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Posts posted by tauzero

  1. 3 hours ago, Norris said:

    That's another thing. Just because you have a low B now, you don't have to spend the whole gig down there. Personally I just play "normal" 4 string range parts using the 5th string to make life easier on some trickier bits, and then hit the "brown notes" sparingly for more impact 


    Same here. I'll use the B string for the occasional low D as a fill note when playing to a G chord, and for a beefier sound when I want it.


    I had a fretless 5 for a while in the 90s, didn't particularly get on with it, and couldn't find a 5 with a neck that I liked anywhere near as much as the slim and shallow neck on my '87 Thumb until I happened to buy an Antoniotsai bass purely on a whim from Vietnam. It so happened that I also bought a Squier 5 at the same time, a Super Special or something, P body with J pickups. The Antoniotsai came and the Squier went straight away. That was 2007 and after a bigamous period of a year or so, I went fully 5.


    Now I still have the Thumb 4 (and a fretless equivalent) and an acoustic 4, the other 20+ are 5s or 6s (plus a 7, 10, and 12). I take the 4s out now and again to open mics, which keeps me on my toes. I completely agree with @lozkerr that just because you can use 5-string fingering doesn't mean you must. In fact, playing Oasis's "Don't look back in anger", I find myself alternating between 4 and 5 fingering, partly in order to stay awake.

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  2. Consider this: it's pretty easy to work out how thick a shim needs to be to raise/lower strings by a set amount, or how much strings will be raised/lowered by for a given thickness of shim. Basic geometry. You need to know the distance between where the shim will be in the neck pocket and the front of the neck pocket (the point about which the neck will pivot). The ratio of the neck length (nut to bridge) to this distance is the ratio of the string displacement to the shim thickness.


    Worked example: neck length 865mm, distance between front of neck pocket and rear screw holes (where the shim is going) 45mm, shim 0.25mm thick. 865/45 = 19 approx. 19 * 0.25 = 4.75mm. This assumes a metal shim that doesn't flatten and that the area over which the shim sits doesn't deform, reducing the effective thickness of the shim.


    So 0.25mm of shim is all that's needed to raise the strings nearly 5mm.

    • Like 1
  3. I have been a leaver from a club band, to do more rocky stuff, and subsequently rejoined to help them out. They did sort out a full-time replacement, then needed me in to dep again for a while.


    The band I left to join dumped me so they could get a mate of the lead guitarist and drummer's in. Some years down the line (a few months ago), they wanted to re-recruit me. However, in the meantime, B****t had happened with me taking a very different viewpoint to them and it was rather obvious from various Facebook posts by some members just how racist they were, so I politely declined.

    • Like 1
  4. I'd start by getting the tuner off the bass - however, I think if you rotate the bit that the string goes into clockwise (to loosen the string) it may push the worm gear out more. If so, you could try turning that bit anticlockwise and see if it pushes the shaft that the key goes onto out far enough to be able to thread the screw up.

  5. Looking at the manual, if you are in the MEMORY screen, you can select a patch from (presumably) the current bank of 3 using footswitches 1-3, and if you are in the EFFECT screen you can turn effects on and off with buttons 1-3.

    • Thanks 1
  6. On 20/03/2024 at 13:19, rwillett said:

    Ant guidance welcomed.


    An ant writes: I don't think there is any sonic advantage to either method - none of my basses have pickguards and the pickups all work fine, OTOH Precisions are well thought of for some reason and hanging the pickup off the pickguard doesn't seem to harm their sound. Have you considered a sliding pickup, a la Gibson Grabber or Westone Rail? Perhaps run a length of 2020 Al extrusion up each side with T-nuts for the pickup to secure to and star knob bolts to allow easy moving and securing in position.

    • Like 1
  7. Sorry to hear of these diagnoses.


    As well as BC, there are some bass specialist shops that could be worth sounding out - Bass Direct, Bass Bros, The Bass Gallery. The first two are quite close to each other, in Warwick and Leamington Spa respectively.

  8. 3 hours ago, Jackroadkill said:

    "Commensurate with age".  Swallowed a dictionary, have we?  Used gear is used gear.


    It depends on the instrument as well. My 1987 Warwick is almost perfect whereas a Fender of the same age would look as if someone had dug a garden up with it.

    • Like 1
  9. 13 minutes ago, MiltyG565 said:

    *On a set, somewhere in Hollywood, Paul Rudd is surrounded by computers in a darkly lit room, his friends Squabbling*

    Director: “Aaand ACTION!”

    Rudd, pacing around, frustratedly: “….GUYS! We need to stop fighting. Can’t you see!? This is exactly what the scammer wants! United we stand, divided we fall! We need to focus and find a way to stop him!”

    Meg Ryan: “You’re right, Paul (or whatever your character’s name is)! We need to find a way to stop him! But how…?”

    Keanu Reeves: “Why don’t we block his IP address… but this time… we simply don’t care about the unintended consequences?”

    Rudd, gleefully strutting towards a whiteboard: “You’re right! We shouldn’t care!” *scribbles some nonsense on a board while quickly talking about technical components of a network* “…and it might just work!”

    Generic computer whizz teenager, glasses, 17 screens arranged in a globe around him, furiously typing away: “I’m into the mainframe!”

    Everyone: “what?”

    Rudd: “Mate, you didn’t need to do that, just fkn block the IP address, and then let’s get a pizza”

    Whizz: “but anybody could do that, what’s my contribution?”

    Ryan: “You are the heart of this operation”

    They all hug, go for pizza, and then never think about how many people couldn’t access their website ever again, amen.

    *end credits*


    There will be an IP address on a screen which will be something like 218.576.326.113.

    • Haha 1
  10. 2 hours ago, nightraven said:

    LOL, I was a forum mod over on Ultimate-Guitar many many years ago (at age 17), and in extreme situations IP bans were used. Sure, people can get around them if they wish to, but ultimately the fight against spammers and scammers alike comes down to making it inconvenient for them to operate on your platform. If someone got caught in the cross-fire, they could still make an appeal in what was called the 'forum of the banned'. Far from a perfect solution, but we're talking almost 20 years ago. Get a grip, please — you're not performing brain surgery from your cosy WfH desk. 


    Wow. Someone with leet haxor skillz. It's nice to see the script kiddies at play.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  11. 41 minutes ago, Woodinblack said:

    The form is probably doable, but it still relies on people filling it in properly


    If it has "Number of strings" and a drop-down with the numbers 4-7 and "Other", and a "Fretted?" with yes and no radio buttons, and "Headed?" with yes and no buttons, it should be fairly simple to fill in. HTML allows all those. Would you want to buy a bass from someone who couldn't manage to fill that in properly?

    • Haha 2
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