, and generally had a whale of a time......Roll on next year!

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  8. On 03/03/2019 at 15:26, upside downer said:

    It was either Public Image by PiL or Stepping Stone by The Sex Pistols (Monkees cover).

    I never knew this Pistols had covered Stepping Stone...gotta go look for that now!!


    Being a late starter mine was With or Without You, U2, although I knew right from the start that the bass didn't follow the guitar on Smoke On The Water!!   I've been humming the bass lines to songs since about 1971!

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