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Posts posted by tauzero

  1. 3 hours ago, itsmedunc said:

    I have sinned. I’ve got two rather large packages containing errrrmmmmusical items arriving tomorrow. Booked to arrive on the only safe day of the week. The day that the Mrs is out all day! Hooray!😁

    She has just informed me that she will be working from home all day tomorrow. Boo! 😬 I really don’t know how I’m going to explain a PA cab and a flight case arriving on the doorstep 😳 I’m going to have to go down the no comment route aren’t I? 😂


    Looking after it for a friend.


    PS. This does require that you have a friend, so make sure you're properly equipped in that department.

    • Haha 3
  2. We won't gig for ridiculously low money (we think we're worth £75 apiece minimum) but we'll do the odd charity gig (where we know the charity) and very occasional lowball. We're by no means precious about anything, and we are genuinely surprised when audience members tell us after a gig that we're the best band that's played there ever/for ages/since last week.

    • Like 3
  3. On 28/03/2024 at 22:16, Clarky said:

    For those who posted unsmiley responses to my suggestions re: Don't look back in Anger and Everybody needs somebody, its maybe not the song so much as their amazing power to cause a headlong rush to the dance floor from lagered-up lads (who normally prefer to booze rather than dance), knocking everyone aside, leaving a trail of death and destruction and lots of bro-hugging.


    That's just reminded me of another absolutely dreadful pile of crap - Lip Up Fatty by Bad Manners. Dance floor rammed with people doing imitations of Spotty Dog from the Woodentops.

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 3
  4. On 28/03/2024 at 11:56, Phil Starr said:

    Oh come on C is 262, Bis 247Hz maybe the pub only employ guitarists who tune to Eb :)



    C0 = 16.35Hz
    C1 = 32.7Hz
    C2 = 65.4Hz
    C247 = 3.7 x 10^75 Hz


    Slightly above the range of human hearing, and probably won't be reproduced too faithfully by the average PA speaker.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  5. 17 hours ago, Phil Starr said:

    I'd also be looking at the microphones first. What is their pickup pattern, cardioid or super cardioid? The former may be picking something up from the sides but not from down the barrel. the latter is more likely to be getting it from along the axis of the mic and not from the sides.


    At a recent gig, the second guitarist's mic (for BVs) was feeding back rather readily. I noticed that although it was behind the FOH speaker, due to his pedalboard he'd got it angled at coming on for 45 degrees towards that side - he was quite close to the speaker too. At mid-session interval I got him to adjust the mic position so it was pointing about 45 degrees away instead (cardioid mic) and that reduced the feedback issue considerably. I'm not sure that would have come to mind as a possible cause had the issue of cardioid and hypercardioid polar patterns not come up in here recently.

    • Like 2
  6. Another vote for Red Red Whine - indeed, any of UB40's later cod-reggae covers, especially "I Got You Babe" - if you can't play 3/4 time, just don't bloody play songs written in it.


    Continuing the red theme, "Little Red Corvette" and "Raspberry Beret". Irritating trite little ditties.

    • Like 4
  7. Yes. An acrylic bass, 5-string with LEDs. One of the LEDs at the 24th fret didn't work so they sent me out a replacement neck. That was Music Zoo. Quality was good, fretwork well finished. It's a passive bass so no issues with preamp. I'll be replacing the strings at some point but they're usable.

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