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Posts posted by tauzero

  1. On 02/04/2024 at 19:44, Chienmortbb said:

    There is a problem with Android. There are multiple manufacturers and the OS is controlled by another company (Google). So its like the wild west in terms of policing Android distribution. With iOS it is one stop manufacturer and OS provider so much less support needed. The platform is stable and reliable.


    I am not saying Apple are perfect but most  of the Pro Audio software and DAWs are on Apple devices as they have prioritised audio visual performance. I have an Lenovo Android tablet which takes over 1 second to respond.  That makes it unusable.


    That's a truly awful excuse for Zoom's failure to support Android. The app is a library app, it's not an audio app. There are defined classes to deal with everything that would be required of it, so there's no excuse for not producing the app. And just because you've got a crap tablet doesn't mean that 99.999% of Android users don't have tablets or phones that work an awful lot better - my elderly cheap Huawei tablet, for example. Other manufacturers support Android - Behringer do for the X-Air series, Nux for their Mighty Plug, M-Vave for their wireless MIDI.

    • Like 3
  2. 9 hours ago, dave_bass5 said:

    Ah cool. I was just going by the spec on Amazon. It thought i read both were 8 hours. 
    i too will be pretty much right next to an amp so its more to stop treading on cables rather than to go walkabout. 

    EDIT. I can see now the WS50 is rated 5 hours. That would worry me slightly so I’ll stick with the 90. 


    I use my WS-50 at an open mic night - plug it in and switch it on about 8:15pm and turn it off about 11pm. I've also used it for various gigs where it's switched on for 3 hours or so, and used to use it in rehearsals with one band where I'd use it for two 3-hour rehearsals on one charge. Looking at the Amazon specs, the WS-50 was released in 2019 and the WS-90 in 2022. Mind you, the WS-90 still has micro USB on it which is a slight annoyance with the WS-50, especially as the MS-1 IEM wireless is USB-C so they can obviously do it if they try. I suspect that the shorter range and the longer battery life are related. The WS-90 does have four switchable channels which would be useful if more than one band member was using them, and possibly would be useful if there was interference on one channel.

  3. 6 hours ago, Stub Mandrel said:

    There seems to be considerable confusion between the roles of a producer and a sound engineer.


    That said, I can imagine that inexperienced bands in a studio with an experienced engineer can get and benefit from more than just technical advice.


    I think it boils down to the engineer aspect being the recording of the instruments and voices, and the producer aspect being putting them all together in a pleasing way. Both may be subject to a degree of interference by the musicians involved, especially the latter.

  4. On 03/04/2024 at 10:39, MacDaddy said:

    There is a difference between perfect tuning and well tempered tuning.


    And there's bad-tempered tuning, when the guitarist sulks because he's been told he's got to use the digital tuner too.

    • Haha 2
  5. 7 hours ago, Rich said:



    Nice idea, however the tiny flaw in the plan is that I don't think there are many branches of B & Q in the OP's part of the USA... 


    Should have mains cable or bell wire at Home Depot.

  6. PS. If making your own, you need to make sure the leads are connected with the same polarity. So the tip of one plug must be connected to the tip of the other plug - easy if you've got cable with (say) one red and one black core.

  7. Can't see any Speakon sockets on the back of the amp, difficult to make out the recess in the speakers but I don't think there were Speakons in there either. You could probably manage right-angle jacks at the amp end but the speaker ends would almost certainly have to be straight jacks. It might be easier to have straight jacks at both ends if you're using thick wire. Bell wire or mains cable will do the job.

  8. 1 hour ago, Mykesbass said:

    I would have thought asking their opinions on the musical style would be wrong, but asking on technical issues (how to create the sound you are after in the studio for example) would be very sensible. 


    I meant along the lines of "how good do you think we are?", which I cringed internally at when Mrs Zero asked it of one engineer/producer (I'll stop saying "cum", it evidently evinces a strange reaction in those without the benefit of a grounding in Latin).

  9. 2 hours ago, Supernaut said:

    I have sent you a private message. 

    Unbelievable that you would insult someone you don't know and for what gain? 


    No you haven't.


    I may not know you but I have read your posts. Not taken in by your fake pearl-clutching.

  10. 19 minutes ago, Dad3353 said:


    Yes, that works well, connecting Hartke amps to Hartke cabs... not..! -_-




    :lol: :P


    "I only have one instrument cable so I'm in the market for a couple more."


    Didn't they teach you to always read the question fully before answering?

    • Thanks 1
  11. Back to studio etiquette, and I would say that asking the engineer-cum-producer ( @cheddatom - how do you refer to yourself?) to give an opinion of your band is bad form. If the opinion is offered, fair enough (after all, they're not going to say you're shit so if they give an opinion, it's going to be good).

  12. Pack away gear - as I am also PA man, getting all the leads into the case probably takes most time. By the time I've packed up my stuff, the guitarists are fully packed away and the drummer mostly done, so they help with the load out to the car. Then home and some alcohol. I do drink some alcohol at gigs most of the time, but no more than two pints and quite often just one. I still get the post-gig buzz.

    • Like 1
  13. 9 hours ago, Baloney Balderdash said:

    I am not entirely certain, but my best guess is that "KG" is referring to the official abbreviation of Kilogram (measurement unit for mass aka weight), and combined with the "-up" a reference to your weight going up, due to intake of McDonald's food.



    Which would work, except that the official abbreviation of kilogram is kg, not KG, which would be Kelvin Gauss.

  14. 22 minutes ago, Angel said:

    Goodness me, what a horrendous advert for bass playing! As mentioned previously, I do like technical/gifted players, but that was just a ton of horrendous, poor-quality-sound widdle. Don't think I bothered to watch it all, I just skipped to each player to see who he liked. 


    Indeed. I got as far as Bakithi Kumalo (whose playing on Graceland I absolutely love) and decided to give up (unless Daryl Jones was after him, in which case that's how far I got). They sound far better in context. This reminded me of



    • Like 2
  15. 52 minutes ago, diskwave said:

    Rubbish and wind ur flippin neck in. You wanna diss all those classic tunes that people like you now have to "sample" to make yoiur music right, go ahead. But you will never ever better what came before so wind it in. And with that I bid you good day sir. Tho no doubt youll have the last word. I will not be responding.


    How is saying that some people can't or don't use digital tuners dissing classic tunes? You really are making several mountains out of a grain of sand, just because you use a pitch pipe (oh f*cking la de da).

  16. 3 hours ago, itsmedunc said:

    I have sinned. I’ve got two rather large packages containing errrrmmmmusical items arriving tomorrow. Booked to arrive on the only safe day of the week. The day that the Mrs is out all day! Hooray!😁

    She has just informed me that she will be working from home all day tomorrow. Boo! 😬 I really don’t know how I’m going to explain a PA cab and a flight case arriving on the doorstep 😳 I’m going to have to go down the no comment route aren’t I? 😂


    Looking after it for a friend.


    PS. This does require that you have a friend, so make sure you're properly equipped in that department.

    • Haha 3
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